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 Imagine yourself in the position of Faustus but in this modern age, what would you give up for
your soul? What would be worth the loss of something precious?
 Explain also how your choices and exchanges compare to Faustus’ own. What might these
modern equivalents be to the soul, the devil, knowledge, and earthly power as depicted by
Marlowe in the renaissance? Explain how/why your choices and conversations compare to those
of Faustus.
 What do these things have in common with the soul, the devil, knowledge, and earthly power
that Marlowe wrote about during the renaissance? Explain how and why your deal is like these
terms from the renaissance.

If I would be in the position of Faustus, one thing I’ll give up my soul for is to be able to turn back time
when I’ve made a bad decision and correct them like how Faustus wanted the power that was greater
than the king or emperor which god only poses similar to what I wish to be in this is a far-fetched dream
that cannot be attained in scene 1 act 3 I can relate to his logic even if it was an illogical thing to think as
a Christian catholic I was deeply affected by this stanza;

Seeing Faustus hath incurred eternal death.

By desperate thoughts against Jove's deity,

Say, he surrenders up to him his soul.

His idea of surrendering his soul or his being is similar to how he traded theology, philosophy, law, and
medicine for magic, similarly, I’m willing to abandon the present my achievement what I have built and
gained to restart and correct my wrong decision that I have long kept buried at the back of my mind just
like Faustus abandoning the mortal rules and fear of god I too am willing to restart a new in my old life.
The choices I made back then were somewhat like Faustus blinded by power and knowledge driven by
his own belief I cast a lot of things, including my career and priorities just like Faustus who was blinded
by necromancy I was blinded by love.

Based on what I have understood what I assume is the counterpart first, is the soul, in my opinion, the
modern equivalent of it is dignity we cannot survive if we lack this we become harmful and toxic to
others and to ourselves, second the devil we can all agree that his modern counterpart is the temptation
we are always seduced to bad things, third is knowledge what I can say is that its modern counterpart
would be truth knowing is already powerful just like knowledge and lastly earthly power the best
counterpart I could think of is mortality as we are earthly bodies destined to live and die in the physical
realm. The things that they have in common are those desires of a mortal cultivating to progress to the
best version of himself or herself, the renaissance period was all about cultivating new art, knowledge,
and culture to which we mortals are important we are perishable being like how art can perish without
leaving a mark in knowledge and culture. In short, the very core of mortality is cultivating something
new to proper and leave a mark.

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