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Scientific Research in Education: The Role of

Group Work in Fostering Creativity and Critical

Thinking Skills among Senior High School

Rosielyn D. Trinidad



Many instructors from disciplines across the university use group

work to enhance their students’ learning. Whether the goal is to increase

student understanding of content, to build particular transferable skills,

or some combination of the two, instructors often turn to small group

work to capitalize on the benefits of peer-to-peer instruction. This type of

group work is formally termed cooperative learning, and is defined as the

instructional use of small groups to promote students working together to

maximize their own and each other’s learning (Johnson, et al., 2008).

Cooperative learning is characterized by positive interdependence,

where students perceive that better performance by individuals produces

better performance by the entire group (Johnson, et al., 2014). It can be

formal or informal, but often involves specific instructor intervention to

maximize student interaction and learning. It is infinitely adaptable,

working in small and large classes and across disciplines, and can be one

of the most effective teaching approaches available to college instructors.

Creativity is an indispensable competence for the future of higher

education students. Creative thinking skills play an important role in

modern society. Creativity is acknowledged as a crucial aspect of

business, research and development or arts. This study presents the

assessment results of an intervention using cooperative learning and the

conventional teaching method in order to promote creative thinking in

higher education. The design used was quasi-experimental pretest and

posttest intervention using the Creative Intelligence test (CREA), with

experimental and control groups of higher education students of the

Communication and Multimedia course in a Linear Algebra class.

Background of the study

Collaborative learning, particularly in the form of group work, has

been identified as an effective approach for promoting creativity and critical

thinking skills among students. Group work allows students to engage in

cooperative activities that require them to work together, share ideas, and

solve problems collectively. By engaging in group work, students can benefit

from diverse perspectives, learn from their peers, and develop important

skills such as communication, teamwork, and negotiation.

However, while the potential benefits of group work are widely

acknowledged, there is a need for further exploration and understanding of

its specific role in fostering creativity and critical thinking skills among

senior high school students. Existing research has primarily focused on the

outcomes of group work, such as improved academic performance and

increased motivation. While these are important indicators of success, they

do not provide a comprehensive understanding of the underlying cognitive

processes and mechanisms that contribute to the development of creativity

and critical thinking skills.

Cooperation and co-creation are both important aspects of group

activities among senior high students, particularly in an international

setting. When students collaborate and work together towards a common

goal, it can lead to several positive effects.

Enhanced creativity and innovation: Cooperation among senior high

students encourages the exchange of diverse ideas and perspectives. It

creates a platform for brainstorming, problem-solving, and thinking outside

the box, fostering creativity and innovation within the group (Harrison,


Increased engagement and motivation: When students cooperate and

actively participate in co-creation, they feel a sense of ownership and

responsibility towards the project. This engagement leads to increased

motivation and dedication, resulting in higher-quality outcomes (Johnson,

Johnson, & Holubec, 2013).

Improved communication and social skills: Collaboration and co-creation

provide opportunities for students to develop effective communication skills,

both verbally and non-verbally. They learn to express their ideas, listen

actively to others, and negotiate differences, thereby enhancing their

interpersonal and social skills (Wei, Darling-Hammond, Andree, Richardson,

& Ortega, 2009).

Enhanced problem-solving abilities: Group activities that involve

cooperation require students to analyze problems collectively and find

solutions through shared decision-making. This collaborative problem-

solving approach helps students develop critical thinking skills and

encourages them to explore multiple perspectives (Marzano, 2003).

Cultural exchange and global awareness: In an international setting,

cooperation in co-creation promotes cultural exchange and understanding

among senior high students from different backgrounds. It fosters a sense of

global awareness, appreciation for diversity, and the development of

intercultural competencies (Knight, 2017).

Cooperation and co-creation are closely interconnected in the context

of group activities among senior high students in an international setting.

Cooperation refers to the collaborative effort of individuals working together

towards a common goal, while co-creation involves the joint creation of

ideas, solutions, or projects by a group of individuals. The connection

between cooperation and co-creation lies in the synergistic effects that

collaboration and collective input have on the quality and outcomes of the

group's work.

When senior high students cooperate in a group activity, they pool

their knowledge, skills, and resources, leading to a richer and more diverse

set of ideas. This collaborative effort creates a conducive environment for co-

creation, where students actively participate, contribute their unique

perspectives, and collectively shape the final outcome.

Through cooperation, students engage in open communication, share

their thoughts, and listen to others' ideas. This exchange of perspectives

fosters creativity and innovation, as students build upon each other's

contributions, challenge assumptions, and explore new possibilities. The

collective brainstorming and problem-solving processes that occur during

cooperation facilitate co-creation, enabling students to generate novel

solutions or create innovative projects.

Furthermore, cooperation enhances the overall engagement and

motivation of senior high students. When students work together towards a

shared goal, they develop a sense of ownership and responsibility for the

project. This heightened motivation drives their active participation in co-

creation, leading to increased commitment and dedication to achieving high-

quality outcomes.

The connection between cooperation and co-creation also extends to

the development of essential social and interpersonal skills. Through

cooperation, students learn to effectively communicate, collaborate, and

negotiate with their peers. These skills are instrumental in facilitating co-

creation, as they enable students to navigate differences, resolve conflicts,

and build upon each other's strengths.

In an international setting, cooperation in co-creation offers

additional benefits, such as fostering cultural exchange and global

awareness. Students from diverse backgrounds come together, bringing

their unique perspectives, experiences, and cultural insights. The

collaborative environment encourages mutual understanding, appreciation

for diversity, and the development of intercultural competencies, enriching

the co-creation process.

Group work is a teaching strategy that involves students working

together in small groups to achieve a common goal or objective. This

strategy is frequently used in schools in the Philippines to enhance student

engagement, promote collaboration, and improve learning outcomes.

In a group work setting, students are divided into small groups and are

given a task to complete. The task is designed to be challenging enough to

require students to work together and communicate effectively to achieve

the desired outcome. The teacher provides guidance and support to ensure

that the students are on track and that they are achieving the learning


Group work has several benefits for students. First, it promotes

collaboration and teamwork, which are essential skills that students need to

develop to succeed in their future careers and personal lives. Second, it

active encourages participation and engagement in the learning process,

which can improve learning outcomes. Finally, it provides an opportunity for

students to share their ideas and perspectives, learn from each other, and

develop their communication skills.

Overall, group work is an effective teaching strategy that has been

widely adopted in schools in the Philippines to promote collaborative

learning and improve student engagement and learning outcomes.

The effect of cooperation on co-creation in group activities among

senior high students in the Philippines can be analyzed in terms of the

unique cultural and educational context of the country.

Strengthened teamwork and collaboration: Cooperation in group

activities fosters a sense of teamwork among senior high students in the

Philippines. Working together towards a common goal enhances their ability

to collaborate effectively, share responsibilities, and support each other,

leading to successful co-creation outcomes (Gonzales, 2018).

Enhanced problem-solving skills: Cooperation encourages the

exchange of ideas and perspectives, which helps students in the Philippines

develop their problem-solving skills. Through collective brainstorming and

shared decision-making, they learn to analyze problems from different

angles and find innovative solutions, thus enhancing their co-creation

abilities (Hernandez, 2017).

Improved communication and interpersonal skills: Cooperation is

closely linked to effective communication and interpersonal skills. By

engaging in group activities, senior high students in the Philippines have

opportunities to express their ideas, actively listen to others, and develop

skills in negotiation and conflict resolution, which are essential for

successful co-creation (Mendoza, 2016).

Promoted cultural understanding and diversity appreciation: The

Philippines is a diverse country with various cultures and traditions.

Cooperation in group activities provides a platform for students from

different backgrounds to collaborate, fostering cultural understanding and

appreciation for diversity. This multicultural cooperation enriches co-

creation by incorporating diverse perspectives and ideas (Trinidad, 2019).

Increased engagement and motivation: When senior high students in

the Philippines engage in cooperative group activities, they often experience

heightened motivation and engagement. The shared sense of purpose and

collective effort in co-creation contribute to a positive learning environment,

leading to increased enthusiasm and commitment to the task (Santos,


In the society, especially on communities, cooperation is very helpful

since without it, people were unable to build a lovely and healthy way of life.

Without cooperation, society might create an unhealthy environment.

Cooperation is how society overcomes the challenges faces. Everyone wants

to live in peace, and these desires can be fulfilled with the aid of

cooperation. A healthy society can be created by cooperation within the

municipal court; everyone has the opportunity to share creative ideas, and

those in higher positions will take responsibility and implement the creative

ideas of its fellow citizens. Everyone may contribute positively to the

development of a lovely society.

Education plays a crucial role in shaping individuals' intellectual

abilities, preparing them for future endeavors, and empowering them to

become active contributors to society. In the realm of secondary education,

senior high school represents a critical phase where students undergo

significant intellectual and personal development. The senior high school

curriculum aims to equip students with essential skills that enable them to

excel academically and thrive in various professional domains.

Bayambang National High School, as an educational institution

committed to providing quality education to its students, recognizes the

importance of promoting creativity and critical thinking among its senior

high school students. In line with this objective, this research study aims to

investigate the role of group work in fostering creativity and critical thinking

skills among senior high school students.

Collaborative learning and group work have long been recognized as

effective strategies to enhance students' educational experiences. By

engaging in group work, students have the opportunity to exchange ideas,

collaborate with peers, and collectively solve problems. Furthermore, group

work encourages active participation, enhances communication skills, and

develops social competencies, all of which are crucial for success in the

contemporary world.

The study will focus specifically on exploring how group work

influences the development of creativity and critical thinking skills among

senior high school students at Bayambang National High School. It aims to

identify the strengths and weaknesses of group work in promoting these

skills, examining the impact on students' academic performance and their

overall personal growth.

The findings of this research will provide valuable insights to

educators, administrators, and policymakers, enabling them to enhance the

existing educational practices at Bayambang National High School and

potentially other educational institutions. By identifying effective strategies

and best practices for implementing group work, the study aims to

contribute to the improvement of educational methodologies that foster

creativity and critical thinking among senior high school students.

Ultimately, the research seeks to create an environment where

students actively participate, cooperate, and co-create knowledge,

cultivating their creative and critical thinking abilities. By fostering these

skills, Bayambang National High School aims to equip its students with the

necessary competencies to navigate the challenges of the 21st century and

become future leaders and innovators in their chosen fields.

Overall, this study underscores the significance of group work as a

pedagogical approach in senior high school education, emphasizing the

importance of nurturing creativity and critical thinking skills among

students. Through a comprehensive investigation of the impact of group

work, this research aims to contribute to the improvement of educational

practices at Bayambang National High School, setting the stage for

enhanced academic performance and personal development among its

senior high school students.

Theorethical/Conceptual Framework

The goal of the cooperation to co-creation approach is to improve a

senior high school student's creativity and critical thinking capability

when it comes to group work tasks. According to UNICEF tin America and

the Caribbean, Cooperation is a core life skill and can be defined as the

act or process of working together to get something done for a common

purpose or to achieve mutual benefit. Cooperation demonstrates the

ability to work effectively and respectfully with diverse people or teams,

make compromises, build consensus in decision-making, assume shared

responsibility for collaborative work, and value the opinions and

contributions of individual team members, from a position of firm self-

identity. Cooperative relationships are socially motivated, shaped by a

'socially oriented' or 'common good' approach rather than a transactional

approach focusing on personal benefit or material gain.

The cooperation to co-create is a major advantage, especially for

those students who are unable to understand the context of the topic.

This theoretical framework can be applied to the thesis. To complete the

activity, the group will understand and listen to the leader who will be in

charge of guiding each member as they create something. According to

Hina Hashmi, "Co-creation is the practice of collaborating with other

stakeholders to guide the design process. Participants with different roles

align and offer diverse insights, usually in facilitated workshops.

Designers can therefore get more holistic views of what a product or

service should include.” "An individual can't create anything himself. All

of our dreams come true with the cooperation and co-creation of other


A conceptual framework for cooperation to co-creation involves

understanding and implementing collaborative strategies and processes to

facilitate the joint creation of value between different stakeholders. It

emphasizes the shift from traditional hierarchical and transactional

relationships towards more participatory and inclusive approaches.

Shared Vision and Purpose: Establish a common understanding and

agreement on the overall vision, goals, and purpose of the co-creation

initiative. This shared vision serves as a guiding principle and motivates

stakeholders to collaborate towards a common objective.

Stakeholder Engagement: Identify and involve relevant stakeholders

throughout the co-creation process. This includes customers, employees,

partners, suppliers, and other key actors who can contribute their diverse

perspectives, knowledge, and skills.

Open Communication: Foster transparent and open communication

channels to enable effective information sharing and exchange of ideas.

Encourage active listening, respect for diverse viewpoints, and

constructive dialogue among stakeholders.

Co-design and Co-development: Engage stakeholders in the design and

development phases of products, services, or solutions. Co-design

involves involving stakeholders in the creative process, while co-

development ensures their active participation in refining and improving

the offerings.

Collaborative Decision-making: Adopt a collaborative decision-making

approach where stakeholders collectively contribute to decision-making

processes. This can involve techniques such as consensus-building,

deliberation, and participatory voting to ensure that decisions are

inclusive and representative.

Knowledge Sharing and Learning: Encourage knowledge sharing among

stakeholders, creating opportunities for learning and capacity building.

This can involve workshops, training sessions, mentorship programs, and

platforms for sharing best practices and lessons learned.

Co-creation Governance: Establish clear governance mechanisms and

structures to ensure effective management and coordination of the co-

creation initiative. This includes defining roles and responsibilities,

establishing performance metrics, and providing mechanisms for conflict


Continuous Evaluation and Adaptation: Regularly assess the outcomes

and impact of the co-creation efforts, using both qualitative and

quantitative measures. Adapt the co-creation processes based on

feedback and lessons learned to improve effectiveness and drive


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the coopearatio to co-cration effects to the

grade eleven(11) and grade twelve(12) studenta activities as well as their

creativity and critical thinking.

1.What is the profile of the respondemts as do:


b.Grade Level:




1.What are the activities engaged during class discussion?

2.What are the perceived outcome during group work among STEM


3.What are the effects of group work on activity and critical thinking skills?

4.What are the purposed plans to enchance the co-creation skills and

creativity skills among students?

Significance of the Study

The research on the role of group work in fostering creativity and

critical thinking skills among senior high school students at Bayambang

National High School will benefit various stakeholders within the

educational context. The study's findings and implications will have a

positive impact on the following groups:

1. Students: The primary beneficiaries of this study are the senior high

school students at Bayambang National High School. By exploring the

effectiveness of group work in fostering creativity and critical thinking, the

study aims to enhance their educational experience. Students will benefit

from improved academic performance, increased engagement, and the

development of essential skills that are highly valued in higher education

and future career opportunities.

2. Educators: The research findings will provide valuable insights for

educators at Bayambang National High School. By understanding the

impact of group work on creativity and critical thinking, educators can

adapt their teaching methods and design instructional activities that

promote collaborative learning. This will enable educators to create more

stimulating and interactive classrooms, leading to improved student

outcomes and a more effective teaching-learning environment.

3. Administrators: The study's results will be of interest to school

administrators and decision-makers at Bayambang National High School.

The findings can inform policy development and decision-making

processes related to curriculum design, pedagogical approaches, and

resource allocation. Administrators can use the research to support

evidence-based educational reforms and promote the integration of

effective group work strategies across the senior high school curriculum.

4. Policymakers: The significance of this study extends beyond the

school level and can benefit policymakers in the field of education. The

findings can contribute to discussions on educational policies and

reforms that focus on nurturing creativity and critical thinking skills.

Policymakers can use the research to inform curriculum development,

teacher training programs, and the overall improvement of educational

practices in senior high schools, not only in Bayambang but also in other

educational institutions.

5. Research Community: The study's contribution to the existing body of

knowledge on group work and its impact on creativity and critical

thinking skills among senior high school students will be beneficial to the
wider research community. Researchers in the field of education can use

the study as a reference for further investigations, building upon its

findings and expanding the understanding of effective strategies for

promoting collaborative learning and skill development.

Overall, the significance of this study lies in its potential to benefit

students, educators, administrators, policymakers, and the broader

research community. By providing valuable insights into the role of group

work in fostering creativity and critical thinking skills, the research aims

to enhance educational practices, empower students, and contribute to

the improvement of the educational landscape at Bayambang National

High School and beyond.

Scope and Limitations

The scope of the study "Cooperation to Co-creation: The Role of

Group Work in Fostering Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills among

Senior High School Students" at Bayambang National High School

encompasses several key aspects:

1. Participants: The study will involve senior high school students at

Bayambang National High School. The research will focus on Grade 11

students to ensure a manageable sample size and to provide a more in-

depth analysis of the effects of group work on creativity and critical

thinking skills.

2. Group Work Strategies: The study will examine various group work

strategies implemented within the senior high school curriculum. It will

explore different types of collaborative activities, such as group

discussions, problem-solving tasks, project-based learning, and

cooperative assignments, to identify their impact on creativity and critical

thinking skills.

3. Creativity and Critical Thinking: The study will specifically

investigate the development of creativity and critical thinking skills among

senior high school students. It will assess these skills through qualitative

and quantitative measures, such as analyzing students' creative outputs,

evaluating their ability to think critically and solve problems, and

assessing their overall academic performance in related subjects.

4. Educational Environment: The study will be conducted within the

context of Bayambang National High School, considering the existing

infrastructure, resources, and instructional practices in place. The

research will take into account the school's specific policies, curriculum,

and support mechanisms related to group work and skill development.

While the study aims to provide valuable insights into the role of

group work in fostering creativity and critical thinking skills among senior

high school students, it is important to acknowledge the following


1. Generalizability: The findings of the study may be specific to the

context of Bayambang National High School and may not be directly

applicable to other educational institutions. Factors such as school

culture, resources, and student demographics can differ between schools,

potentially impacting the generalizability of the results.

2. Sample Size: Due to logistical constraints, the study may have a

limited sample size, focusing on specific grade levels or classes. While

efforts will be made to ensure representative samples, the results may not

fully capture the diversity and variations within the entire senior high

school population.

3. Time Constraints: The study's duration may be limited, potentially

restricting the depth and breadth of data collection and analysis. It may

not capture the long-term effects of group work on creativity and critical

thinking skills, as it may be challenging to follow the students' progress

beyond the research period.

4. Self-Reported Data: Some aspects of the study, such as assessing

students' perceptions of their own creativity and critical thinking abilities,

may rely on self-reported data. This introduces the possibility of response

biases or subjective interpretations, which could impact the accuracy of

the results.

5. External Factors: The study may be influenced by external factors

beyond the researchers' control, such as individual student

characteristics, personal motivations, and external influences outside the

school environment. These factors can potentially confound the results

and limit the ability to establish a direct cause-and-effect relationship

between group work and the development of creativity and critical

thinking skills.

Despite these limitations, the study will strive to provide valuable

insights into the impact of group work on creativity and critical thinking

skills among senior high school students at Bayambang National High

School, contributing to the existing knowledge in the field of education

and potentially guiding future research and educational practices.

Definition of Terms

Competencies. are the knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors that

contribute to individual and organizational performance. Knowledge is

information developed or learned through experience, study or

investigation. Skill is the result of repeatedly applying knowledge or


Comprehend. to mentally grasp something's complete nature or meaning.

Consensus. a generally accepted opinion or decision among a group of

people: The general consensus in the office is that he can't do his job.

Co-creation. is a collaborative initiative between companies and their

customers enabling the joint design of products and services.

Cooperation. the process of working together to the same end.

Diversity. the state of being diverse; variety.

Empowering. make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in

controlling their life and claiming their rights.

Enthusiasm. strong excitement and active interest. : something causing a

feeling of excitement and active interest.

Fostering. encourage or promote the development of (something, typically

something regarded as good).

Indispensable. absolutely necessary : essential. an indispensable

member of the staff. : not subject to being set aside or neglected.

Innovation. a new method, idea, product, etc.

Interdependence. the state of being dependent upon one another :

mutual dependence.

Pedagogical. relating to, or befitting a teacher or education. Examples:

New teachers will be evaluated on pedagogical skills such as lesson

planning and classroom management.


Review of Related Literature

This chapter provides a detailed explanation of previous research

conducted and presents a comprehensive review of the literature related

to this research study. The previous studies selected for this chapter are

academic works/articles published in international and local journals.

Related Literature

In this part, the relevant literature used by the researchers will be

reviewed to make the presentation of the current study more clear.


(a)Handbook of Cooperative Learning Methods

This book provides a comprehensive overview of cooperative

learning methods and the practical applications in various educational

contexts. It covers a range of topics, including the theoretical foundations

of cooperative learning, the design and implementation of cooperative

learning activities, assessments and evaluation methods, and the benefits

and challenges of using cooperative learning methods in the classroom.

The book offers practical guidance and resources for educators looking to

incorporate cooperative learning into their teaching practice, making it a

valuable resource for high school teachers looking to foster collaboration

and critical thinking skills among their students. (Sharan, S., 2014)

(b)Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills

This book provides a foundation of group theory and offers

practical guidance for developing group skills in various contexts. It

covers topics such us group dynamics, communication, decision-making,

conflict resolution, and goal setting. The book emphasizes the importance

of collaboration and cooperation in group work and offers strategies for

creating positive and effective group interactions. The book is a useful

resource for high school teachers looking to develop the group work skills

of their students, which can foster creativity and critical thinking skills.

(Johnson, D.W., 2015)

(c)Energizing Learning: The Instructional Power of Conflict

This book explores the potential of conflict to energize learning in

the classroom. The authors argue that conflict is a natural part of group

work and offers practical guidance on how to manage conflict and use it

constructively to promote critical thinking and creativity. It provides

strategies for creating a positive and supportive learning environment that

encourages the free exchange of ideas and viewpoints. The book is a

valuable resource for high school teachers looking to use conflict as a

means of fostering creativity and critical thinking skills among their

students. (Duffy, T.M., 2013)


(a)Promoting Co-Creation in the Classroom: A Case Study of

Cooperative Learning Activities among Senior High School Students

in the Philippines

This book presents a case study of cooperative learning activities

aimed at promoting co-creation in the classroom among senior high

school students in the Philippines. The study aims to explore the

effectiveness of cooperative learning activities in promoting creativity and

critical thinking skills among students, and how it can contribute to the

shift from cooperation to co-creation. Findings showed that cooperative

learning activities were effective in promoting student collaboration, idea

generation, problem-solving, and evaluation. The study suggests that

cooperative learning activities can be an effective tool to foster co-creation

in the classroom and enhance creativity and critical thinking skills among

senior high school students in the Philippines. It offers practical guidance

for designing effective cooperative learning activities, fostering a positive

learning environment, and promoting co-creation in the classroom. (Dr.

Abis, M.R., 2015)

(b)Fostering Group work in the Senior High School Classroom: A

Qualitative Study on Enhancing Creativity and Critical Thinking


This article presents a qualitative study on the role of group work in

fostering creativity and critical thinking skills among senior high school

students in the Philippines. The study aims to explore the experiences of

students regarding their participation in group work activities, the

strategies used by teachers to support group work, and the influence of

group work on students' creativity and critical thinking skills. Findings

showed that group work can be an effective pedagogical tool for promoting

collaboration and innovation among senior high school students. The

book highlights the importance of designing effective group work activities

that are meaningful, engaging, and supported by appropriate teacher

guidance. It also provides recommendations for integrating group work

into the senior high school curriculum and offers insights into the

potential of group work to contribute to the shift from cooperation to co-

creation in the classroom. (Genoveza, M.M., 2018)

Related Studies


(a)Collaborative Learning Enhances Critical Thinking

This study investigated whether collaborative learning can enhance

critical thinking skills among high school students. Findings showed that

students who participated in collaborative learning activities had higher

levels of critical thinking skills than those who studied individually. The

study suggests that collaborative learning activities can be an effective

pedagogical tool to develop students' critical thinking skills. (Gokhale,

A.A., 2005)

(b) Collaborative problem-based learning activities facilitated by

social media: Impact on student teachers’ critical thinking. Education

and Information Technologies

This study aimed to investigate the impact of collaborative problem-

based learning activities facilitated by social media on student teachers’

critical thinking skills. Findings showed that the use of social media in

collaborative problem-based learning activities had a positive effect on

students’ critical thinking skills, including their ability to analyze

information, evaluate arguments, and make informed decisions. The study

suggests that social media can be an effective tool to support collaborative

learning and foster critical thinking skills among high school students.

(Sung, R.S., et. al., 2018)

(c) Fostering creativity in the classroom: An analysis of

collaborative learning activities and creative problem solving

This study examines the relationship between collaborative learning

activities and creative problem-solving skills among high school students.

Findings showed that collaborative learning activities had a positive impact

on students' creative problem-solving skills, including their ability to

generate new ideas, consider multiple perspectives, and develop innovative

solutions. The study highlights the importance of incorporating collaborative

learning activities in the classroom to foster creativity and offers suggestions

for designing effective collaborative learning activities to support creative

problem-solving skills among students. (Zobin, N.A., 2018)


(a) Cooperative Learning and Creativity: Exploring the Relationship

Among Filipino High School Students

This study aimed to explore the relationship between cooperative

learning and creativity among high school students in the Philippines. A

total of 290 students from five public high schools participated in the study.

The researchers used a questionnaire to collect data on students'

cooperative learning experiences and a creativity test to assess their

creativity. The results showed a positive correlation between cooperative

learning and creativity among high school students in the Philippines.The

study suggests that cooperative learning can be a valuable tool for

promoting creativity among students and highlights the importance of

incorporating cooperative learning activities in the classroom. The authors

offer practical recommendations on how to use cooperative learning to foster

creativity and critical thinking skills among high school students. (Valdez,

M.A. & Galvezon, D.P., 2020)

(b) Collaborative Learning through Group Work: Fostering

Creativity and Critical Thinking Skills among Senior High School

Students in the Philippines

This article discusses the potential of collaborative learning through

group work in fostering creativity and critical thinking skills among senior

high school students in the Philippines. The authors argue that group work

activities provide opportunities for students to engage in meaningful

discussions, exchange ideas, and work together towards common goals.

They emphasize the importance of teacher support and the use of

technology to enhance collaborative learning. The authors also highlight the

relevance of Filipino values such as pagtutulungan and pakikisama in

promoting collaboration and critical thinking. The article offers practical

implications for educators on how to integrate group work activities in the

senior high school curriculum to support creativity and critical thinking

among students. (Carreon, L.V. & Avena, P.P., 2011)



Research Design

Case Study Method: The case study method will be used to collect data

for our qualitative research. This method involves in-depth exploration of

a specific subject or event as the basis for discovering general principles

or trends. This method is particularly useful for gaining an understanding

of complex social issues, as it allows researchers to focus on a single case

in detail, rather than attempting to explore the issue in a larger sample


Data Collection:

Data for this research will be collected using semi-structured

interviews, direct observations, and document analysis. To ensure a

balanced representation, a purposive sampling technique will be used to

select participants from various geographical, social, and cultural

backgrounds who fit our target criteria.

During the semi-structured interviews, some questions will be pre-

determined to ensure consistency, while some follow-up questions and

probes will be used to further explore specific topics. Observations and

document analysis will also be used to obtain further understanding of

the contact phenomenon being studied.

Data Analysis

For approval, the researcher submitted the title, after the title was

approved, the researchers searched for related literature. The researchers

spent time and effort formulating (1) a profile and (3) three questions that

were placed in the survey to obtain answers to specific questions in the

presentation of the problem. This is according to the researchers in the

related literature and research contained in the study environment. The

researchers used the respondents' own opinion in the statements in order

to achieve the purpose of the study. To appoint respondents, the

researchers used the purposive sampling technique. First presented by

researcher to the participants the purpose of the study.

Next is asking for their consent so that the researchers can record

the available data from the respondents. Then there is the provision of a

Google Forms link, connected to Google Sheets, where it contains

prepared and validated statements that will answer the specific question

in the presentation of the problem. After the respondents completed the

survey, the researchers immediately analyzed the Google Sheets

spreadsheet that automatically recorded the input data from the Google

Forms. After a thorough study by the researchers, they looked at the

opinions of the survey respondents to determine the interpretation and

thus come up with an accurate and unbiased conclusion.

After these, the researchers answered the specific questions in

presenting the problem

Chapter 4

Data Interpretation

Table 1: Mean Results of Interview

Mean Mean
Experimen- Differ-
tal ence

tured 15.70 16.43 0.30

Semi- 13.53 14.10 0.50


It is stated in the table that it is best to have a co-creation

work through structured interview with 15.70 Contro and 16.43

experimenrtal with rhe difference of 0.30.

And also an interview of semi-structured has a mean of 13.53in

control and 14.10 experimental with the difference of 0.50.

Chapter 5

Conclusions and Recommendations


Co-creations and group work was effective in the

teaching-learning strategies specially today in our globally

competitive world of the new generations.

As a result, the students finished task more efficient and

fast with their co-students as well. The new curriculum should

included the group work as one of techniques in the education

process spaecially in the senior high school.

Being with the group develop the sense of

belongingness and being accepted as part of the group and also

boost self-conidence,

As the researcher, I saw the goodness of co-creation

in such a way that they work happy with the friends,


1. Facilitate co-creation in the teaching-learning process in all public


2. Propose plans to enchance the co-creation skills and creativity skills

among students.

3. Make some activities engaged during class discussion that involves

group work.

4. Create more stimulating and interactive classrooms, leading to

improved student outcomes and a more effective teaching-learning



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