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NR565 Final Study Guide

Be familiar with the interactive activities throughout course modules. You could see
variations of those same questions on your exams.

Week 5

 Thyroid
o Diagnosis & Evaluation
 What labs are used to diagnose?
 Timeframe for re-check of labs after starting levothyroxine
 Signs and symptoms of hypo and hyperthyroidism
o Treatment
 Treatment of thyroid storm
 Result of not treating hypothyroidism during pregnancy
 Medication to treat symptoms of hyperthyroidism (notice this is treating
symptoms and not the hyperthyroidism itself)
 Drug/Food/Supplement interactions with levothyroxine
 Diabetes
o How to confirm a diagnosis prior to beginning treatment
o A1C
 General goals
 Older Adult goal
 When should insulin be considered?
 At what time interval should it be re-checked?
o Action of Insulin
o Pioglitazone contraindications
o Be familiar with abbreviations of diabetic drug classifications (GLP-1, TZD,
o Which drug class should be considered for diabetes prior to insulin?
 Ratio of basal insulin to rapid-acting insulin in total daily dose (TDD) of insulin
 Know the carbohydrate-to insulin ratio when calculating basal insulin
o Simple calculation (No calculators are allowed and will not be needed)
 Mechanism of Action
o GLP-1
o DPP-4i
o Sulfonylureas
o SGLT2i
 Which diabetic medication(s) come with a concern of hypoglycemia?
NR565 Final Study Guide

Week 6

 Methylxanthines
o Who is at risk for toxicity and why?
 Asthma & COPD
o Step 1 therapy
 Complete this sentence: Manage with a ______ as needed.
o Symptoms associated with each classification of asthma (mild-persistent,
moderate-persistent, etc.).
o Know examples of drug classes (SABA, LABA, ICS, etc.)
 Know examples
 Benefits of use
 Patient instructions
 Why is it important to know the frequency a patient is using their SABA?
 Know examples
 Benefits of use
 Use in COPD
o Inhaled Corticosteroid (ICS)
 Know examples
 Benefits of use
o At what point would an oral steroid be prescribed?
o When would roflumilast be indicated for a COPD patient?
 Smoking Cessation
o Nicotine replacement
 How it works
 Patient education needed for various types
 Patch
 Gum
 Nasal spray
o Wellbutrin
 Contraindications
o Bupropion
 Recommended length of treatment
 Tuberculosis (TB)
o What constitutes drug resistant TB
o Treatment of TB in a pregnant person, what all should be included?
o Isoniazid (INH) is a drug that can be used to prevent TB in people that have been
o exposed.
 Cold & Cough
o Examples of decongestant
NR565 Final Study Guide

o Which drug class has no significant drug interactions

Week 7

 H2 receptor antagonists
o Examples
o Which is most likely to interact due to CYP450 enzyme system?
 Proton Pump Inhibitors
o Associated vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies
o Short term use increases risk of what?
 Symptoms this may be occurring
o How to treat moderate to severe GERD
o What medication for GERD to avoid in older adults and why?
o Treating GERD during pregnancy
 Which cytoprotective agents would be used
o When to test for h. Pylori
 How to treat h. Pylori
o Lifestyle modifications to support ulcer healing
 Anti-diarrheal
o Which one contradicted in children during or after chickenpox
o Patient teaching for ciprofloxacin for traveler’s diarrhea
o Which one associated with gray/black stools and black tongue
 Constipation
o Lifestyle modifications to suggest prior to treatment
o Risks of laxatives during pregnancy
o Preferred treatment during breastfeeding
o Psyllium
 How it works and what to assess for if it doesn’t produce a bowel
 Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
o A diary can be helpful to aid in diagnosis and treatment
 Vomiting
o How to treat gastroparesis
 Black box warning associated with treatment
 Metronidazole
o Patient teaching needed
NR565 Final Study Guide

Week 8

 DTaP or Tdap
o Who should receive the Tdap vaccine?
 Vaccine Contraindications
o True contraindication for DTaP or Tdap vaccine.
o Varicella
o Hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine
 Examples of vaccine types
o Attenuated
o Live virus
o Toxoid
o Inactive viral antigen
 Types of immunity
o What are they and how is each one achieved?
 Definition of vaccine
 Post exposure prophylaxis for suspected rabies bite
 Patient teaching and assessments for post vaccine side effects
 Who can receive attenuated influenza vaccine (FluMist)?

Prescription Writing

On the exam, you will be provided an example of a prescription for you to analyze and
determine what error exists on the prescription. On the exam, you will receive 2 of the following
4 possible questions. You will need to be familiar with common doses, directions for use,
indication, and calculations to figure quantity. A calculator will not be needed or acceptable to

 Pantoprazole
 Metronidazole
 Ondansetron
 Albuterol MDI

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