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Music is Good for the Brain

Many studies have shown that listening to music activates almost all
areas of the brain. Music has a positive effect on parts of the brain related
to feeling emotions, learning, memory, physical movement and well-
being. Keeping the brain active improves our ability to learn and
remember things, maintain strong muscles and coordination, and to feel
our best.
Brain pathways are strengthened when they are used and weakened
when they are not used. The reason is that the brain is efficient. It is not
going to keep pathways strong that have not been used in a long time.
Listening to music helps to keep many pathways strong at once. The only
other activity that uses so many brain pathways at one time is participating
in social activities.
It is easy to add music into your life. Listening to different kinds of
music can relieve stress, increase your energy, improve learning, or lift
your spirits when you are sad. If you combine music with physical
exercise you can get the maximum health benefit from it. So, join a
Zumba or jazz aerobics class, or better yet – go dancing !

Reference : Budson, Andrew E., October 7, 2020,

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