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Dublin, Ireland

18th, september, 2023

Hello, everyone!

My name is Fiona, and I'm a chef in Ireland. I'm so excited to write to all of
you and share some fun things about my country!

First, Ireland is a magical place, full of cool things. Did you know we have
lots of leprechauns here? They are little and mischievous, they love to play
and hide treasures at the end of the rainbow.

Another cool thing about Ireland is the music. We have talented musicians who
play violins, flutes, and even harps. Irish music makes your feet want to dance,
and it's a joyful celebration!
In my kitchen, I love making traditional Irish dishes like "stew" with meat and
vegetables. It's a warm and delicious meal. And I can't forget about potatoes!
We love potatoes here, and we make all sorts of tasty things with them.

I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about Ireland. Maybe one day you can
visit this magical place and try all the delicious foods we have here!

With love,
from Ireland, Fiona

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