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Table of Contents

Apöstexx 2
ROT Corps 8
Pruzcz 14
Black-Carpet 20
Lilystone 26
Fort Permia 32

Everything in this document has been designed, written, and illustrated by Olivia Bittner.
Based on the tabletop skirmish game of Tom Bloom.
Fonts are Georgia and M etal B lackletter /sw am pyyym arsh
U pdate 2

As a kid, I’d ask my brother for his D&D handbook pretty often
just to stare at the arts, sketching every little item. The inventory
pages with all the different shop items and weapons and armor
always entranced me for hours on end. Those big diagrams of
pencil-sketched items were the earliest things I can remember
wanting to draw, and scribbling away on a piece of notebook
I first started reading KILL SIX BILLION DEMONS when I was
a sophomore in high-school back 2018- around Christmas I
believe. I was a mess. Dysphoria was kicking in hard and I
struggled just to speak to friends. Book 3 was what really dragged
me in, the way Allison struggled with different parts of herself,
and the way she finally conquered in the end was to come together
wholly and love herself, even every little bit she hated. I think I’ve
basically been following Tom’s work near-religiously since that
day, to be honest. He was one of my biggest art inspirations, and
was a massive influence on my style. In a way, I guess this whole
project is a love letter to his work. Just like how that dumb 3rd
edition handbook taught me how to draw, KSBD taught it to me
all over again.
I started this project, officially, on January 4th, 2024. Since then,
I’ve been making this entire document from scratch- tweaking and
adjusting systems and making art from sunrise to sundown.
Maleghast has been an incredible inspiration since its release, first
leading me to making the necromancers who launched me into the
community, and now trying my hand into the rules space. This
PDF has haunted me for the better part of a month and I hope the
two three four weeks of hyper-fixated effort have been worth it. As
I’m writing this now, it is 5:06 AM, and I have spent the last 8
hours going back and tweaking everything.
If you enjoy any part of this document- the art, the writing,
anything in the slightest, please follow my art blog on tumblr.
There will be more to come. This will not be my only foray into
the tabletop, or into Maleghast for that matter. Tabletop is my
dream, and I want to keep doing this for as long as I can. I quit my
job to draw and write, so hopefully it works out okay fdsjgkndf.
This document is free and will always remain free.
I hope that this long effort has been worth it. Thank you for
downloading. Give them hell.
-Olivia Bittner
(Swampy, Strigoi Vomit Lover, #1 Igorri Fan)


S ince the first sin, the divide of necromancers into various houses has been

commonplace. A consolidation of pacts, beliefs, and general methods is what defined you as a
necromancer within the eternal factionalism that has divided the black arts since the dawn of history.
The term "Great House" has been used to describe those as the top of the food-chain; Vast tracts of
land, milk and honey boundless, vast armies of the damned, or merely with a tight lock over a great
and terrible secret power. The authority they command is absolute, their abyssal glory is everlasting,
and their rivalries bloody. To hold the position of great house is to be constantly watching your back.
Your position is never, ever, secure. Throughout the boundless history of death, Great Houses have
come and gone like the dust they animate, and the void they leave behind is quick to be filled by a
rising star, or swallowed by a rival postponing their own execution date.
There are many, many, many lesser houses within Anzenmezzeron alone- far too many, some argue-
and equally as many reason for aspiring necromancers to join them. A mere stepping-stone in their
rise to power, a bounce-back after being rejected from the higher houses, or simple disagreements with
the greater authority. The power of great houses is, truly, oft exaggerated, and leaves much to be
desired. We are all mortal, even if we try to tell ourselves this city doesn't let us die. After all, what is a
greater house anyway, if not an old dog waiting for it's days to end? As with all things in
Anzenmezzeron, the holders of power will waste away to nothing- not just dethroned, but buried down
below the surface to fester and haunt the layers above in name but never presence. Everyone knows
there will always be an empty throne- forgotten by history, trod into the soil, stunted into a fraction of
their former power. A position will open eventually. Rivalries will flare. Territory will be lost. A new
king will rise.

T ill then, it's just a short step to hell.

The inverted tower Supreme Lebab scrapes from the O ther M echanics
bottom of Anzenmezzeron, marking the first point that
• Line: Affects all units in a line. Lines can only be
the charnel city shall make contact directly with Hell. drawn in orthogonal (compass) directions and can
From this great spiraling tower, the Apöstexx only be drawn from one of those spaces - in other
necromancers utilize their connection to the hell below words, no diagonals.
to form pacts with the ease any other necromancer • Obliterate: A unit that is Obliterated leaves neither
would have with merely raising the dead. Each Pitlord body nor SOUL, and does not trigger effects that
of the great tower swells with Devil contracts, their trigger when they are slain or reduced to 0 hp.
strained form bearing the curses and blessings of hell. • Push: Involuntarily push unit a number of spaces, as
long as each space of the push is farther away from the
The great cost of their power is far outweighed by their
pushing unit or effect than the last space. Does not
newfound strength. count as moving.
The ranks of the house Apöstexx are lined with • Pull: Involuntarily pull unit a number of spaces, as
long as each space of the pull is closer to the pulling
beggars and wishers, looking for a way out of
unit or effect than the last space. Does not count as
their situations. Mere fodder, a scant few may moving.
survive to raise the ranks. Maybe. • Splash: Affects all adjacent units, but not the target.
P laystyle Can be splash (target) or splash (self)
• All Tokens.
Elite necromancer with supporting mooks.
S oundtrack
Dragula - Rob Zombie
Beware - Death Grips
Bewitched - Candlemass

S pecial M echanic:
R itual/P act: Ritual and Pact tokens are
opposites of each other. A unit with at least one Ritual
token gains +1 to their defense value, and discards one
after this unit is hit or grazed. A unit with at least one
Pact token gets +1D to their attacks and discards one
after it attacks. They are both positive.
S pecial T ag:
Invert: When a unit inverts, it changes all its tokens
to their opposite face. (i.e. vitality becomes
vulnerability). If a token has no opposite side, reduce
it by 1 instead.
D redge
Apöstexx Thrall

2 3 3+ -
T raits
• Thrall
• Sacrifice: Starts combat with 2 vulnerable. If
obliterated by an ally's ability (not self), give
them 1 ritual.
A CT A bilities

Waiting Vessel: Range 4

Effect: Move target hazard or adverse terrain to under this unit.
Submit: Range 2.
Effect: Target ally Inverts. Obliterate self.

A P art to P lay P erfect S acrifice False C onsecration

When one of these units dies, your When obliterated by own or ally's Waiting Vessel clears away the
necromancer may step 1. effect, still gives 1 SOUL. terrain it targets.

C auldron
Apöstexx Freak

2 4 2+ PHYS
T raits
• Bubbling: Generates 1 Ritual at turn start.
• Demonhost: When an adjacent ally gains a
token, you may transfer one of them to this unit

A CT A bilities
Deluge: Self
Effect: Splash (self) distribute 3 tokens on this unit to units within range.
Alchemize: Range 2.
Effect: All tokens on this unit become rituals (4+): as well as gaining one (6+):
two vitality. Afterwards, you may remove three rituals from this unit. If you do,
target ally Inverts.

Fum ehood O verflow M ercury

Enemies cannot clear this unit's At the end of its turn, if this unit has Alchemize can target enemies if you
tokens. 4 or more tokens, it automatically pay 4 rituals.
uses Deluge.
Apöstexx Hunter

2 4 2+ PHYS
T raits
• Indebted: Can body-block for the necromancer
from range 2.

A CT A bilities
Exhume: Range 4
Effect: Transfer negative tokens from target to this unit. Gain 1 ritual, or 2 if
the target was an enemy.
Worldeater Spear: Attack, Range 4
On Hit: 1 damage and 1 vulnerable. If target is within range 2, push 2.

A postate E m pty M artyr P ow er D rain

Replace trait- Usurper: Gain 1 of When slain or obliterated, clear 1 Exhume is now range 3 and may
either speed, strength, or vitality at token of your choice from adjacent now also transfer positive tokens.
start of turn. Can no longer be used allies.
as Body-Block.

P it-A dept
Apöstexx Horror

4 4 3+ -
T raits
• Meditation: At the start of combat, gains 1 of
either slow or weak- as well as 1 ritual.

A CT A bilities

Devil Palm: Attack, Melee

On Hit: 2 damage, (5+): obliterates on kill. Gain 1 weak on self.

Demon Rush: Attack, Melee.

Effect: 1 damage, splash (target) 1 curse damage. Spend a pact on self to avoid
damaging yourself during this action. Gain 1 weak afterwards.

Falling S tar K now er of W ays Like M aster, Like S tudent

When adjacent to your When inverting a positive token to a SOUL abilities that are used on
necromancer, may roll 2 effect dice negative token, may just clear all "Own Turn" can be used on this
during ACTs, choosing one to keep. those tokens instead. unit's turn, centering on this unit.
D em ifiend
Apöstexx Tyrant

2 6 2+ -
T raits
• Tyrant: 2x2 unit
• Chorus: At the start of its turn, may choose to

A CT A bilities
Eternal Hunger: Attack, Melee.
On hit: 1 damage, 1 damage again.
Two-Sided Pact: Melee
Effect: This unit and target ally invert.
Infernal Vessel: Self.
Effect: Take 3 devil damage. Your necromancer can activate again this

T w isting H orror C orrupter C onductor

Eternal Hunger gives 2 slow. Two-Sided pact also gives the target When an ally in range 2 Inverts,
1 weakness before inverting. they gain 1 ritual beforehand.

P itlord
Apöstexx Necromancer

4 14 2+ -
T raits
• Wordwielder: 2x2 unit. Starts combat with 1 ritual- as well as your choice of:
1 slow, 1 vulnerable, or 1 weakness. Gain 1 weak or slow at the start of your
+ Choose One More

A CT A bilities

Balor Gaze: Line 2.

On hit: 1 Curse Damage. Give or take one token with one target. (5+): you may Invert.

+ Choose One More

SO U L A bilities

Black Word: Break/Form (1 SOUL): Own turn. Effect: All adjacent allies and self gain 1 ritual, or self
gains 1 vulnerable, 1 weak, or 1 slow.
Esotropia (3 SOUL): Own or Ally Turn. Self, Curse. Effect: Invert self.
+ Choose One More
B onus T rait
• Numerology: When you have exactly three tokens of different types, and you have an equal amount of
each, gain one more of each at the end of your turn.
• Name of Power: When you have exactly three tokens of different types, ignore the first time in the
round when you would lose a token.
• Alchemy: When you have exactly three tokens of different types, you roll an extra effect dice, discarding
one after rolling.

A CT U pgrades
• Black Word: Invoke: Range 4. Effect: Pull 2 (5+): Pull 3 instead. (3+): You gain 1 vulnerable (5+): 2
• Descent Mantra: Self. Effect: Obliterate an adjacent ally. Gain 1 ritual and 1 weak, slow, or
vulnerable. Then, Invert.
• Rhabdos Chain: Range 3. Effect: Draw a line 3 in range going in any direction, it doesn't need to
originate from the user, but all spaces must be in line of sight. Units hit are pulled 1 towards you and take
1 damage. You gain 1 weak afterwards.
• Kheter Burst: Self. Effect: Gain 1 slow. Splash (self) 1 curse damage, push 1 (4+): push 2. If a target is
stopped by a wall or other unit, they take 1 damage.
• Devil Beam: Line 3. Effect: 1 curse damage. (4+): becomes line 4 (5+): becomes line 6 (6+): becomes
line 10.
• Magna Hex Nail: Attack, Melee. Effect: Cannot be used again until the end of next round even on a
miss. On Hit: 3 damage.
• Black Word: Inferno: Attack, Melee. On hit: 1 curse damage. Repeat for each type of positive token
on you. Remove all positive tokens of one type afterwards. If this deals more than 6 damage, you take
just as much Devil damage.

SO U L U pgrades
• Black Word: Inside-Out (1 SOUL): Own turn, Range 3. Curse. Effect: Lose 1 ritual to deal 1 curse
damage to a unit in range.
• Ego Projection (2 SOUL): Own Turn. Self. Effect: Discard two tokens. Create two more of a token
currently affecting you.
• Hand of Glory (2 SOUL): Own Turn. Trigger: Before MOVEing. Effect: All adjacent allies follow
along during this move, making the same exact movements. If a unit cannot move for any reason- such
as colliding with a wall or enemy- they instantly stop in place and this effect ends for them.
• Psychoclash (3 SOUL): Own turn. Range 5, Curse. Effect: Pull self and target directly adjacent to
each other, going one space at a time starting with them.
• Great Word: Nema (4 SOUL): Own or Ally turn. Range 2. Effect: Invert target or self, but positive
tokens are cleared instead of becoming negative.
• Final Word: New Messiah (6 SOUL): Own turn. Trigger: Turn Start. Effect: Transfer all tokens of
your choice from your allies to your Necromancer, then slay all of them. Gain 6 ritual, then Invert.
ROT Corps
The city is a breeding ground for various military O ther M echanics
contractors. Outside, the calls for undead for various
• Obliterate: A unit that is Obliterated leaves neither
dirty jobs and across warzones grow more and more body nor SOUL, and does not trigger effects that
frequent by those in power, and Anzenmezzeron is trigger when they are slain or reduced to 0 hp.
happy to supply. C.A.R.C.A.S.S. may be the most well • Push: Involuntarily push unit a number of spaces, as
known, but it is far from the only house vying for these long as each space of the push is farther away from the
contracts. pushing unit or effect than the last space. Does not
count as moving.
The house of ROT Corps is a mercenary guild • Slow (token): MOVE a max of 1 space, discard one
consisting of several independent suppliers of undead after MOVEing.
armaments. Lacking the technological prowess of their • Splash: Affects all adjacent units, but not the target.
competitors, the ROT Corps are under deal with Aryes, Can be splash (target) or splash (self)
the Body Devil, granting them the sheer mass needed • Vulnerable (token): Take +1 damage, discard one
to outgun their enemies and maintain control over after damage is increased this way.
large portions of the demand. Aryes demands only one
thing: Blood. It cares not from where it flows, and the
great fuel of the earth pumps greedily from every
bullet ROT lands.
P laystyle
Ranged subjugation.
S oundtrack
TAKYON - Death Grips
Rent Due- Ville Kallio
Refuse/Resist - Sepultra
S pecial T ag:

C ritical: An ability with Critical consumes up to two

vulnerable tokens at once to do +2 damage total if the
extra token is available.
Frag X: Abilities that have Frag X can only be used X
times during a battle. Frags are consumed, even on a
R ecoil: If you MOVE before attacking with a Recoil
attack it gets -1D.
C onscrypt
ROT Corps Thrall

3 2 4+ -
T raits
• Thrall: 2 of these units are worth 1 unit slot.
Can be activated two at a time.

A CT A bilities
ZK58: Attack, Range 2-3. Frag 2, Recoil
On hit: 1 damage. (5+): 1 vulnerable.
Suppress: Range 2-3
Effect: Apply 1 slow. If this unit is not at max HP, 1 vulnerable as well.

W et W ork D ead C ity B lock-B uster G uerrilla D ice

ZK58 gains Critical. On death, splash (self) 1 fire Roll a d6 before dying. On a 6,
damage. remain at 1 HP instead of dying.
Obliteration works regardless.

O ld B oy
ROT Corps Scion

2 4 3+ SUPER
T raits
• Rabid: Loses SUPER armor the first time it gets

A CT A bilities
Beat to Death: Attack, Melee
On Hit: 1 damage. Push 1 (4+): push 2 (6+): push 3. Pull along self with them.
Shred: Attack, Melee.
On Hit: 1 fire damage, Critical. On kill, 1 vulnerable to an adjacent unit.
Rushdown Corridor: Self.
Effect: MOVE forward up to 4 spaces in a straight line, stopping on an obstruction.
The first thing this unit impacts takes 1 damage and 1 vulnerable (4+): 2

C ruelty Im plant S uper H otline C rank

Rushdown Corridor can pass Beat to Death gains (5+) 1 damage May spend vulnerable tokens on self
through the first unit it impacts, still again. as strength tokens.
dealing the effect to them as well as
the next obstruction it impacts.
D og of W ar
ROT Corps Horror

4 4 3+ -
T raits
• Foxholes: May step 2 with free movement once
at any point during its moves.

A CT A bilities
Wide Barrel "Chimney Sweep": Range 2-2, Attack, Frag 2
On Hit: 1 damage, 1 damage to a foe adjacent to the target. Effect:
Consume another frag to attack again, even on a miss.
Seek and Destroy: Range 3
Effect: Target doubles their vulnerable tokens (5+): and gains 1 more.
Hell's Jaws: Attack, Melee
On Hit: 1 fire damage. Critical.

B andoliers B lood in the W ater B lack O perations

Chimney Sweep gains +2 frags. Seek and Destroy's effect dice Seek and Destroy also applies 1
always triggers against a unit that slow.
isn't at full health.

S talker
ROT Corps Hunter

3 3 4+ MAG
T raits
• Untouchable: Once per battle, may teleport to a
space within range 3 instead of MOVEing.

A CT A bilities
Thanatos Round: Attack, Range 3-5. Frag 1, Recoil.
On Hit: 2 damage. Critical.
99MG Custom: Attack, Range 2-3. Recoil.
On Hit: 1 damage. 1 vulnerable, (5+): 2 vulnerable.

C ertain D eath B loody M ess R oadside P icnic

Thanatos Round gains +1 damage if Thanatos Round gains "On kill with Step 4 after regaining any Frags.
Critical triggers. critical damage, splash (target) 1
H ellkite
ROT Corps Tyrant

4 5 2+ PHYS
T raits
• Airborne: Ignores terrain types. May end it's
turn "on top" of obstructions as if this unit
occupied no space. Enemies can pass through
this unit. Always counts as elevated.
• Tyrant: 2x2 unit.

A CT A bilities
BLOODRAIN: Self, Frag 2.
Effect: MOVE. Units you pass over take 1 damage. Critical.
"Eye-In-The-Sky" LAZ: Range 6
Effect: 1 vulnerable (4+): 2 vulnerable. (6+): 3 vulnerable.
Red Signal: Range 3, Curse.
Effect: 1 slow (4+): 2 slow. Next damage against target gains critical.

A erial E xit V ulture B om bing R un

Before MOVEing, may "transport" Conscrypts within range 2 get +1D Unit killed by BLOODRAIN splash
an allied necromancer it is adjacent to their attacks. (self) 1 fire damage. The Hellkite is
to, pulling it along. immune to this splash.

T askm aster
House Necromancer

3 10 4+ -
T raits
• Master of Arms: When consuming vulnerable from a target by dealing
damage, never consume their last token. After MOVEing, restore 1 frag to an
adjacent ally.
+ Choose One More

A CT A bilities

88-DD "One True Love": Attack, Range 2-4, Frag 3. Recoil.

On hit: 2 damage, ignores armor.
+ Choose One More

SO U L A bilities
Bloodgames (1 SOUL): Own Turn. Effect: Create a SOULess Conscrypt adjacent to you. They spawn with 0
Frag on their ZK58 and 1 HP. They can activate this round, but can't Body-Block until after their first activation.
Bullet Economy (3 SOUL): Own Turn. Frag 1. Effect: Fully restore all adjacent allies frags.
+ Choose One More
B onus T rait
• Ex-Military: Master of Arms restores 1 frag to all adjacent allies.
• Merchant of Death: All your ACTs initial damage gains Critical if they didn't have it, as well as Frag 2
(or -1 Frag if the weapon already had it.)
• Discipline Training: Ignore Recoil on your weapons. Allies adjacent to you ignore Recoil as well.

A CT U pgrades
• Lucky Coin: Self. Effect: The next time this unit deals damage, it Obliterates if it kills. Take 1 devil
damage if it doesn't.
• Signal Flare: Range 3, Frag 1, Effect: Give target 2 (4+) 3 vulnerable.
• Pinup Sidepiece: Attack, Range 2-3. Frag 2. Effect: When you miss any attack ACT, instead of grazing
you can roll to attack with this weapon. On Hit: 1 damage, ignores armor.
• PV-"Bloodletter": Attack, Range 2-3. Recoil. On Hit: 1 damage. Restore 1 Frag to one ACT.
• LV4 LC "Mine Now": Attack, Range 2-6. Recoil. On Hit: 1 fire damage, splash (target) 1 fire damage.
Critical on both damages. Completely unusable after one use. Shitty rival tech.
• Klutzy Betzy: Attack, Range 2-6. Frag 2, Recoil. Effect: Double the effects of recoil. On Hit: 1 damage,
splash (target) 1 fire damage. On miss, moves 3 spaces in a random orthogonal directions instead of
• BH13 "BEYOND THE GRAVE": Attack, Range 2-5. Recoil. On Hit: 1 damage. Deals 1 damage again
if at least half your original Black Mass is dead or obliterated, and 1 damage again if there are no living
allies on the field.

SO U L U pgrades
• THRU THE WALL (1 SOUL): Own or Allied Turn. Range 4. Trigger: Unit's attack is against a unit
receiving cover from a wall. Effect: Instantly destroy that wall before rolling.
• Bury In Blood (2 SOUL): Allied Turn. Range 5. Effect: Target allied unit splashes (self) 1 fire
damage. Obliterate them. Return them to a space adjacent to you, SOUL-less, fragless, and 1 hp
• Rushdown Execution (2 SOUL): Own Turn. Melee. Trigger: After MOVEing. Effect: 1 damage,
Critical. Step 2.
• Deathgrip (3 SOUL): Own or Allied Turn. Range 5. Trigger: Enemy unit is hit by an attack that
consumed vulnerable. Effect: Consume an additional vulnerable to deal +1 damage.
• Gorey Reanimation (4 SOUL): Own or Ally Turn. Effect: Subtract HP from an adjacent ally or self
to revive a slain allied unit into an adjacent space. They are SOULless and fragless. They have HP
remaining equal to the amount spent minus 1 (can't be more than their max).
• NG-BM "ALL OR NOTHING" ROUND (6 SOUL): Own Turn. Frag 1. Trigger: Before making an
attack roll. Effect: If this attack is body-blocked, the original target still takes half the damage. Expend as
much additional Frag from the current ACT, and Obliterate as many allies on the field as you wish. This
attack deals +1 damage for everything spent this way... if you can hit.
Those who encounter the Anxiety Devil inevitably find S pecial T ag:
themselves in it's trap. One of the strongest devils of S piral: An ability with Spiral causes all negative
hell, those who try to seek escape inevitably fall into a tokens from a unit it reduces to 0 HP to be transferred
spiral of paranoia and fear- it is at the peak of this to a unit within range 2 of them. Triggers before other
spiral that House Pruzcz sits, a forgotten homestead- on-death effects.
both familiar and unknown. The Anxiety Devil picks
its servants from here, it's most tortured victims- a O ther M echanics
family founded on trauma and loss. Pruzcz • Line: Affects all units in a line. Lines can only be
necromancers are gifted their greatest fear as a soul- drawn in orthogonal (compass) directions and can
bound tool- a perversion of a guardian- and sent forth only be drawn from one of those spaces - in other
to do the devil's bidding, lest they become plagued by words, no diagonals.
it's fear once more. The only place safe from it's • Obliterate: A unit that is Obliterated leaves neither
endless trap, the Pruzcz's are an isolated and quiet body nor SOUL, and does not trigger effects that
bunch- but their bond is closer than most of the Great trigger when they are slain or reduced to 0 hp.
Houses can claim. • Push: Involuntarily push unit a number of spaces, as
P laystyle long as each space of the push is farther away from the
pushing unit or effect than the last space. Does not
Overwhelming degeneration.
count as moving.
S oundtrack • Splash: Affects all adjacent units, but not the target.
Человек - GHOST Can be splash (target) or splash (self)
NAUSEA - Black Dresses • Vulnerable (token): Take +1 damage, discard one
after damage is increased this way.
ヒトガワリ - KikuoHana
• Weak (token): -1 damage, discard after dealing
S pecial T okens: damage.

Fear: When a unit discards a negative token, it must

instead discard a Fear token, keeping the original.
T ension: When a unit dies, their allies trigger tension
tokens on themselves, taking curse damage equal to
their tension and then discarding it all. Units dying to
this can trigger tension again. Thrall death only clears
1 token and causes 1 curse damage. Obliterated units
still trigger allies tension.
U nidentified B ody
Pruzcz Thrall

3 2 4+ MAG
T raits
• Thrall: 2 of these units are worth 1 unit slot.
Can be activated two at a time.

A CT A bilities
Rigor Mortis: Attack, Melee
On Hit: 1 damage, 1 weak.

Unzip: Melee
Effect: Obliterate self to deal 3 fear.

B ereavem ent S pares C losed C asket

Unzip deals 5 fear instead of 3 and This unit counts as a corpse. A unit that starts it's turn adjacent
then triggers target's tension. to this unit gains 1 fear.

S corn
Pruzcz Scion

3 4 4+ -
T raits
• Hatred: If this unit isn't at max HP, it gains
PHYS armor.

A CT A bilities
Maim: Attack, Melee.
On Hit: 1 damage, 1 tension. If this unit isn't at max HP, gains Spiral.
Bloodcurdle: Line 3.
Effect: 1 curse damage. If this unit isn't at max HP, 1 fear as well. If this unit is at 1
HP, 1 tension as well.
Sour Mercy: Melee, Curse.
Effect: Target gains their choice of 2 vulnerable, 2 fear, or 2 tension. If this unit
isn't at max HP, apply 3 of those tokens instead.

G rave P unishm ent P erfect H atred S corn

Sour Mercy gains: "Consume an If this unit has 4+ tension, Maim The first time this unit is damaged
adjacent corpse: You choose what deals 2 damage and picks which by an enemy, they receive 2 fear.
tokens target gets." effect is applied with Sour Mercy.
S pectator
Pruzcz Freak

4 4 4+ -
T raits
• Creep: Cannot be targeted by enemies with
three or more negative tokens.

A CT A bilities

Snuff: Range 3.
Effect: Clear 1 (4+): up to 2 (6+): up to 3 tokens from target. If target was an
enemy, give them vulnerable or weak equal to the amount cleared.
Keepsake: Range 3.
Effect: Target gains 1 vulnerable and the next attack against them gains Spiral on
For My One and Only: Melee
Effect: Destroy this unit. Target gains 2 tension and 2 fear.

W allflow er J uicy Fruit Intruder

This unit's ACTs ignore line of sight. If For My One and Only targets a When adjacent to two or more
unit with fear, they gain 2 enemies, splash (self) 1 fear at the
vulnerable as well. end of this unit's turn.

G rave-M ind
Pruzcz Hunter

2 4 4+ MAG
T raits
• Flight: Ignores adverse terrain and elevation
attack and movement penalties.

A CT A bilities
Fear and Hunger: Range 5
Effect: 2 weak. Can only target a unit that is not adjacent to any of their foes.
Twist: Attack, Range 5. Spiral
Effect: Can only target units with two or more negative tokens. 2 curse damage.
Mindraze: Curse, Line 3
Effect: Targets in the line gain 1 tension and 1 vulnerable.

C om plete D eterioration S uspense M utilate

Targeted units that have 4 or more After battle round 3, Twist can Twist gains "If this kills the target,
negative tokens after this unit's acts target any unit and ignores line of splash (target) 1 fear."
take 1 curse damage. sight.
M assacre-G houl
Pruzcz Horror

4 4 4+ -
T raits
• No Escape: Once per round, after an adjacent
foe MOVEs farther away, step 2.

A CT A bilities
Predator and Prey: Range 5
Effect: Does not require line of sight. Target gains 1 tension for each criteria
fulfilled: Not at full hp; has no adjacent allies; cannot see this unit.
Looming End: Melee. Spiral.
Effect: Target must MOVE during their next activation to move further away from
this unit. If they do not, they take 2 damage and 2 tension at the end of their turn.
Hack Apart: Melee, Attack
On Hit: 1 damage. If target is left at 1 HP, they are reduced to 0.

Loop S m ell of Fear First B lood

After stepping with No Escape, deal Predator and Prey gains additional If this unit is the first one to score a
1 damage to an adjacent enemy. criteria: "has any negative tokens." kill in the game, all enemies gain 1

Final G irl
Pruzcz Necromancer

4 8 4+ MAG
T raits
• Duress: At start of activation, gain 1 tension or 1 fear. May then transfer any
or all negative tokens to a unit within range 3.
+ Choose One More

A CT A bilities
Neurosis Tulpa: Range 2.
Effect: 1 curse damage. If target has negative tokens, give 1 fear. This action can be measured from any ally.

+ Choose One More

SO U L A bilities

Mosquito Coil (1 SOUL): Any Turn. Range 3. Trigger: Unit gains tokens through Spiral. Effect: That unit
also gains 2 fear (4+): 3 fear.
Calamity (3 SOUL): Any Turn, Range 2. Trigger: Enemy tries to clear negative token(s). Effect: Choose half
those tokens to stay (5+): all those tokens stay.
+ Choose One More
B onus T rait
• Twisted Steward: The first time in a round that an ability hurts you, deal 1 curse damage back.
• Sole Survivor: When you have no allied units to body-block for you, enemies cannot draw line of sight
to you from more than range 2.
• Agony Connection: If you have equal or more negative tokens than HP remaining, gain SUPER

A CT U pgrades
• Aura of Revulsion: Self, Curse. Effect: Until the start of your next activation, enemies that target you
gain 1 weak and 1 tension afterwards, even if you body-block.
• Guro Burst: Range 5, Curse. Effect: Target gains vulnerable equal to one of their positive tokens.
• Great Fear: Doubt: Range 3, Curse. Effect: Target doubles their fear.
• Great Fear: Certainty: Range 3, Curse. Effect: 1 fear. If target has at least 5 negative tokens at the
end of their next turn, they take 2 curse damage.
• Mass Hysteria: Range 3, Curse. Effect: Target takes 1 curse damage. If you have any tension, target
gains that much tension as well.
• Venomous Spite: Range 2, Attack. Spiral. On Hit: 1 curse damage, 1 curse damage again.
• Suspended Catharsis Blade: Range 3. Curse. Effect: At the end of their next turn, target triggers
their tension.

SO U L U pgrades
• Grotesque Masochism (1 SOUL): Own Turn. Trigger: Turn end. Range 3. Effect: Copy all negative
tokens from target onto self.
• Dawning Terror (1 SOUL): Any Turn. Range 3. Effect: Target unit converts all their tension tokens
into weak tokens.
• Great Fear: Failure (2 SOUL): Own or Ally Turn. Range 3, Curse. Effect: Every time targets
MOVEs, they gain 1 weak. Target can only clear this effect by sacrificing a MOVE (sacrificing a MOVE
for another effect doesn't count.)
• Sudden Panic (3 SOUL): Enemy Turn. Range 4. Trigger: Start of turn Effect: Target gains 1 weak
and their next attack gains -1D.
• Abandon to Fate (4 SOUL): Enemy Turn. Range 5. Trigger: After an enemy with fear ACTs. Effect:
That unit deals 1 damage, ignoring armor, to a unit of your choice adjacent to them. The unit that took
damage immediately triggers their tension.
• Primal Fear: Death (6 SOUL): Own or Allied Turn. Curse. Trigger: At the end of the round, one
enemy unit remains. Effect: Deal 6 devil damage to them.
Within the great city of death, life thrives lusciously. O ther M echanics
The mountains of bodies are a festering buffet for
• Line: Affects all units in a line. Lines can only be
countless scavengers and fungi. Many districts are drawn in orthogonal (compass) directions and can
completely overtaken in mushrooms and fly colonies, only be drawn from one of those spaces - in other
taking every morsel of flavor from the rot. The words, no diagonals.
Opportunity Devil, Ahmoebius, clings to these places • Push: Involuntarily push unit a number of spaces, as
like the very same mold, feeding off of the life that long as each space of the push is farther away from the
grows upon death. The silent throng of house Black- pushing unit or effect than the last space. Does not
count as moving.
Carpet merely follow along, cultivating their garden.
• Speed (token): MOVE +2 space when MOVEing,
The Black-Carpet body is flush with life and empty of
discard one after use.
it- mere feed for the bacteria that rots them from
• Splash: Affects all adjacent units, but not the target.
inside-out, and the Tools of Ahmoebius which Can be splash (target) or splash (self)
maintain the great balance. Death is their mulch.
• Vitality (token): Take -1 damage, discard one after
Unlike other necromancers, they seek the End of reducing damage this way.
Death remaining forever hidden- with no entropy, no
Death, the great garden can no longer flourish. (Note: If you cannot setup all your units at the start of the
battle, set any units that don't fit to the side. They are
P laystyle deployed at the start of round 2 on your board-edge.)
Huge units. Growing danger and terrain clearing.
S oundtrack
Maggot Brain - Funkadelic
Hungry Jungle - Zephram Giltbronze
Black Hole Sun - Soundgarden

S pecial M echanic:
R ot-H ulk: A Black Mass can only contain three Rot-
Hulk units, and only two in a game with 3+ players. A
Rot-Hulk Unit is 2x2 spaces large, and for the case of
heresy any tyrants in a list with one or more Rot-Hulks
gain the Rot-Hulk trait.
D ecay: At the end of their turn, a unit with a Decay
token generates another. Decay does nothing but fuel
Grow effects, which consumes decay from the user, or
Feed effects, which consumes decay from a target. It is
neither a positive or negative token.
S eedbed
Black-Carpet Freak

3 3 3+ MAG
T raits
• Fertilizer: When this unit dies, give an adjacent
unit 1 vitality.

A CT A bilities
Feed the Beast: Melee
Effect: Consume adjacent corpses, and/or Feed from adjacent units. For every three
tokens and/or corpses removed, give an adjacent unit 1 vitality.
Law of the Jungle: Range 2
Effect: Target Grows any amount of decay into speed.
Algae Seeding: Range 3
Effect: Target gains 1 decay. (5+): choose another target.

P ungent Fossilized E m ulsified

On death, splash (self) push foes 2. On death, drops a wall in it's space. On death, also gives 1 speed to the
adjacent unit.

C ultivator
Black-Carpet Hunter

3 3 3+ -
T raits
• Death to Life: After ACTing, may consume an
adjacent corpse to give 1 speed to an adjacent

A CT A bilities

Erode: Attack, Range 3

On Hit: 1 toxic damage, splash (target) push 1 (4+): and 1 decay.
Mulch: Range 3
Effect: Remove all terrain types other than wall from 1 (4+): 2 (6+): 3 spaces in
range. Grow 2: Roll an extra effect dice and pick the highest.

H arvest S helter of B one P low

Erode does +1 damage if target has When standing on a corpse, gains Death to Life can consume adjacent
4+ decay. Clear all decay from cover and MAG armor. Adverse Terrain instead of a corpse.
N aphtha G arden
Black-Carpet Scion

2 6 2+ MAG
T raits
• Rot-Hulk
• Living Pumpjack: After MOVEing, splash (self)
1 decay.

A CT A bilities

Petroleum Fixate: Self

Effect: Splash (self) clear corpses, adverse terrain, and hazards from the area.
Give self and an adjacent unit decay equal to the amount cleared.
Caustic Spray: Line 2
Effect: 1 toxic damage, push 1. Clear affected tiles of terrain types and destroy
walls. Targets that aren't at max hp take 1 toxic damage again. Grow 3: Line 4

A ged R eserves Fairy C ircle E ncroach

If this unit sacrifices its MOVE, Petroleum Fixate clears walls as After ACTing, can step 1 and deal 1
splash (self) 2 decay. well. damage to an adjacent unit.

A vatar of Fertility
Black-Carpet Horror

3 6 2+ -
T raits
• Rot-Hulk
• Living Factory: This unit's decay generates 2
tokens at the end of it's turn instead of 1.

A CT A bilities
Harvest God's Wake: Self
Effect: MOVE. Unit's you pass through are pulled through you into the space
you just left. Feed 3: That pulled unit takes 1 damage and 1 decay.
Hornrot Tackle: Line 4
Effect: Line encompasses the 4 spaces that are adjacent to one side of this
unit instead of an orthogonal direction. Line: 1 toxic damage. Feed 2: Push 2
Nest Growth: Range 3.
Effect: Transfer all of this unit's tokens to target, Grow 2: And give 1 vitality.

D esire P ath T eething S ym biotes

When this unit enters a hazard, it This unit can give it's generated Nest Growth is instead Grow 2: And
clears it after taking damage. decay stacks to an adjacent unit. give 2 vitality.
H alf-Lord
Black-Carpet Tyrant

4 6 2+ -
T raits
• Rot-Hulk
• Living Reactor: When this unit is affected with
a Feed or Grow effect, it gains 1 speed.

A CT A bilities
Radiotrophic Cascade: Line X
Effect: Grow X: Length of the line is equal to decay used. Line: 1 toxic
damage. If 4+ decay remains on self, +1 damage and reduce your decay
down to 1.
Quantum Leap: Self
Effect: MOVE, able to go through enemy units and ignore terrain types.
Targets passed through take 1 toxic damage if they aren't at max hp.
Atomic Breakdown: Range 3
Effect: Feed 3: Target loses their armor.

M ushroom C loud B eelzebub Fallout D evil C ore

If this unit has 3+ decay remaining, After using Quantum Leap, create a On death, splash (self) 1 fire
splash 1 toxic damage at the end of hazard in one (4+): two spaces you damage. Units with any decay take 1
their Line X. moved over. more damage.

M ortis G ardener
Black-Carpet Necromancer

3 8 4+ MAG
T raits
• From Mortis's Garden: Immunity to hazards. At the start of your activation,
may convert 1 decay on an adjacent unit into speed or vitality.
+ Choose One More

A CT A bilities
Tools of Ahmoebius: Line 3.
Effect: If target is undamaged, they take 1 toxic damage. If they have damage, they instead gain 1 decay.
+ Choose One More

SO U L A bilities
Unearth (1 SOUL): Own or Ally Turn. Range 3. Effect: Target Rot-Hulk gains 1 vitality. If they aren't at full
HP, they gain 2 vitality.
Consume (3 SOUL): Own or Ally Turn. Range 3. Effect: Feed 3: Target takes 2 damage or gains 2 vitality
and 2 speed.
+ Choose One More
B onus T rait
• Predator, Destined for Time: +1D on attacks. Gain 1 decay and take 1 devil damage at the end of
your activation.
• Prey, Destined for Mouths: If an allied unit damages you, they gain 1 vitality and so do you.
• Uroboros Writhes: Gain Rot-Hulk, +2 HP, and -2 Df. Gain your choice of Living Pumpjack, Living
Factory, or Living Reactor (see Rot-Hulk profiles.)

A CT U pgrades
• Microbe Harvest: Range 2. Effect: Splash (target) clear corpses, hazards, and adverse terrain in
affected area. Target takes 1 toxic damage, and gains 1 decay per object cleared.
• Clay Heart: Self. Effect: Convert all decay on self into either vitality or speed.
• Corpse Bloom: Range 5. Effect: Target corpse turns into a wall, splash (target) 1 decay.
• Greenhouse Cairn: Range 5. Effect: Destroy target wall. It creates 1 (3+): 2 (5+): 3 corpses where it
• Blood Wretch: Range 5. Effect: Choose two targets in range to take 1 toxic damage. Choose a foe
within range to gain 1 vitality.
• All That Remains Is Memory: Range 2. Effect: Feed 4: Destroy target unit at 1 HP.
• Worming Wound: Attack, Melee. On Hit: 1 damage. Feed 3: 1 damage again. Feed 5: 1 damage again.

SO U L U pgrades
• Toxic Shock (1 SOUL): Ally Turn. Effect: Target unit adjacent to a Rot-Hulk takes 1 toxic damage.
This can only target units that have decay and aren't at max HP.
• Starve Away (1 SOUL): Own or Ally Turn. Effect: Clear positive tokens from target unit adjacent to a
Rot-Hulk. This can only target units that have decay and aren't at max HP.
• Beastfall (2 SOUL): Any Turn. Trigger: A friendly Rot-Hulk dies. Effect: All other allied units gain 1
vitality and step 2.
• Fruit of Rot (3 SOUL): Any Turn. Range 4. Trigger: Turn Start. Effect: Target or self clears all decay.
Create a special wall in a space adjacent to them. It has HP equal to the amount of decay cleared.
• Life and Death (4 SOUL): Own or Ally Turn. Range 3. Trigger: Turn Start. Effect: Clear all decay
from an allied unit or self. That unit and a unit adjacent take toxic damage equal to the amount cleared.
• Garden of Entropy (6 SOUL): Own Turn. Effect: All terrain on the map becomes hazards in addition
to their other types. Until the end of the game: When an ally dies, it instead stays at 0 HP, dying the next
time it takes damage instead and becomes immune to hazards.
Water sources in the city inevitably become H ollow: A hollow is a unit with 2 MOVE, 1 HP, Df 3+,
contaminated- the hunt for it made no less difficult no armor, and no ACTs and cannot MOVE twice. They
thanks to the presence of the once Great House are SOULless. You control all hollows you create.
Lilystone. The waterways ancient protectors, schisms Hollows count as corpses and do not drop them on
and splits within house infrastructure has ruined their death.
sanctuaries. Intentional pollution, hidden watchers,
on-going wars over territory. The ancient
necromancers of Lilystone are one of the last houses O ther M echanics
using the magick of Phylacteries- granting them
• Adverse Terrain: Special terrain type, like mud,
immortality the old-fashion-way, as well as making
rubble, water, etc. Costs +1 more movement to exit.
their ancient feuds truly endless. Dragging along their
• Push: Involuntarily push unit a number of spaces, as
ageless court, still tied to the soul of their lord, all are long as each space of the push is farther away from the
eventually drawn into the shadow-wars of the pushing unit or effect than the last space. Does not
Lilystone dynasties. count as moving.
P laystyle • Speed (token): MOVE +2 space when MOVEing,
discard one after use.
Underhanded tactics. Very unchivalrous. • Splash: Affects all adjacent units, but not the target.
Can be splash (target) or splash (self)
S oundtrack
• Vulnerable (token): Take +1 damage, discard one
Slave To The Reign - やーぱん after damage is increased this way.

Kingdom Come - Manowar

The Enemy So Bold - Curta'n Wall

S pecial M echanic:

P hylactery: After setting up your units, select one to

gain the Phylactery token. For all intents and
purposes, a unit with a Phylactery token is your
necromancer. Your necromancer still gets its own turn
using whatever unit it currently possesses but cannot
MOVE. Phylactery can only be transferred to allied
units and cannot be copied or cleared. You still have
the default number of unit slots.
S ubm erge: A unit with submerge cannot be seen by
enemies unless they are the closest enemy unit to
them. If there is a tie for closest, the enemy can see all
tied units. They can still be targeted if used to Body-
D row ned A rm or
Lilystone Thrall

2 1 4+ -
T raits
• Yeomen: Drop a hollow instead of a corpse on
• Thrall

A CT A bilities
Curse of Mud: Self
Effect: Until the start of this unit's next turn, whenever a foe voluntarily leaves
adjacency to them they take 1 damage.
Spear Formation: Attack, Range 2.
On Hit: 1 damage. You and adjacent ally step 1.

Flag R outine Legion of D eath D rag D ow n

After performing an action, this unit Once per game during an ally's Curse of Mud creates adverse
may transfer their Phylactery to an movement, all Drowned Armor can terrain in the tile they left before
ally within range 2. step 1. leaving adjacency.

D ragoon
Lilystone Scion

3 4 3+ MAG
T raits
• Submerge
• Paragon: Drop a SOULless Drowned Armor
instead of a corpse. May transfer the Phylactery
to an ally within range 2 after hitting an enemy.

A CT A bilities
Armament: Melee, Attack
On Hit: 1 damage. Choose one: 1 damage again; Step 2; +1 damage.
Challenge: Range 4
Effect: This unit loses Submerge. Target's abilities do -1 damage unless this
unit is a target. Both effects are cleared when target deals damage to this unit.
This unit can only challenge one unit at a time.
Fen Lurker: Range 4.
Effect: Teleport to an adverse terrain in range. Splash (self) 1 curse damage.

T he Lord's H onor Fae-K night C ursed W arrior

If this unit has the Phylactery, it's When a challenged foe hits this unit, If this unit has the Phylactery, it
attacks gain +1D and it gains 1 they gain 1 vulnerable. loses MAG armor and gains PHYS
speed at the start of it's turn. armor.
Forge A lchem ist
Lilystone Freak

3 4 4+ PHYS
T raits
• Hellbender: Lacks submerge, but this unit's
abilities can be measured and sourced from any
friendly hollow instead of self.

A CT A bilities
Bog Iron: Range 2.
Effect: Create adverse terrain in range for each adjacent hollow.
Channel: Melee.
Effect: Target unit gains +1D on their next attack and 1 speed. If this is
sourced from a hollow, it can step 1 and deal 1 damage to an adjacent unit.
Lead to Life: Melee.
Effect: Deal 1 damage to target ally. Create a hollow in range. It may step 1.

M ud S port A nvil Fam iliar P hilosopher's S tone

When a hollow gains the Phylactery, After they MOVE, hollows can When hollows are destroyed, they
it may transfer it to this unit. consume 1 vulnerable off a target to drop adverse terrain.
deal 1 damage.

H arlequin
Lilystone Horror

5 3 4+ MAG
T raits
• Submerge
• Joke Eternal: After activating, if this unit has
the Phylactery, transfer it to the closest ally.

A CT A bilities
Taunt: Attack, Melee
Effect: 2 damage. Step 3. Gain 1 vulnerable on self.
Stinging Trick: Range 4
Effect: Target gains 1 vulnerable for each hollow within range 2 of them.
Palm Game: Range 4
Effect: Nothing happens. (4+): Create adverse terrain under target, clear up to
2 tokens from them, and they gain 2 vulnerable.

J ester's P rivilege T he Fool J uggler

Before you lose or draw the game, When this unit dies, give the closest When this unit gains the Phylactery,
splash (self) 1 devil damage. You can enemy 1 vulnerable. it immediately steps 1.
win with this damage.
A rm iger B east
Lilystone Tyrant

3 6 3+ -
T raits
• Submerge
• Tyrant: 2x2 unit
• Flight: Ignores adverse terrain and elevation
attack and movement penalties.
• Shadow Lure: If this unit ends its turn outside
of any enemy LoS, it can step 2.

A CT A bilities
Wergeld Lance: Melee, Attack
On Hit: 1 damage. +1 damage if this unit moved at least 3 spaces this
turn. Ignores armor if this unit moved at least 5 spaces this turn. Moving
into a space and then back doesn't count.
Deathknell Wail: Range 2
Effect: This unit gains 1 speed and loses submerge until the start of it's
next turn. Until the Armiger regains submerge, allied units with
submerge in range cannot be targeted if the Armiger is also a valid target.

D row ning B oast P aragon of D eath E m pty of G lory

Deathknell Wail gains Range 3. This unit's movement characteristic Units killed by Wergeld Lance after
becomes 5. moving 5 spaces create a hollow
instead of a corpse.

B aron-Lich
Lilystone Necromancer

- - - -
T raits
• Labyrinth: The unit with the Phylactery gains +1 Df. The unit with the
Phylactery gains Submerge; if it already had Submerge, it can't be targeted
unless there are no ties.
+ Choose One More
A CT A bilities
Coat of Arms: Self.
Effect: Step 1. Splash (self) 1 curse damage. On kill: May transfer phylactery to an ally within range 4.
+ Choose One More
SO U L A bilities
Fool's Lure (1 SOUL): Enemy Turn. Range 2. Trigger: Allied unit within range is attacked by a foe. Effect:
That allied unit switches places with another allied unit in range. It is now the target.
Haunt (3 SOUL): Any Turn, Self. Trigger: Turn Start. Effect: Transfer the Phylactery to an allied unit within
range 3.
+ Choose One More
B onus T rait
• Lord's Grace: When the Phylactery token is transferred to a new unit, they clear negative tokens.
• Dynasty of War: Your possessed unit may step 1 at the start of your activation. When the Phylactery
dies, you lose the game at the end of this round instead of immediately.
• Phantasm: Attacks against the possessed unit gain -1D if they did not see it at the start of their turn.

A CT U pgrades
• Danse Macabre: Range 2. Effect: Target may MOVE (5+) and then ACT. This can be done even if
they've already MOVE'd and ACTed this round.
• Lost Forever: Range 4. Effect: Push 3 in a straight line. (5+): At the start of their turn, they create an
adverse terrain under themselves. They can clear this effect by ending their turn adjacent to a foe.
• Castle of Mud: Range 4. Effect: Hollows in range create an adverse terrain under themselves.
• Spawn Minion: Melee. Effect: Create a hollow adjacent to you.
• Life Transfer: Range 3. Effect: Transfer all your tokens to an ally within range. Then deal 1 damage to
an adjacent unit.
• Yhutlath's Infectious Madness: Melee. Effect: You gain 1 vulnerable, and target now takes +1
damage from abilities. This effect can be cleared if the affected unit attempts to attack an ally.
• Wightblade: Range 3. On Hit: 1 curse damage, ignoring all reductions and additions.

SO U L U pgrades
• Reform Rank (1 SOUL): Own or Allied Turn. Range 4. Effect: Unit or self gains 1 speed and gains
free movement this turn.
• Subterranean Ambush (1 SOUL): Any Turn. Trigger: Turn Start Range 5. Effect: Target ally
teleports to adverse terrain within range.
• Counterspell (2 SOUL): Any Turn. Self. Trigger: Turn Start Effect: Gain Curseproof until the start of
your next turn.
• Rise From Your Graves (3 SOUL): Own or Ally Turn. Range 3. Effect: All corpses in range become
• Touch of Annihilation (4 SOUL): Any Turn. Melee. Effect: Target takes 1 damage. If this damage
kills, target counts as Obliterated and drops an allied Drowned Armor instead of a corpse.
• Umbegrip (6 SOUL): Own Turn. Curse, Melee. Effect: Gain control of target non-necromancer unit in
range and transfer all your tokens to them.
Fort Permia sits within the lower reaches of O ther M echanics
Anzenmezzeron atop a hill of barbed wire and
• Adverse Terrain: Special terrain type, like mud,
trenches and fueled infinitely by corpses in mere steel rubble, water, etc. Costs +1 more movement to exit.
shells. The great bunker's defenses have held for
• Obliterate: A unit that is Obliterated leaves neither
millenia against countless foes, maintained by the body nor SOUL, and does not trigger effects that
highest necromancers within the elusive order. So trigger when they are slain or reduced to 0 hp.
secluded are the great necromancers of this ancient • Pull: Involuntarily pulls a unit a number of spaces, as
house that they rarely leave their forsaken homes long as each space of the pull is closer to the pulling
except on the highest of orders, encased willingly unit or effect than the last space. Does not count as
within bodies of nigh impenetrable steel. The Beetle
Devil gift's Fort Permia with their barriers and steel- • Push: Involuntarily push unit a number of spaces, as
long as each space of the push is farther away from the
casings, ensuring their safety as long as they take the pushing unit or effect than the last space. Does not
burden of steel upon themselves as well. count as moving.
P laystyle • Slow (token): MOVE a max of 1 space, discard one
after MOVEing.
Opportunistic strikes during a defensive grind.
• Splash: Affects all adjacent units, but not the target.
S oundtrack Can be splash (target) or splash (self)
War Without Reason - Heaven Pierce Her • Wall: Special terrain type. Blocks line of sight and
Hell Broke Luce - Tom Waits movement and provides cover. Has 2 hp and can take
damage or be targeted like a character.
Судно (Борис Рыжий) - Molchat Doma
• Weak (token): -1 damage, discard after dealing
S pecial M echanic:
Iron M aiden: Instead of a standard necromancer
unit, a Fort Permia Black Mass has an Iron Maiden. It
follows all the rules for walls and is not a unit. It
cannot have tokens, cannot be instantly destroyed by
effects, but can trigger attack effects. It has a single
ACT it can take each round like a normal unit.

D espoiled: Despoiled tiles are a type of terrain that

clears a positive token from units that enter. The unit's
controller gets to choose what gets cleared. Despoiling
a tile is a Create effect.
S pecial T ag:
O rdinance: Ordinance abilities and effects can only
be used when a unit has not MOVE'd. It cannot MOVE
T rench D rone
Permia Thrall

2 2 4+ -
T raits
• All Quiet: When this unit doesn't move during
its turn, it gains Cover until it next does.
• Thrall

A CT A bilities
Steel Handshake: Attack, Range 3
Effect: 1 damage. If target is adjacent, push 2.
Heterostatic Dogpile: Melee
Effect: 1 fire damage. Each Trenchdigger adjacent to the target may add +1
damage. This unit and every unit used this way takes 1 fire damage.

S tandoff A t A ny C ost W inter B reaker

When in cover from an attack, gain Heterostatic Dogpile can use While in a Despoiled tile, Steel
PHYS armor against it. Trenchdiggers up to range 2 away. Handshake gains "1 slow."

S apper
Permia Scion

2 4 3+ PHYS
T raits
• Chokestop: Can choose to ignore push and pull
effects. Gains cover in despoiled tiles.

A CT A bilities
Embedder Nymph: Range 4. Ordinance.
Effect: Target square becomes Despoiled. The first time a unit enters that space,
involuntarily or not, they take 2 damage.
Bulkhead: Self
Effect: Until the start of this unit's next turn, it counts as cover and cannot
voluntarily move. Adjacent tiles count as Despoiled for the duration.
RHINO Gun: Range 3, Attack
On Hit: 1 damage, push 1. (4+): 1 slow.

V olatile B arrier Labyrinth B uilder Fire and Fade

Despoiled tiles adjacent to this unit Can place a Wall in an adjacent On hit, the RHINO Gun inflicts 1
count as hazards to other units. despoiled tile before MOVEing. weak on the target.
Q uarterm aster
Permia Freak

3 3 4+ -
T raits
• Flight: Ignores adverse terrain and elevation
attack and movement penalties.

A CT A bilities
Neutralizing Gas: Range 3
Effect: 1 slow (3+): Give slow to a unit adjacent to the target too, (5+): or may
splash (target) 1 weak. Ordinance: May reroll effect dice.
Vindicator Flag: Self. Ordinance.
Effect: Step 1. Splash (self) tiles are Despoiled.
Aposematic Display: Self
Effect: Step 1. Splash (self) push foes 2.

Isolation C lause M yrm ecophile H oneypot

Vindicator Flag pushes enemies 2 After this unit's activation, may turn Vindicator Flag causes allies to step
and gives them 2 weak. adjacent corpses into Despoiled 3.

B om bardier
Permia Hunter

2 3 2+ PHYS
T raits
• Gracilipes: +3 max range to abilities while in
Despoiled tiles.

A CT A bilities
54-Q "Queen": Attack, Range 2-2. Ordinance.
On Hit: 1 damage, splash (target) 1 fire damage.
Fallout: Range 2-2. Ordinance.
Effect: 2 tiles adjacent to each other are Despoiled. (4+): One is also adverse
Land Invasion: Range 1
Effect: Target gains 1 slow (5+): and 1 weak.

Long W ar T herm obaric S hells D irty B om b

Fallout gains (3+): An additional 54-Q deals 2 damage to the 54-Q gives the target 1 slow if
tile is Despoiled, adjacent to the original target if the splash hits they are in or adjacent to a
others. nothing. despoiled tile.
B ig S ister
Permia Tyrant

2 6 2+ PHYS
T raits
• Unliving Tank: Cannot be pushed or pulled.
Tiles MOVE'd through are Despoiled.
• Tyrant: 2x2 unit

A CT A bilities
Denial Barrage: Self
Effect: Splash (self) Until the start of next round, units that are in the
area take 1 damage and are pushed out of the area, immediately
stopping their move if they were moving.
Symbiote Swarm: Attack, Range 2-3
Effect: Can target multiple units, splitting its damage. On Hit: 1 damage,
then 1 damage again.
NP14-"No Place Like Home": Attack, Range 4-6. Ordinance.
On Hit: 2 damage. +1 damage if you are in a Despoiled tile. Cannot be
used two turns in a row due to overheating.

D ynasty E arthm over D epleted U ranium C ase

Symbiote Swarm gains "Ordinance: Tiles under a unit hit by the "No On death, create walls in occupied
1 damage again." Place Like Home" turn into Adverse spaces instead of a corpse.
Terrain and Despoiled.

Iron M aiden
House Necromancer

- 6 - SUPER
T raits
• The Tower: Tiles adjacent to the Iron Maiden count as Despoiled, moving if
this unit moves. +3 Max Range on all non-melee upgrade abilities.
+ Choose One More
A CT A bilities
Earthrend Cannon: Attack, Range 10.
Effect: Does not need LoS, but cannot graze without LoS. On Hit: 1 fire damage, or pull 2. If targeting a unit
within range 5: 1 damage, and push 2.
+ Choose One More
SO U L A bilities
Entrench (1 SOUL): Own Turn. Ordinance. Range 5. Effect: Remove a wall, adverse terrain, and/or a
hazard within range. Then, despoil tiles in range equal to the amount removed.
Pin-point Taxidermy (3 SOUL): Own or Allied Turn. Range 6. Effect: Target an enemy within range. All
Ordinance attacks get +1D and deal +1 damage on a hit roll of 6 against that target.
+ Choose One More
B onus T rait
• Siege-Engine: Become size 2x2 and gains +2 HP.
• Pupated Warhead: May MOVE 1 at the start of its turn. May gain tokens.
• Master of the Earth: Can body-block using allies within range 2. Splash effects of your choice
centered on self go out one additional range increment.

A CT U pgrades
• Ferrous Crawls: Self. Effect: Step 2. Can pull an ally that was adjacent 2 along with it.
• Fairyfly Lure: Range 3-3. Effect: Pull 2. (4+) Select an additional target, (6+) and another.
• Walls of Crete: Range 2-2. Effect: Create a wall within range. Ordinance: Create an additional wall.
They cannot be adjacent to each other.
• Barbsilk Sprayers: Range 2. Effect: Despoil 1 (4+) 2 (6+) 3 tiles in range. They are also Adverse
• Ozeanmeister Battery: Self. Effect: Splash (self) 1 damage. Ordinance: Goes out to range 2.
• Y800-Whisper: Attack, Range 3-3. Ordinance. Effect: Ignores line of sight. but suffers -1D if it does
so. On Hit: 1 damage to target, splash (target) 1 fire damage. (5+): 1 weak onto the initial target.
• Bulkhead Arm: Attack, Melee. Ordinance. On hit: Damage 3, push 3.

SO U L U pgrades
• Emergency Shunt (1 SOUL): Any Turn. Self. Trigger: Turn Start. Effect: Step 2. Splash (self) foes
gain 1 weak.
• Salt the Earth (2 SOUL): Own or Allied Turn. Range 2. Effect: Create an additional hazard adjacent
to every hazard within range. Create an additional adverse terrain adjacent to every adverse terrain
within range.
• Shell of Steel (2 SOUL): Own Turn. Trigger: Turn Start. Effect: Create a wall in each cardinal
direction adjacent, surrounding you completely.
• LION MANDIBLES (3 SOUL): Any Turn. Range 2. Trigger: Turn Start. Effect: Pull target until it is
adjacent to you. Apply 1 slow to them.
• Soul-Bound Symbiotes (4 SOUL): Own Turn. Effect: Teleport all allies to be adjacent to this unit, or
as close as possible. Despoil the tiles they were on.
• IMAGO PROTOCOL (6 SOUL): Own Turn. Self. Effect: Obliterate your necromancer, creating the
Metamorphosis in it's place. It is a unit with MV 5, 10 HP, no armor, Df 4+, Flight, and is your
Necromancer now, retaining all abilities. If your necromancer was below half HP, the Metamorphosis
starts at half HP.
T he E nd
The taste was so bitter-sweet.
The old noble lay dead at your feet- not just dead, but erased. His spot among the black
thrones above is empty now. You have become king.
It tastes so bitter.
They look at you, standing their, robes stained black in blood. You are all covered in his black.
Their eyes are foreign and strange.
Once so close and merry at the table, but now with nothing but hunger.
You have eaten your fill and there is nothing left.
Hail you, the king.

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