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REFLECTION: The Experience of Supervision

Unless otherwise indicated, you will receive 2 points for evidence of both A and B
under each question:

A. Awareness of what the item means when doing supervision

B. Self-knowledge in relation to the item

Post this reflection to your ePortfolio under SUPERVISION, then copy and paste that url to
submit the assignment through Canvas.

Your Personal Reactions

1. Where did you experience the strongest feelings, internal movements?

I did not recorgnze that I had been moving away from my directee untill supervisor
pointed out where and how I moved away from directee during the conversation.

2. Where did you practice stability, staying with the human experience you noticed in

I noticed that I stay with the human experience when I learn so much through
supervision. Learned from supervisor at well at directee.

3. Where did you move away from the human experience you were encountering in
yourself? I moved away when I realized that what I thought is right but it is not
reaaly right. For example, Some questions that I asked during meeting with directee. I
thought they are good but when supervisor show me they are not really fit in and how
to ask in different way.

Your Personal Reflections

1. What was God's presence like during the supervision session?

I bilieve that God’s presence during supervision and He guided me through the

2. What did you encounter within yourself that was a “stranger,” something you would
like to offer hospitality?
What I think I know is just a little bit and what I do not know is someting like an
osean. I need to open my and heart to learn more from supervisor and directee as well
as all people who I will meet.

3. What new insight or freedom did you experience as a result of this supervision

I thought I stay with directee but I moved a way. Supervisor show me that.

4. During the supervision process, where did you experience desire, resistance, and/or
mutuality with God?

When Supervisor pointed out some questions I should not ask such as yes/ no
questions. At that time I wish I asked good questions. I also reallized that It is okay to
make a mistake but I need to learn from that mistake. I believe that God is always
there to help me no mater what who I am and what I do or where I come from. That is
a feeling that help me to grow mutuality with God

Where did you notice yourself letting go of your agenda during the supervision conversation? (1
additional point possible, based on evidence of self-knowledge)

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