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The Crucible 

Study Guide
Respond to all prompts in complete sentences unless noted. (List = bullet points for answers, for analytical
paragraphs = PEEER paragraphs)
Act I
1. List out Betty’s symptoms (and then Ruth’s) and continue to add to the list as you read the Act.
2. Throughout the Act, the events from the forest are revealed.  List out these events as you read the Act.
3. Analyze Parris’ and Abby’s confrontation by answering the following questions:  What does Parris
question Abby about?  What does Abby confess to?  What does Abby deny?  Is she believable?  How does
Parris respond?
4. What does Mrs. Putnam believe happened to her babies?  According to her, why is Ruth silent?
5. Examine the Putnams’ character as revealed through stage directions and their own words.
6. Consider Proctor and Abby’s relationship by answering the following questions:  What happened between
John Procter and Abigail before the play starts?  How does Procter regard Abigail now?  What does Abigail
want of Procter?
7. In a compare and contrast chart, list three adjectives describing Abigail with Parris (10-12), the Girls (18-
20), and Proctor (21-24).  In an analytical paragraph, evaluate her ability to manipulate others.
8. Throughout pages 24-32 the characters squabble over long standing frustrations.  List out opinions of each
of the following characters:  Proctor, Parris, Putnam, Giles, Mrs. Putnam, Rebecca.
9. How does Hale describe the Devil and his ways?  What attitude does Hale have toward the devil?
10. What new information about the woods does Abby reveal?  What does Abby accuse Tituba of?  Why does
she accuse Tituba?
11. Examine Hale’s character in how he treats each of these women: Betty, Abigail, and Tituba.
12. Analyze Tituba’s confession.  Why does she confess?  What does she confess to?  Is she sincere?  
13. Evaluate the last scene of the Act and predict the possible events to come.
14. While watching Act I of the film version of The Crucible, take notes on your observations.  In particular,
note the differences between the script you read and the screenplay of the film.
15. After watching Act I of the film version of The Crucible, write an analytical paragraph evaluating the
experience of reading the play aloud in class compared to watching the film version.
The Crucible movie on Youtube Starring Winona Rider (1996)

Act II
1. Consider Proctor and Elizabeth’s relationship.  In all these answers, go beyond the affair.
Answer each question in a complete sentence:  What does Elizabeth ask Proctor to do?  What is Proctor’s response
to her request? Why is Elizabeth angry and mistrustful with Proctor?  What are Proctor’s responses to her mistrust?  
In an analytical paragraph, discuss the characteristics of Proctor and Elizabeth’s interaction.  
2. What is your opinion of the Court as seen throughout Act II?   In your answer, evaluate the evidence that is
considered by the Court.  Consider the testimony, the questions, the events, the arrests, and the girls’ reactions
in your response.
3. Analyze Mary Warren’s character in her conversation with the Proctors.  In your answer, consider her
views of witches, the court, and her role at the court.
4. How does the town view Abigail in this Act?  How does Abigail view her actions with the Court?
5. In a analytical paragraph, analyze Proctor’s character by comparing and contrasting his relationships with
Elizabeth and Abigail.  Think through Proctor’s behavior and attitude with each to develop thoughts.  
6. What doubts does Judge Samuel discuss with Judge Thomas Danforth?  What response does Judge Thomas
Danforth give to Judge Samuel’s doubts?
7. Which commandment does Proctor forget?  Why is this ironic?
8. How does Proctor challenge Rev. Hale’s ideas about witchcraft in Salem?      
9. What is Rebecca Nurse accused of?  Why is it key that she has been accused?
10. What is important about the poppet that Mary gave to Elizabeth?  Explain in detail the situation developing
around the poppet, Mary, Elizabeth, and Abigail.  
11. Interpret the meaning of Proctor’s speech at the end of Act II.  See page 205 in textbook as needed.  
12. Describe the changes in Rev. Hale (attitude, opinion, beliefs) from Act I to Act II.
1. Discuss the role of evidence throughout Act III by completing the handout.  For each piece of evidence
 explain what the evidence is.
 discuss the importance of the evidence to the Trial.
 describe how the Court responds to the evidence.
2. Create a Character Sketch for each of the following characters:  Francis Nurse, Giles Corey, John Proctor,
Judge Danforth, Judge Hathorne, Rev. Hale, Rev. Parris, Abigail Williams, Mary Warren, Elizabeth Proctor.
List actions, beliefs, motives, and intentions on handout.
3. Compare and contrast how Proctor and Abigail attempt to influence Mary’s decision concerning her
Deposition.  Be sure to include the results of each attempt.  
4. Formulate a personal opinion concerning the Court of Salem as seen in Act III.  Defend ideas with specific
textual evidence.
5. What does Proctor mean when he says “I say -- I say -- God is dead!”?
6. Why does Hale state “I denounce these proceedings, I quit this court!”?
7. Dansforth states his opinion about the crime of witchcraft on pgs 215-216.  Use what he says here to
explain his choices and actions in Act III.  
Act IV
1. Answer the following questions:
 How does Giles Corey’s story end?  Why are Giles’ actions noble?
 How does the town view Abigail now?
 What concerns does Judge Samuel state to Danforth?  What is Danforth’s response?  
 How does Abigail’s story end?  
 Which three people are scheduled to hang at dawn?  Why are these three important?
2. Compare and contrast the tactics used by Hale and Danforth to convince Elizabeth to talk to Proctor.
3. Discuss the revelation Elizabeth has about herself.  Explain how her revelation resolves the friction
between Elizabeth and John.
4. Proctor is pressured to confess and save his life.  List out what each of the following characters thinks
about a confession from Proctor.  Include their reasons for and/or against the confession: Proctor, Elizabeth,
Parris, Hale, Danforth, Rebecca.
5. Explain the revelation Proctor has about himself.  In your response, consider how his revelation resolves
his internal conflict.
6. In an analytical paragraph evaluate the significance of Elizabeth’s last words in the play: “He have his
goodness now.  God forbid I take it from him!”
7. What is significant about ending the film with The Lord’s Prayer?
The Play as a Whole
1. John Proctor’s story follows that of the Tragic Hero (definition in textbook glossary).  Analyze how Proctor
is (or is not) a Tragic Hero.  Define what a Tragic Hero is and use examples from the text to support your
2. Title:  Explain the significance of the title, The Crucible.  What new insight into the play does
understanding the title offer?  

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