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One day there was a family called the Cadallo family there was 6 members in the family
there was the big sister named Cyrah and the middle child her name was FRANZEL.
the maker of this story also the second middle child her name was sky and last but not
the least child the youngest his name Xian, now moving on to the parents the mother’s
name was Cristine Marie and the father is Francis now moving on to the real story one
day there was a house filled with 6 members of a family FRANZEL the middle child is
doing her project while the older sister Cyrah was playing with there little bro Xian and
there parents went to work so late the second middle child was also playing with there

little bro then FRANZEL said, “why is mom and dad are so late😯😯” and Cyrah said,
“maybe they got stuck with something important “ FRANZEL said, “maybe?” and then
they heard a knock in the door ding dong!! Sky opened the door and saw their parents
“yay!!!!” said all of them. Their mom said we bought donuts for all of you kids.
and their parents were in another meeting “what!? Another meeting again why don’t you
guys have time for us “the kids said and then their mother said kids we are doing this for

you guys pls just don’t disturb me and dad pls we need the money “fine😟😟” and then their
mom went inside their work room after a while the kids were going to bed their parents
was done their mother rap them all, in a blanket in the next morning their mother
prepared pancakes for breakfast “yay!!” said the kids

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