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Movie:- Toilet: A love story

1. Title and cast of the movie :

Toilet: Ek Prem Katha (2017)
Indian Hindi-language comedy-drama film

Directed by Shree Narayan Singh.

Co-produced by Akshay Kumar and Neeraj

Cast : Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar

Akshay Kumar as Keshav Sharma
Bhumi Pednekar as Jaya Sharma
Divyendu Sharma as Narayan Sharma

Anupam Kher as Dinanath ("DJ Kakka") Joshi

Sudhir Pandey as Pandit Vimalnath Sharma ("Panditji"
or "Vimu"), Keshav and Naru's father

Atul Srivastava as Mr. Jagdish Joshi, Jaya's father

Ayesha Raza Mishra as Vidya Joshi, Jaya's mother

2. Plot of the movie:

earlier. "Toilet: Ek Prem Katha" is another Bollywood

film released in 2017 that also addresses the issue of
sanitation and open defecation in rural India. Here's a
detailed plot summary of the movie:

The story revolves around Keshav, played by Akshay

Kumar, a young man living in a village called Nandgaon.
Keshav falls in love with Jaya, portrayed by Bhumi
Pednekar, and they get married. However, their marital
bliss is short-lived when Jaya discovers that Keshav's
house does not have a toilet.
Jaya refuses to accept the situation and insists on
having a toilet in their home. She faces numerous
challenges and hardships as she struggles to adapt to
the village's practice of open defecation. Determined to
win back his wife's love and respect, Keshav embarks on
a mission to build a toilet for her.

Keshav faces opposition from his conservative father

and the deeply ingrained beliefs of the villagers who
consider building toilets against their traditions. He
becomes an advocate for sanitation and fights against
societal norms that hinder progress in this regard.

The movie highlights the dire consequences of open

defecation on public health, especially for women who
face safety risks and loss of dignity. It sheds light on the
importance of access to proper sanitation facilities and
how it can improve overall hygiene, health, and quality
of life.

"Toilet: Ek Prem Katha" not only explores the issue of

open defecation but also addresses broader social
issues such as gender inequality and women's
empowerment. It emphasizes the need for education,
awareness, and change in mindset to bring about social
Through its engaging storyline, humor, and powerful
performances, "Toilet: Ek Prem Katha" aims to create
awareness about the importance of sanitation and
inspire individuals and communities to take action
towards building toilets and improving hygiene

Overall, the movie serves as a social commentary on a

pressing issue in India and encourages viewers to
reflect on the need for better sanitation infrastructure
and the impact it can have on society as a whole.

3. Social issue taken up in the movie:

Toilet: Ek Prem Katha deals with the issue of open
defecation in country. :

The movie revolves around a one of its kind love story

which faces repercussions due to the absence of toilets.
Akshay Kumar can be seen portraying a strong
character who marches on with a mission to construct
toilet in each house of his village after his wife makes
him realize the importance of them. The central plot of
the movie is not only interesting, but also very
important to be discussed right now in the society.

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Toilet: Ek Prem Katha talks about marriages with
animals to improve luck :

No matter how absurd it sounds, but getting people

married to animals or plants is a very common issue in
India pertaining to the numerous superstitions the
population believes in. The trailer shows Akshay Kumar
marrying a buffalo to ward off his ‘manglik dosh.

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Toilet: Ek Prem Katha tries to draw a line between faith
and superstitions :

It is great to follow your faith and respect your

traditions, but it is equally necessary to draw a line
between your beliefs and superstitions. The scene in
the trailer where Sudhir Pandey who essays the role of
Akshay’s father raises his concern about constructing a
toilet in the house where he worships the Tulsi
highlights the issue beautifully.

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Toilet: Ek Prem Katha becomes a voice to women rights

Toilet: Ek Prem Katha features a really strong woman

character who isn’t afraid to speak for her rights. In one
scene Bhumi is heard saying that women have to put in
extra efforts even for defecating just because they are
women, which resonates loudly with the females who
have to struggle for every basic need and necessity.


Toilet: Ek Prem Katha aiming to start a fight against

corruption .

4. Does it demand change in social structure?

If yes how? :
Yes, the movie "Toilet: A Love Story" does
demand a change in the social structure. It challenges
the traditional mindset and societal norms surrounding
open defecation in rural India. Here's how the movie
calls for change:

a) Challenging Gender Inequality: The film highlights

the gender inequality prevalent in society, where
women are often forced to compromise their safety and
dignity due to lack of access to toilets. By emphasizing
the importance of sanitation for women, the movie
advocates for equal rights and opportunities for women
in all aspects of life.

b) Breaking Social Taboos: "Toilet: A Love Story"

confronts deep-rooted beliefs and taboos associated
with open defecation. It questions the notion that
defecating in the open is a matter of tradition and
culture, urging society to reevaluate these practices and
prioritize hygiene and sanitation.

c)Advocating for Infrastructure Development: The

movie sheds light on the dire need for improved
sanitation infrastructure in rural areas. It highlights the
lack of access to toilets as a major hindrance to public
health and personal well-being. By showcasing the
struggles faced by individuals without proper sanitation
facilities, it calls for investment in infrastructure
development and access to clean toilets for all.

d) Promoting Behavioral Change: The film aims to

create awareness about the importance of hygiene
practices and behavioral change regarding open
defecation. It encourages individuals and communities
to adopt healthier habits, such as using toilets instead
of defecating in the open, promoting cleanliness, and
improving overall hygiene standards.

e) Inspiring Grassroots Movements: "Toilet: A Love

Story" showcases how one individual's determination
can lead to grassroots movements for change. The
protagonist's efforts to build a toilet not only influence
his own life but also inspire others in his village to
question existing norms and work towards improving
sanitation conditions.

5. Does it resist a change in social structure? If

yes how? :
"Toilet: A Love Story" is a Bollywood film that
not only entertains but also addresses the issue of
gender inequality and the lack of proper sanitation
infrastructure in our society. The movie does indeed
resist a change in social structure by shedding light on
these pressing issues and advocating for change.

One way the movie resists a change in social structure is

by challenging traditional gender roles and
expectations. The film tells the story of a woman named
Jaya, who leaves her husband's home because he
doesn't have a toilet. She refuses to accept the societal
norm of defecating in open fields or communal toilets,
which are often unhygienic and unsafe for women.
Jaya's decision to prioritize her dignity and well-being
over societal expectations challenges the deeply
ingrained patriarchal norms that restrict women's
freedom and agency.

Furthermore, "Toilet: A Love Story" also highlights the

dire need for improved sanitation infrastructure. The
lack of access to proper toilets not only affects
women's safety and health but also perpetuates social
inequalities. The film showcases how the absence of
toilets leads to unhygienic conditions, diseases, and
even sexual harassment for women. By bringing
attention to this issue, the movie aims to create
awareness and push for better sanitation facilities for
In addition to its portrayal of gender inequality and
sanitation issues, the film also emphasizes the power of
collective action and community involvement in
bringing about change. It showcases how individuals
can come together to challenge societal norms, demand
better infrastructure, and create a more inclusive

Overall, "Toilet: A Love Story" resists a change in social

structure by challenging traditional gender roles,
advocating for improved sanitation infrastructure, and
promoting collective action. Through its compelling
storyline and thought-provoking themes, the movie
serves as a wake-up call to the pressing social issue that
demands immediate attention and action.

6. What is the end result of the movie?

Whether a change or resistance occurs or
not? :
In "Toilet: A Love Story," the end result of the
movie is a positive change and resistance to the existing
social structure. The film portrays a transformation in
societal attitudes and practices regarding gender
inequality and sanitation issues.
By the end of the movie, the protagonist Jaya's fight for
a toilet in her husband's home becomes a catalyst for
change. Her determination and refusal to accept the
status quo inspire others in her community to question
and challenge the traditional norms surrounding
sanitation and gender roles. As a result, there is a
gradual shift in mindset, leading to the construction of
toilets in households and the recognition of women's
rights to dignity and safety.

The movie showcases how collective action, community

involvement, and individual agency can bring about
significant social change. It highlights the power of
raising awareness, challenging societal norms, and
demanding better infrastructure for all. Through Jaya's
journey, the film demonstrates that resistance to social
structures can lead to positive outcomes and pave the
way for a more equitable society.

In summary, "Toilet: A Love Story" concludes with a

change occurring as resistance to the existing social
structure. The movie emphasizes the importance of
addressing gender inequality and improving sanitation
infrastructure while highlighting the potential for
transformation through individual actions and
collective efforts.

7. Discuss about one strength and one

weakness of the movie. :
Sure, I'd be happy to discuss the movie
"Toilet: A Love Story" and its strengths and weaknesses!

One strength of the movie is its unique and thought-

provoking storyline. "Toilet: A Love Story" tackles a
social issue that is often overlooked but affects millions
of people in India - the lack of proper sanitation
facilities. The film sheds light on the struggles faced by
women who do not have access to toilets in their
homes, and it emphasizes the importance of hygiene,
privacy, and dignity. By addressing this issue through a
love story, the movie effectively captures the
audience's attention and raises awareness about a
significant problem in society.

However, one weakness of the movie could be its

pacing. Some viewers might find certain parts of the
film to be slow-paced or dragged out, particularly
during the second half. While the intention behind
showcasing the challenges faced by the characters is
commendable, it could have been executed in a more
concise manner to maintain a consistent flow

Toilet: A Love Story" successfully highlights an

important social issue while delivering an engaging
narrative. Despite its pacing issues, it manages to
captivate audiences with its unique concept and
heartfelt performances

8. What did you learn from this movie? :

From the movie "Toilet: A Love Story," I learned
about the importance of basic sanitation and its impact
on people's lives. The film sheds light on the struggles
faced by women in rural areas of India who lack access
to proper toilet facilities. It highlights how this lack of
sanitation not only affects their health and hygiene but
also their safety and dignity.

The movie also emphasizes the power of individual

action and social change. The protagonist, Keshav, takes
it upon himself to build a toilet for his wife, Jaya, after
she leaves him due to the absence of one in their home.
Through his journey, we see how one person's
determination can bring about significant change in
society. The film encourages viewers to question
societal norms and take steps towards creating a more
inclusive and hygienic environment for all.

Additionally, "Toilet: A Love Story" showcases the

importance of breaking taboos and challenging
traditional beliefs. It challenges the stigma associated
with discussing toilets openly and highlights the need
for open conversations about sanitation issues. The
movie encourages viewers to question cultural
practices that hinder progress and advocate for
positive change.

Toilet: A Love Story" taught me about the significance of

basic sanitation, individual agency, and the power of
challenging societal norms to bring about positive
change in communities.

9. How does it help you in understanding the

social structure? :
The movie "Toilet: A Love Story" provides
valuable insights into the social structure by
highlighting the deep-rooted issues and inequalities
that exist within society. It offers a glimpse into the
social dynamics, cultural norms, and gender roles
prevalent in rural areas of India.
One aspect that the film explores is the patriarchal
nature of society. It portrays how women are often
expected to conform to traditional gender roles and
face restrictions on their freedom and agency. The lack
of access to toilets for women becomes a symbol of this
larger issue, as it reflects the unequal power dynamics
and limited opportunities for women in certain

Moreover, the movie sheds light on the social stigma

associated with discussing sanitation openly. It reveals
how societal taboos and conservative mindsets can
hinder progress and prevent necessary changes from
taking place. The reluctance to address this basic need
reflects a broader reluctance to confront
uncomfortable topics or challenge existing norms.

"Toilet: A Love Story" also highlights the importance of

community engagement and collective action in
addressing social issues. The protagonist's efforts to
build toilets not only benefit his own family but also
inspire others in the community to demand better
sanitation facilities. This demonstrates how individual
actions can have a ripple effect, leading to broader
social change.
The movie helps in understanding the social structure
by exposing the gender inequalities, cultural norms, and
systemic barriers that exist within society. It encourages
viewers to critically examine these structures and
reflect on the need for collective efforts to bring about
positive transformations.


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