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AUTHOUR: Jose Mauricio Valdez Mendia, Jose de Jesus Agustin Flores-Cuautle

TITLE: Toward customer hyper-personalization experience—A data-driven

JOURNAL: Cogent Business & Management 9 (1), 2041384, (2022):

Today’s omnichannel business models incorporate physical and digital touchpoints interacting
with customers. A hyper-personalization strategy relies on the organization’s capability to
gather and transform customer data into personalized experiences; therefore, when a hyper-
personalization organizational plan is put in place, it serves two main functions: to deliver
personalized experiences and increase the number of customers receiving such experiences.
For this to happen, four elements are required for a hyper-personalization strategy: data
foundation, decisions, design, and distribution. While customer master data management
relies on the correct identification of a customer, a real customer insight can only be achieved
when three types of customer data are gathered: Identity, Contractability, and Traceability (I,
C, T)- fulfilling the first element of a hyper-strategy. This article aims to identify the benefits
in the total number of customers that can receive a hyper-personalization strategy when real-
time touchpoints are linked to a customer Master Data Management that integrates the three
types of customer data.
AUTHOUR: Nitin Rane, Saurabh Choudhary, Jayesh Rane
RESEARCH: Hyper-personalization for enhancing customer loyalty and
satisfaction in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems
VOLUME: Available at SSRN 4641044, (2023):

In the dynamic realm of customer-centric business models, organizations are increasingly

adopting advanced technologies and strategies to augment the capabilities of Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) systems. This study delves into the transformative concept
of hyper-personalization and its profound impact on enhancing customer loyalty and
satisfaction within CRM frameworks. Key enablers of hyper-personalization are artificial
intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), which play a pivotal role in this evolution. These
technologies empower CRM systems to analyse extensive datasets, extracting valuable
insights into individual customer behaviours, preferences, and needs. The incorporation of
predictive analytics and recommendation engines allows real-time customization of
interactions, ensuring customers receive personalized content, product recommendations,
and communication channels tailored to their unique profiles. This paper explores the tools
integral to hyper-personalization strategies, underscoring the importance of data-driven
decision-making. Customer data platforms (CDPs) are highlighted as essential tools that unify
disparate data sources to create a comprehensive customer profile. Additionally, advanced
customer segmentation tools assist in categorizing customers based on diverse criteria,
facilitating targeted and personalized interactions. The integration of these tools enhances
the ability of CRM systems to deliver contextually relevant experiences, fostering stronger
emotional connections between customers and brands. The strategies for hyper-
personalization involve a multi-faceted approach, encompassing proactive communication,
personalized marketing campaigns, and adaptive customer journeys. The study evaluates the
effectiveness of real-time personalization, where CRM systems dynamically adjust content
and offers based on customer interactions, ensuring a seamless and relevant experience.
Furthermore, the paper examines the role of omnichannel strategies in hyper-
personalization, exploring how the integration of various touchpoints contributes to a
cohesive and personalized customer journey. By embracing hyper-personalization,
organizations can cultivate enduring customer relationships, ultimately driving enhanced
loyalty and satisfaction in today's dynamic and competitive business landscape.
AUTHOR: Roy Atkinson
RESEARCH: The Customer Experience
Digital Transformation Demystified 2, 205, (2022):

Although the words “customer experience” are everywhere, not everyone understands the
true depth and breadth of what CX means, why it is increasingly important, and what DX
means for it. Reshaping an organization sounds, and is, daunting. Keeping focus on the
customer provides an anchor point for the endeavour. We do need to remember, though, that
there isn’t an endpoint: Neither CX nor DX is a project. The change required by both is, as the
above definition states, constant. This is not new thinking; Heraclitus is famous for reminding
us that change is the only constant.
AUTHOR: Darshana Desai
RESEARCH: Hyper-personalization: an AI-enabled personalization for
customer-centric marketing
Adoption and Implementation of AI in Customer Relationship Management,
40-53, (2022):

Personalization is widely used to attract and retain customers in online business addressing
one size fits all issues, but little is addressed to contextualise users' real-time needs. E-
commerce website owners use these strategies for customer-centric marketing through
enhanced experience but fail in designing effective personalization due to the dynamic nature
of users' needs and pace of information exposure. To address this, this chapter explores
hyper-personalization strategies to overcome users' implicit need to be served better. The
research presents a hyper-personalization process with learning (ML) and artificial
intelligence (AI) techniques for marketing functions like segmentation, targeting, and
positioning based on real-time analytics throughout the customer journey and key factors
driving effective customer-centric marketing. This chapter facilitates marketers to use AI-
enabled personalization to address customers' implicit needs and leverage higher returns by
delivering the right information at the right time to the right customer through the right
AUTHOUR: Laetitia Lambillotte, Nathan Microfocus, Ingrid Poncin, Jean
RESEARCH: enhancing playful customer experience with personalization
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 68, 103017, (2022):

Retailers develop personalized websites with the aim of improving customer experience.
However, we still have limited knowledge about the effect of personalization on customer
experience and the underlying processes. With a lab experiment, this research specifically
examines the effect of actual personalization and perceived personalization on playful
customer experience using both subjective and objective measures, with the support of eye-
tracking techniques. We show that personalization, regardless of whether it is perceived or
not, enhance the playful customer experience of a retailing website. In addition, we highlight
the presence of two concomitant processes. Content needs to be perceived as personalized
to influence the subjective playful customer experience, but actual personalization does
influence objective playful customer experience. Although customers spend the same time
on the website, they focus more of their attention on their favourite products when content
is personalized. Such focused attention leads them to select their favourite products for
AUTHOUR: Anetta Pukas
RESEARCH: Hyper-Personalization as a Customer Relationship Management
Tool in a SMART Organization.
Problemy Zarzadzania 20 (3), (2022):

Purpose: The article subject concerns the research problem of the role of hyper-
personalization in the evolution of the company’s relationship with customers. The article
aims to identify the potential of hyper-personalization as a CRM tool in a smart organization
and find research gaps and areas for further research.

Design/methodology/approach: The paper is based on a critical literature review within the

field of management and marketing theory and represents the relational approach. The
literature review was made as an exploratory study.

Findings: Based on the results of that theoretical research and utilizing a relational approach,
the article presents the Customer Relationship Management during the technology evolution
The theoretical findings indicate a research gap: using hyper-personalization and digital
technology for achieving the Customer Relationship Management aims is a highly topical
issue and still little penetrated by researchers.
AUTHOUR: Adrian Micu, Alexandru Capatina, Dragos Sebastian Cristea, Dan
Munteanu, Angela-Eliza Micu, Daniela Ancuta Sarpe
RESEARCH: “Assessing an on-site customer profiling and hyper-personalization
system prototype based on a deep learning approach”
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 174, 121289, (2022):

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is proceeding fast across many
fields. Based on a deep learning approach, we propose a prototype of an on-site customer
profiling and hyper-personalization system (OSCPHPS) targeted at marketing professionals.

We propose an AI platform to create customer profiles during their physical presence in

stores. The idea of the OSCPHPS prototype is to automatically detect and gather customer
data directly from the store, essentially completing customer profiles containing gender, age,
personality, emotions, and products they interacted with or bought, irrespective of where
they are in the store. Each buying operation could generate an anonymous customer profile.
Therefore, for every product sold, the system will track multiple customer-generated profiles
of the people who bought that product. These kinds of data offer endless further possibilities
for the business.

Through a configurational study conducted via fsQCA methodology, we assessed the interest
in the OSCPHPS prototype on the part of marketing managers of clothes & fashion stores
located in different European countries. Based on these live generated profiles, we could
further enhance the OSCPHPS system by adding support for customer segmentation, strategic
product campaigns, live product recommendation, analysis of emotions toward a product or
a category of products, sales forecasts, and personalized store space enhancements based on
augmented reality, customer exploratory statistics and customer purchasing patterns.
Author : Cao, L. (2021)
RESEARCH: "Artificial intelligence in retail: applications and value creation
This study identifies five main strategies for AI-related data management and reveals 28 AI-
powered solutions, changing 14 business processes, with five management areas involved in
AI applications to create value via four logics: automation, hyper personalization,
complementarity and innovation. This paper advances the research into AI applications in
business and management by providing research propositions with an integrative framework
to understand how firms can use and benefit from AI .

The research paper entitled –“Role of AI in Banking” elucidates how in a promptly digitizing
world, Artificial Intelligence has emerged as the future of banking, propagating the power of
advanced data analytics in order to withstand fraudulent transactions and improve deference.
It incorporates deep learning, predictive analytics, as well as machine learning for enabling
an enhanced banking experience. AI assists in fraud detection, credit risk assessment,
reduction of costs as well as risk management. Alongside these aspects, the sector is also
leveraging for battling with frauds and hacks while simultaneously abiding with KYC and AML
compliance regulations.
Author : Manser Payne, E.H., Peltier, J. and Barger, V.A. (2021)

RESEARCH: "Enhancing the value cocreation process: artificial intelligence and

mobile banking service platforms":

This study highlights the role and importance of the sequential relationships that impact the
assessment of AIMB. The findings suggest that service delivery and the customer’s role in
value co-creation change as AI is introduced into a digital self-service technology channel.
Furthermore, AIMB offers transaction-oriented (utilitarian) value propositions more so than
relationship-oriented (hedonic) value propositions.

Average and Research cape, research, “2019 Trends in Personalization : The study reveals
98per cent of marketers agree that personalization helps advance customer relationships,
74per cent claim it has a ―strong or ―extreme impact, while 88per cent state that their
current and prospective customer expect a personalized experience. Preferred
Personalization Channel: Email (78per cent), website (58per cent), in-person (42per cent),
online advertising(35per cent), midleap (28per cent) and web application(19per cent).

Marketing Challenge: Lack of personnel, lack of finance, lack of knowledge and skills, lack of
organizational alignment, lack of access to data, and poor technology solutions, low quality
data, and privacy concern. Benefits: To help drive customer relationship by delivering
improved customer experience (88per cent), increase customer loyalty (59per cent),and to
generate measurable lift/return on investment (ROI) (50per cent) as citied by marketers.
RESEARCH: “Infosys research on “Rethinking Retail - Insights from consumers
and retailers into an omni-channel shopping experience” :

The research result shows that 86per cent of consumers claimed personalization significantly
contributes other purchasing decisions. 74percent of retailers say it increases their sales,
61per cent say it increases their profit, 58per cent say it increases online traffic, and 90per
cent claim consistency across brand‘s engagement points increases their customer loyalty.
Preferred Personalization Channel: 89per cent engage retailers via social media. Marketing
Challenge: Lack of technology. Benefits: Increase in sales, increase in profit, increase customer
loyalty, increase in online traffic. Isai thru (2017) research on “Decoding Personalization: The
study reveals that only 15per cent of respondents are already personalizing customer
experience, while 43per cent say they are close to executing level.41per centare focusing on
content and product personalization using data. Secondly, the study finds that Marketing
(83per cent) and Data Science (60per cent) were the most commonly-listed teams, followed
closely by I.T. (51per cent) responsible for implementing personalization. Finally, when
measuring success impact of personalization within the organization, 65per contuse email
response, 56per cent use site engagement (i.e. to build traffic), and 40per cent use customer
lifetime value (i.e. customer loyalty and retention).Preferred Personalization Channel: 91per
cent of consumers prefer emails, 44per cent prefer website and 26per cent say social media.
Marketing Challenge: lack of resources (time/people/budget and others) at 43per cent, 23per
centare concerned about their data, 17per cent for internal knowledge of how to accomplish,
and 14per cent face technology challenges.

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