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Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Teens’ Mental Health

A new report finds that the mental health effects of the pandemic are more likely to have a significant
impact on teenagers.

• The restrictions of the pandemic have been felt across the board. For teenagers, restrictions
have meant months of virtual learning, more time isolated from friends, and the canceling of
important social activities like sports, school performances, graduations, and proms.

The COVID-19 pandemic has meant living through multiple crises, including financial and disease-related
ones, all at once. These crises have taken a toll on our mental and physical health. According to the Kaiser
Family Foundation, 4 in 10 adults in the United States have reported anxiety or depressive disorder symptoms
during the pandemic. However, a poll from C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital shows that the mental health effects
of the pandemic are more likely to have a significant impact on teenagers.
The restrictions of the pandemic have been felt across the board. For teenagers, restrictions have meant
months of virtual learning, more time isolated from friends, and the canceling of important social activities like
sports, school performances, graduations, and proms. According to the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National
Poll on Children’s Health at Michigan Medicine, a national poll shows that 46 percent of parents say their teen
had shown signs of a new or worsening mental health condition since the beginning of the pandemic in March
“Teenage years are filled with physical, emotional, and cognitive changes. There are also hormonal shifts,
more independence and responsibility, and peer challenges,” said Brittany LeMonda, PhD, senior
neuropsychologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. “It is therefore not surprising that teens have been more
susceptible to declines in psychological health over the last year.”
The poll looked at responses based on 977 parents of teenagers between 13 and 18 years old. The results
suggest that 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 5 teen boys have experienced new or worsening anxiety.
Going deeper, the results show that more parents of teen girls than parents of teen boys noted an increase
in anxiety and worry (36 percent versus 19 percent) or depression/sadness (31 percent versus 18 percent).

Why are teens experiencing depression and anxiety during COVID-19?

Regardless of a pandemic, a large portion of teenagers will meet the criteria for a anxiety, depression
or other mental condition. One in three adolescents (31.9 percent) will meet the criteria for an anxiety disorder
by age 18. According to the Child Mind Institute, 14.3 percent of teens will be affected by depression and
bipolar disorder.
With the added trauma of the global pandemic, it’s not a surprise that teens have been one of the most
affected groups. “What we see is not surprising,” said Dr. Jess Shatkin. The pandemic has forced teens to be
removed from normal social, physical, and educational interactions.
The poll’s results show that kids have been hardest hit by changes in social interactions over the past
year, with 3 in 4 parents reporting a negative impact on their teen’s connections to friends. The parents report
that 64 percent of their teens have been texting, while 56 percent are using social media, 43 percent online
gaming, and 35 percent talking on the phone every day or almost every day.
Because of the COVID-19 restrictions, this all becomes a much greater challenge when staying in and
isolating becomes the only way to stay physically safe and curb the spread of the virus.

What are the signs of depression in teens?

The research shows that parents during the pandemic have reported negative changes in their teen’s
sleep patterns, withdrawal from family, and aggressive behavior.
These symptoms can be signs of depression or anxiety. Parents should watch for teens exhibiting these
behaviors or other major changes in behavior due to the added stress of being removed from their usual
“Parents should be aware of warning signs, such as withdrawal and isolation from others, drop in
grades, changes in sleeping or eating patterns, substance use, apathy, and suicidal thoughts,” said LeMonda.
“Early detection of anxiety and depression can lead to early intervention and better treatment outcomes.”

How to help anxiety and depression in teens during the pandemic

The poll findings also tapped into methods that parents have used to improve their teens’ mental health.
Experts recommend:

Relaxing family rules

Fifty-two percent of parents polled have tried relaxing family COVID-19 rules to allow for contact with friends,
while 47 percent also said they have loosened social media restrictions. Eighty-one percent and 70 percent
said both of these helped, respectively.

Talking with an expert

Talking with a mental health professional is always a strong option, with or without severe symptoms of
depression or anxiety. One in four parents said they sought help for their teen, and 74 percent of those said
that it had a positive effect.

Trying a web-based program

Twenty-five percent of parents encouraged their teen to try a web program or app to improve mental health.
Apps are often less intimidating because they are efficient and portable.

Keeping communication open while still giving space

One in seven parents reported that their teen has withdrawn from the family. This can be concerning for a
parent so they may try to overcompensate.

It can be more effective to demonstrate that teens are not alone by sharing one’s own insecurities and fears
surrounding our changed world, as well as sharing personal coping strategies and asking questions to help
create a safe space.

Encourage better sleep habits

One in four parents reported that their teens had had a negative change to their sleep patterns.

Creating a regular sleep schedule to fit with an online learning schedule, or creating responsibilities around the
house and encouraging interaction with friends and family, can all contribute to a more healthy sleep routine.

“For parents who are able to and are around the house, it can be good to try to exercise with your kids most
days,” said Shatkin. “This can be jogging, walking the dog, playing tennis, or whatever you can do safely
He also suggested building in activities or expanding on teens’ responsibilities to help give them a sense of
purpose. This can be a family movie night, family cleaning, or having kids help plan meals or cook.

“Kids sometimes get a pass on these because parents are busy or end up doing it themselves. Now, there is
an opportunity to enhance that,” he said.

Begin the dialogue early

The most important thing to remember is that mental illness can begin at the earliest of ages. Waiting until
teens reach their 20s or 30s to deal with mental health can be detrimental.

“We have a huge opportunity to identify these issues early and also prevent a lot of them,” said Shatkin.

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