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Building and Programming a

Quadcopter/multicopter introduction

Quadcopter Parts


Quadcopter Assembly


Quadcopter ESC and

Flight Control board


Hello and welcome to a tutorial series covering how to build a quadcopter. First, we'll be
Quadcopter First Flight
going over the parts and putting together a quadcopter/multicopter, and then we will be
talking about using a Raspberry Pi with various sensors and peripherals on the
quadcopter. Even if you do not have any interest in putting a Raspberry Pi computer on and more Information

your quadcopter, the first few tutorials are purely aimed at putting together a quadcopter
and flying it with a transmitter. The quadcopter we'll be building:[05-02-2021 06:45:26 PM]

Python Programming Tutorials

Baixa de

Nuvem de Pontos
Projeto Em
Adequado Para
Portaria SMPU 022.
To start, why might you want to custom build a quadcopter or drone as opposed to Entrega Em 2-5 Dias
simply going to the store and buying one. First, when tinkering with things, you're more Úteis.
likely to break it, fry it, or, in our case: crash it! The issue here is that commercially
available drones tend to come with a lot of proprietary parts. What this really means
usually is that the company has a monopoly on those specific parts and they charge as
such. Also, as you decide to change things, if you have custom built your quadcopter,
you can switch out motors, propellers, a frame, and all sorts of things easily with a
custom build.

Despite it likely being a better choice to build a quadcopter, it can be quite the hurdle to
figure out all of the things you need and how to put one together. If you're like me when I
first started, you don't know that not all motors spin in the same direction, for example.

Baixa de Construção
Nuvem de Pontos

Projeto Em Aerolevantamento Adequado Para Portaria SMPU 022.

Entrega Em 2-5 Dias Úteis.


The first choice you have to make is what size of quadcopter / drone you want to make.
There are various sizes, but the most popular size is the 250 for custom quadcopters,[05-02-2021 06:45:26 PM]

Python Programming Tutorials
and then 500ish for the commercial drones. The number corresponds to the distance,
diagonally between the motors. At first, I chose to go with a 525, but the 525 is quite
large, and not as much fun to fly in my opinion. It does more damage if it does crash, and
requires a bit more space to safely fly around. The 250 size is a total blast to fly, much
easier to do very quick maneuvers with, and doesn't need as much space to fly safely. A
500 is not double the size of a 250, it is more like 4x the size, so keep this in mind. In this
tutorial, we'll wind up building a 250, but feel free to build whatever size you want. The
actual needed materials and build process is the same. Costs are also ~ the same, so it
really does not matter beyond personal preference. Here's an example of the the sizes:

The top 2 are 525, the bottom two are size 250

Here are two 250s next to each other. As you can see, one is fatter, and longer than the
other overall, despite both being called 250 frames[05-02-2021 06:45:26 PM]

Python Programming Tutorials

I have gone with the slightly fatter/longer frame in order to fit the Raspberry Pi + Grove Pi
onboard, as you can see stuffed in there:

If you are not looking to add things to the frame, and just want to have a remote-
controlled quadcopter, get whatever frame you like, otherwise be mindful of your options.
Moving forward to the next tutorial, we're going to be talking about parts!

The next tutorial: Quadcopter

Quadcopter Parts Tutorial
Parts Tutorial[05-02-2021 06:45:26 PM]

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