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1.Talk about the place you would like to live in

2.Talk about your ideal home

3.Talk about popular ways people in your country do for entertainment (watch TV)

4.Talk about a traditional festival in your country

5.Talk about a difficult situation you have had in your life

6.Tell a story related to money that you know (The first time I went shopping with my mom. 7.She
taught me a lot about how to find good items at a discount)

8.Talk about a new piece of technology you would most like to buy

9.Talk about a form of technology you think that has changed modern life the most (devices that help
connect people, computers)

10.Talk about a technological device that you hate living without

11.Talk about advantages and disadvantages of the internet

12.Talk about advantages and disadvantages of living in a big family

Advantages: - good – like

People help you – you help people

It’s fun I feel happy

Disadvantages: There are many people

It’s noisy – it’s not good

13.Talk about some environmental problems we are facing now

14.Talk about some ways we can do to protect the environment

15.Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in

16.Talk about a traditional / a special dish in your country

17.Talk about a member of the family you get on well with

18.Talk about a popular celebration in your country

19.Talk about a popular TV programe in your country

20.Talk about some common ways of communication (chat online, meet people in a restaurant, call

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