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Scientific Research on the Beneficial Role of Momordica charantia as Medicine in

Diabetes Among Bayambangenos

A Scientific Research Paper

Presented To

Bayambang National High School

Senior High School

Bayambang, Pangasinan

Trnidad, Rosielyn D.
June 2023
Chapter 1

Background of the Study

People relied heavily on family-generational knowledge of herbal plants. Herbal

medicine has been since the beginning of time, used in everything from poultices for

wounds and bruises to tinctures and concentrated oils for illness treatments. On the

other hand, herbal medicines are currently extremely popular in the creating scene

for essential medical services not on the grounds that they are economical yet in

addition for better social adequacy, better similarity with the human body and

negligible aftereffects.

One of the causes of this condition is that sometimes synthetic medications

are insufficient and lead to a variety of negative effects. Additionally, herbal

medications can be more potent due to their rich contents and can be utilized by

vast populations due to their affordability and accessibility, whereas synthetic drugs

only affect a single area.

Plant-based medicine has been used to treat diabetes worldwide in a cost-

effective manner. In fact, this may be the most common treatment option for

diabetic patients in many parts of the world, particularly in developing nations. The

World Health Organization (WHO) has listed 21 000 plants, which are used for

medicinal purposes around the world. From the current literature, it is evident that

Momordica charantia is the most widely used and popular anti-diabetic plant.
One natural remedy that can be found in your kitchen is effective against

diseases. It’s that wrinkly green vegetable with a particular unpleasant taste. Yes,


is ampalaya, also known as Momordica charantia in the scientific community and as

bitter gourd or bitter melon in English-speaking nations.

Ampalaya has always been omitted from every table in daily life. As a result of

its irrefutable sharpness and horrendous flavor. However, the wonderful health

benefits of this less-used vegetable are something we frequently overlook.

Vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber abound in bitter gourd. Compared to

some other fruits and vegetables, it contains twice as many of these necessary

nutrients. The crude green type of the vegetable is more usually utilized in

utilization than the ready yellow structure. The health benefits of this vegetable are

generally more well-known to people of Asian descent than to Westerners. Harsh

gourd can be bubbled, seared or eaten as a curry dish. In traditional medicine, bitter

gourd juice is taken in the morning on an empty stomach to control diabetes and

lower blood sugar levels. It is also known that grinding bitter gourd produces a juice

that kills worms and germs in the gut. The following are some of the bitter gourd's

many health benefits: It is used to treat cholera, diabetes mellitus, eye problems,

sleep problems, blood problems, piles, constipation, indigestion, respiratory

problems, and other conditions. In addition to being a treatment option, it is also a

food that boosts energy and the immune system. When consumed on a regular basis

(say, three to four times per week), it has a hugely beneficial effect on the body. It

additionally assists with eliminating the poisons from the liver.

The organic product contains no less than three dynamic substances with

hostile to diabetic properties, including charanti, which has been affirmed to have a

blood glucose-bringing down impact, vicine and an insulin-like compound known as

polypeptide-p. These substances can help lower blood sugar levels on their own or in


Additionally, it is known that bitter melon contains a lectin that, in a manner

analogous to that of insulin in the brain, acts on peripheral tissues to reduce blood

glucose concentrations and suppress appetite. After eating bitter melon,

hypoglycemia is thought to be caused in large part by this lectin.

The other medication framework is currently picking up speed with the

information on dynamic standards recognized from plant species. Momordica

charantia has critical antidiabetic as well as hypolipidemic movement so it tends to

be utilized as an adjuvant alongside allopathic treatment of medication to regard

diabetes as well as to postpone the late entanglements of diabetes.

Diabetes is a chronic condition which requires daily maintenance medicines to

prevent morbidity, complications and mortality. Poor control of blood sugar leads to

end organ damage which may include poor kidney function, loss of sight and

amputations. Ampalaya has been marketed as a food supplement successfully, thus

an herbal medicine which has proven efficacy and safety through human trials

would be easily accepted. “Diabetes is a chronic condition that necessitates taking

medication on a daily basis for maintenance in order to avoid complications,

morbidity, and death. End organ damage, such as impaired kidney function, sight

loss, and amputations, can result from inadequate blood sugar control. Because

Ampalaya has been successfully promoted as a food supplement, it would be simple

to accept a herbal medicine that has been tested on humans and shown to be safe
and effective.” ( Clarisse Marie S., 2020). Now, ampalaya, a herb that grows in our

backyard, has the potential to aid in the prevention and alleviation of diabetes-

related symptoms.

On account of its strong restorative properties, ampalaya has for quite some

time been utilized by native populations all over the planet to assist with treating

diabetes-related conditions. Numerous studies in recent years have confirmed the

fruit’s role in controlling blood sugar. Blood sugar and hemoglobin A1c, a test used

to measure blood sugar control over three months, decreased when 24 adults with

diabetes took 2,000 mg of bitter melon daily for three months. One more study in 40

individuals with diabetes found that requiring 2,000 mg each day of harsh melon for

a very long time prompted an unobtrusive decrease in glucose levels. Additionally,

fructosamine levels, a short-term indicator of long-term blood sugar control, were

significantly reduced by the supplement. Unpleasant melon is remembered to

further develop how sugar is utilized in your tissues and advance the emission of

insulin, the chemical responsible for directing glucose levels.

This audit depicts hostile to diabetic impacts of harsh gourd detailed in the

writing and examines what actually should be explained for fostering a proof based

and safe utilization of the unpleasant gourd for diabetes. Bioactive compound

analyses have revealed that bitter gourd is abundant in nutrients and

phytochemicals, some of which have anti-diabetic properties. In vitro and in vivo

testing of juices, powders, extracts, and isolated compounds have been conducted.

Bitter gourd boosts glucose uptake and utilization in peripheral tissues, decreases

intestinal glucose absorption, and increases pancreatic insulin secretion. Despite

the weak design and/or results of human studies on type 2 diabetics, some of the

studies show that bitter gourd treatment is safe and effective in humans. Later on,

all around planned examinations with rodents will assist with understanding what
sort of severe gourd assortment, dose, readiness, and term of organization is ideal.

These findings will assist in the design of human studies that are required to

demonstrate the bitter gourd’s effectiveness in patients.

Diabetes mellitus is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. It poses a

serious danger for cardiovascular disease. In this study, Momordica charantia's

medicinal qualities and anti-diabetic advantages were examined. Overall, the

researchers reviewed the majority of the material pertaining to how the herbal plant

affects blood glucose levels and emphasized the significance of this knowledge for

blood glucose management.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aims to determine the effectiveness of a Bitter melon

(Momordica charantia) as a herbal medicine to prevent diabetes.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the understanding of Bayambanguenos on Momordica charantia on

preventing diabetes on terms of:

a.) Its effectiveness

b.) Its availability and cost

c.) Its safeness

2. What properties does Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) contain to be an

effective herbal medicine to treat diabetes?

3. What are the suggested development plan to educate and improve the knowledge

of Bayambanguenos on the beneficial role of Momordica charantia in preventing


Scope and Limitations of the Study

This research focuses on finding out the awareness of people in Bayambang

on the beneficial role of Momordica charantia in preventing Diabetes. Recent studies

and researches will be used as reference in finding out what are the effects of

Momordica charantia that could help people with diabetes. The researchers will use

a Capsule Medicine as comparison and pure bitter melon as control group. The

study was conducted at Bayambang, Pangasinan May 2023.

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following people/institutions:

To the persons who have diabetes. they can use Bitter melon as their

replacement for capsule medicine and there will be no expenses since you can plant

or get it in the market.

To the environment. using Bitter melon as herbal medicine people will be

aware that Bitter melon can be a herbal medicine and they plant their own in their


To the community. the Bitter melon will not be wasted because it can be a

replacement to capsule medicines.

To the future researchers. they can benefit from the information in this

study by using it to further their studies on the topic and get more insight into using

Bitter melon to prevent diabetes.

Definition of Terms

To facilitate the understanding of this study, different terms are defined herein.

1. Momordica charantia

Momordica charantia or bitter melon is a tropical and subtropical vine of the

family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean for its edible

fruit. Its many varieties differ substantially in the shape and bitterness of the fruit.

2. Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how your body

turns food into energy. Your body breaks down most of the food you eat into sugar

(glucose) and releases it into your bloodstream.

3. Awareness

Awareness is a concept about knowing, perceiving and being cognizant of

events. Another definition describes it as a state wherein a subject is aware of some

information when that information is directly available to bring to bear in the

direction of a wide range of behavioral actions.

4. Prevention

Preventive healthcare, or prophylaxis is the application of healthcare

measures to prevent diseases. Disease and disability are affected by environmental

factors, genetic predisposition, disease agents, and lifestyle choices, and are

dynamic processes which begin before individuals realize they are affected.

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