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1. (2:156)-Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to him we will return.

2. (2:256)-There is no compulsion in Islam.
3. (2:282)-O you who believe! When you deal with each other, in transaction involving future obligations in a fixed
period time reduce them to writing.
4. (3:103)-Surely, the Deen in the sight of Allah is Islam.
5. (3:103)-And hold firmly to the rope of Allah al together and do not become divided.
6. (3:185)-The life of the world is merely enjoyment of the delusion.
7. (3:190)-Indeed! In the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of day and night, there are indeed
sign for man understanding.
8. (4:126)-Whatever is in the heaven and whatever is in the earth belongs to Allah.
9. (5:32)-Whoever kill a soul unless for a soul or corruption (done) in the land. It is as if he had slain mankind entirely
and whoever saves one. It is as if he had saved the mankind entirely.
10. (11:6; Surah Hud)-Indeed My Lord is near and Responsive.
11. (13:11)-God does not change what any people have until they change what is in themselves.
12. (15:99; Al Hijr)- And worship you Lord until there comes to you the certainty (death).
13. (39:10)-The patient will be given a reward without measures.
14. (53:39)- Man shall have nothing but what he striving for.
15. (57:23)- Despair not over the matters that pass by you, nor be proud over the favors bestowed upon you.
16. (103:1)- By the time, man is surely in loss, except those who believed and did good works, and exhorted one
another to truth and exhorted one another to patient.
17. Allama Muhammad Bal-e-Jibril-162: The initiates have different level of space and time, in each position; (As)The
mullah’s and the mujahid’s azans are same in words, but different in spirit; (similarly) the vulture and the eagle soar
in the same air, but have different worlds.
18. Allama Muhammad Iqbal Bal-e-Jibril-053: Develop the self so that before every decree, God will ascertain from
you: “What is your wish?”
19. Allama Muhammad Iqbal Bal-e-Jibril-060: What is the worry if nest is lost? (Believe that)There are other places to
sigh and cry for! You are an eagle, flight is your vocation: You have other skies stretching out before you.
20. Allama Muhammad Iqbal Bang-e-Dra-114: We have despoiled the inheritance that we won from our forefathers;
(So) the heaven has dashed us down from the zenith.
21. Allama Muhammad Iqbal Bang-e-Dra-163: Firm certainty, eternal action, the love that conquers the world—these
are the swords of men in the holy war of life.
22. Allama Muhammad Iqbal Bang-e-Dra-163: This is the destiny of nature; this is the secret of Islam— World‐wide
brotherhood, an abundance of love!
23. Allama Muhammad Iqbal Bang-e-Dra-163: Those who swam under the sea were buried by the ocean, but those
who suffered the buffeting of the wave arose, and became pearls.
24. Allama Muhammad Iqbal Bang-e-Dra-163: When Faith is born in the embers of ashes; it gives birth to the wings of
25. Allama Muhammad Iqbal Bang-e-Dra-163: The glitter of modern civilization dazzles the sight; but this clever
craftsmanship is a mosaic of false jewels.
26. Anonymous: Only in ISLAM do the king and peasant bow down together side by side proclaiming God’s greatness.
27. Hazrat Umer: I shall be questioned on the Day of Judgment if a dog dies hungry and thirsty on the bank of
28. Ibn Al Qayyim: The one who is truly enslaved is the one who is a save of his desires.
29. Ibn Taymiyyah: Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when
you are in darkness.
30. Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib: Good intensions are the most beautiful of secrets.
31. Rumi: Yesterday, I was clever, so I wanted to change the World. Today, I am wise, so I am changing myself.
32. Salahuddin Ayyubi: If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery & nudity common in the next
33. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan: Do not show the face of Islam to others; instead show your face as the follower of true Islam
representing character, knowledge, tolerance and piety.
34. Zakir Naik: The QURAN is for ourselves, not for our shelves.
35. The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr.(Al Hadith)
36. Every one of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock. The leader of people is a guardian and is responsible
for his subjects. A man is the guardian of his family and he is responsible for them. A woman is the guardian of her
husband’s home and his children and she is responsible for them. The servant of a man is a guardian of the property
of his master and he is responsible for it. No doubt, every one of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock.
(Hadith reported by Abdullah Ibn Umer).
37. Even if Fatimah, daughter of Muhammad had committed a crime, I swear by God, I would have cut off her hands. (Al
38. He who among g from you observes something evil, should change it with his hands; if he is unable to do that he
should condemn it with his tongue; if he is unable to do that he should at least resent it in his heart; it is the lowest
degree of the faith. (Al Hadith)

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