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1) Pic of milia

2 ) x ray of achlasia asking for diagnosis

3) scenario on entropion
4) treatment of psoriasis
5) 2 ques on colonoscopy screening
6) 2 ques on LDL
7) cervical screening in HIV pt
8) ODD ratio
9) nuclear blast same repeated ques
10) carotid A screening
11) 1 que on myocarditis i already uploaded in this group
12) ques on flavivirus
13) scenario on dehydration asking for treatment
14) febrile convulsions
15) maternal blues
16) postpartum psychosis
prophylaxis in g6pd deficiency (answer mefloquine )
2)Drugs and conditions causing huperuricemia(four tables given,v have to choose one)
3)calculate incidence and prevalence
4)sulphonylurea mechanism of action
5)when to shift the child From iv fluids to ORS who is active and alert(if he is taking orally or when urine
output is good)
6) Rx of meningococcal meningitis (no ceftriaxone or vancomycin in the option)
7)child with SOB and cough,similar episodes before as well, vitals RR 40/min,wat is the ancillary
investigation for this ( ABGs,CXR)
8)typical picture of Graves' disease
9)picture of heberdon nodes
10)child with UTI treated with ciprofloxacin develop cola colored urine and labs showing fall in hematocrit
and Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia reason?(sickle cell,g6pd def,aplastic anemia,autoimmune hemolytic
11) Rx of anaphylaxis (Im epinephrine)
13)two questions on human bite and management
14)boy wid unprotected sex develop rash(syphillis)
15)woman multiparous with history of asthma & mitral stenosis in prolonged labor since 12hrs,what
conditions is of more concern (prolonged labor,mitral stenosis,asthma)
16)About td(not contraindicated during pregnancy)
17)Pt with ho heart burns 3weeks Rx (omeprazole 20 4weeks,ranitidine 150 mg for 4weeks,
Metochlorpromide,acid suppressants)
18)pt treated for colon ca ,again develop new cancer ,wat to do(surgery,chemotherapy,radiation)
19)Rx of Rosacea other than medical treatment (laser,derm abrasion )
20)Rx of acute glaucoma
21)questions about femoral anteversion,asking for diagnosis
22)post menopausal woman with strenuous exercise,she is at wat risk(osteoporosis)
23)hormonal assay of post menopausal state
24)pt with ovarian failure,given trial of progesterone for Rx,wat will happen (withdrawal bleeding once
only,withdrawal bleeding with resumption of regular cycle,no bleeding at all)
25)pt wid wt loss and insomnia,RX for depression (answer mirtazapine)
26)Pt manager in the office c/o palpatition,chest pain,sleep disburbances,during examination continuously
scanning every object in the room(GAD ,hyperthyroidism)
27)picture of neonatal toxicum
29)pt on antidepressant since two months,symptoms improved,for how long she has to take medication
(1month,2month,3 or 4month)
30)female right lower abd pain,Beta HCG negative,tenderness present,became nauseatic on
palpation,diagnosis(ovarian torsion,ruptured cyst,appendicitis )
31)Picture of gouty arthritis
woman multiparous wid h/o mitral stenosis ,asthma in labor since 12hours,which condition is of more
concern for you now(prolonged labor,mitral stenosis ,asthma)
Female in second stage of labour.cervix-6cm dilated,given 10mcg of fentanyl.Patient complains of
nausea,headache.On examination fetal heart tones not assesed from past 2 mins.Nurse puts the
patient to left lateral position and puts on O2mask and calls you to help...what will you do next?
*Call nurse for forceps
*Give another 10mcg of fentanyl
*Give 10mg of Ephedrine
*put the patiend in high fowlers position
2)Patient hit by Tennis ball on eye.On examinaton Blood in anterior chamber.What is important to
rule out?
*Foreign body
3)Meniere's disease history given and asked for treatment.
4)Sinusitis history given and organism responsible was meantioned h.influenzae asked for
Please note both the qs 3,4 had 4 tabular colums with different treatment combinations and u have
to pick one.So please read treatment in detail.
5)Well baby clinic at 1 year what would you advice the mother
*put child to sleep on back
*put child safety seat belt
6)Saudi breast feeding guideline:
*1-5 months
*6-12 months
*12-24 months
Q)Advice to mother on how to hold baby?
Q)Patient withsplinter haemorrhages in nail and petechial haemorrhages.deficiency of which
*vit C
Q)Atrial fibrilation ecg and asked to identify
Q)Patient with is associated with:
*pul edema
*pul stenosis
Q)Patient with syncope.ECG shows deep S in lead1 and V6.and tall R in V1.Seen in?
*Conduction delay
Q)Patient with hypertension,Dm,heart failure on medication brought with unconsciousness.Which
drug is most likely?
Q)Xray showed bowing of legs.History of child with short stature.Asking diagnosis:
*Osteogenesis imperfecta
Q)6 year old Female with normal height,weight was delivered at term by normal vaginal
delivery.Increased breast size,Assymetric dark pubic hair,Tall for height.Diagnosis?
*variation of normal development
*Due to exogenous estrogen
*McCune Albright syndrome-is the answer(Read it)
Q)Treatmetn of opthalmia neonatorum
Q)patient with testicular soreness.history of promiscuous relation 1 month ago.investigation?
*Radionucleotide scan of testis
*USG of testes
*Colour Doppler of Testes
Q)Retinoblastoma management
Q)Management of finger prick from hep B positive patient.
Q)Metabolic syndrome
Q)Which maternal infection need to be identified early in neonate to initiate treatment immediately?
Q)Picture of baby with candidal diaper rash asking for treatment:
*Zinc oxide+antifungal +steroid
*Zinc oxide+antibiotic+steroid
Q)Question about female 31 years old with black bluish macules on gingiva.Diagnosis?
Peutz jeghers syndrome-is the asnwer as it is associated with melanoma
Q)15 year old young girl constipated since 1 week was relieved yesterday with complaint of dark
coloured urine.On examination BP found to be high.What is the likey diagnosis?
*Autoimmune nephropathy
Q)Young girl with fevr cough and sputum.IN Labs only proteinuria was an abnormal finding.what is
likely association?
*Anti sm antibodies
Antinuclear antibodies
Anti glomerularBM antibodies
Q)baby pic with crusted lesion.organism responsible?
*group A beta hemolytic streptococci
*group B beta hemolytic streptococci
Q)Herpes zoster opthalmicus
Q)Male 50 year old with generalised fatigue,nausea,vitals stable.only lab finding was increase in
calcium.asking for diagnosis?
Q)pain management for labour?
Q)Female with hirsutism and coarsening of facial features.cause?
*Excess estrogen
*Androgen excess
Q)36weeks gestation with cervix 3cm dilatation with good uterine contractions every 3-4 mi lasting
for 30-60 seconds.vitals stable.FHR-140-160.What would you do?
*Apply forceps
*Give tocolytics
Q)Child with non projectile vomiting,diarrhoea.Vomit consists of undigested food particle with no
blood.No history of travel in recent past.child takes only apple juice and water.on examination rash
present at perineum.What could it be due to?
*Viral gastroenteritis
Q)Lady walks into ER with daughter for scalp suturing.During the procedure mother felt dizzy and fell
down.She had similar episode one year ago when she was getting her son sutured.what is
*Vasovagal attack
*Specific phobia
Q)Multiple sclerosis.Pathology responsible?
Q)Glaucoma-Underlying pathology?
Q)Lithum best suitable for which type of mania?
*Rapid cyling
Q)40 year old male with pain in leg on activity.ABI-0.80.The affected limb is shiny with no
*Chronic venous insufficicency
*Chronic limb ischaemia
Q)What would you advice to patietn of recurrent rosacea despite medical thereapy?
*Green base tinted make up
Q)Human bite management
Q)H ducreyi infected patient...whom will you treat?
*All partners
*only symptomatic partners
Q)18 year old with polyp on colonoscopy.On enquiry one of maternal aunt also has similar history.on
histology it is found to be adenomatous.when to repeat colonoscopy?
*1 year
*3 months
Q)58 year old male with 6 weeks hoarseness and history of smoking 2 pack for 30 years.Pic of vocal
cords given-it was polyp.please read.
Q)Drug of choice for HTN in gout patient?
Q)Drug of choice for Gout in patient with increase frequency of attacks and with renal impairment?
Q)New diabetic patient on antidiabetics.Only finding proteinuria.what to be added?
Q)17 year old girl with palpitations,flushing dizziness.On examination has orthostatic
hypertension.what is the appropriate investigation?
Q)Within how many hours maximum NAC can be given to prevent acetaminophen induced hepatic
Q)Trichomoniasis treatment?
*oral fluconazole
*oral metronidazole
Q)Flavivirus prevention?
*eradication of animal reservoir
*eating proper cooked food
*improving sanitation
Q)Patietn with pain at flank.on examination lumbar mass to investigate?
*nuclear scan
*ct scan
Q)Child with fatigue,pale in appearnece.On eamination spleen enlarged.liver normal.lab findings-
increased indirect bilirubin
decreased reiculoctes.Diagnosis?
*Aplastic crisi
*Splenic crisis
*Splenic haemorrhage
*Hemolytic crisis
Q)Patient of IBS with excessive non propulsive contraction adn slow wave myoelectrical activity:
Q)calculation of odds ratio and relative risk.

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