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Applied Assignment

Topic :

Submitted To :
Dr. Abdul Ghafoor

Submitted by :
Allah Rakha
Roll. No. BSCH-20-74
Class Morning (B)
Department of Chemistry
BS Chemistry 7th Semester
Fungicides are chemical substances that are used to control and prevent the growth of fungi on
plants, animals, and other surfaces. They have functions that range from preventing diseases in
crops to protecting human health and preserving buildings. Fungicides can be applied as liquids,
dust, or gases and are commonly used in agriculture, medicine, and various industrial

It was only in 1861 that Anton de Bary, the father of plant pathology, identified a fungus that
was causing rot in potatoes and in 1885 that a fungicide was developed to inhibit its growth.

1. Types of Fungicides on Based on Mobility

➢ Contact Fungicides

- These are fungicides that eradicate the fungus they come in direct contact with.
These fungicides remain on the surface where they are applied but don't go
deeper, which is why repeated applications might be required to protect plants
from fungicides as they grow.

➢ Systemic Fungicide

- Systemic fungicides are absorbed into the plant. These are usually either
upwardly systemic, which means they move up within the plant, or locally
systemic, which means they move into the plant and redistribute to some degree
within the plant. Unlike contact fungicides, systemic fungicides can have some
long-term activity.

2. Types Of Fungicides on Based on Activity

➢ Single-site Fungicide
Single-site fungicides for plants are active against only one point in the metabolic functioning
of the fungus or against a single critical enzyme necessary for its survival. These can also be

➢ Multi-site Fungicide

Multi-site fungicides work by targeting many metabolic sites within the fungus. Since they
have many target sites, these fungicides are usually at a lower risk of causing the development
of fungicide resistance.

Advantages of Using Fungicide

1. Disease prevention:

Fungicides play a crucial role in preventing the onset and spread of plant diseases caused by
fungi. By applying fungicides to crops, farmers can protect their plants from devastating
diseases that can lead to yield losses and economic hardship.

2. Increased crop yields:

By preventing or controlling fungal diseases, fungicides help maintain healthy crops with high
yields. This ensures a sufficient food supply and contributes to global food security.

3. Preservation of post-harvest products:

Fungicides are used to prevent the growth of post-harvest fungi, ensuring that fruits, vegetables,
and grains can be stored for more extended periods without spoilage or contamination.

4. Disease control in humans and animals:

Fungicides may be used in medicine and veterinary care to control fungal infections in humans
and animals. These treatments can prevent the spread of diseases and improve health outcomes.

5. Protection of buildings and structures:

Certain types of fungi, such as mold and mildew, can cause damage to buildings and structures.
Fungicides can be applied to prevent or eliminate fungal growth, protecting the integrity of
surfaces and preserving the aesthetic value of structures.

6. Cost-effective control:

Fungicides provide a cost-effective means of controlling fungal diseases compared to other

management methods. Effective fungicides can help reduce the need for additional treatments,
increase crop production, and prevent the spread of diseases, ultimately saving farmers and
industries significant expenses.
Disadvantages of Fungicides
However, it is essential to consider the potential disadvantages and risks associated with the
use of fungicides. Improper use or over-reliance on fungicides can lead to the development of
resistant fungal strains, environmental contamination, and detrimental effects on non-target
organisms. Therefore, it is crucial to follow recommended guidelines and regulations when
using fungicides, ensuring their safe and effective application.

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