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Rebecca Cobb

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But Mum got cross and told me to sit at the table.
So I sat at the table.
I sat there for a long time.
“Are you going to eat that?”
asked the crocodile.
“Can I have some?” asked the bear
I said, “But I thought you liked
eating small children.”

“Oh no!” said the crocodile.

“Children taste disgusting.”

“Horrible!” said the wolf,
“We would much rather eat your lunch
It is delicious!” said the bear.
“Exquisite!” said the crocodile.

“Yum, yum!”
said the wolf.
Soon they had eaten it all up.

“Thank you very much,”

said the bear.

“It’s a shame you didn’t

want any,” said the crocodile.

“That was the best lunch

we’ve ever eaten,” said the wolf.

Then Mum came back and she was pleased.

“What a nice clean plate!” she said.

After that I played all afternoon.
But my tummy was VERY noisy.
Before long, it was dinnertime.
Mum said, “Eat up.”
And I did.

Every . . .
last . . .

of food, friendship and fun

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First published 2012 by Macmillan Children’s Books

This edition published 2014 by Macmillan Children’s Books
a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited
20 New Wharf Road, London N1 9RR
Basingstoke and Oxford
Associated companies throughout the world
ISBN: 978-1-4472-7104-8
Text and illustrations copyright © Rebecca Cobb 2012
Moral rights asserted. All rights reserved.
UK £5.99
Printed in China CDN $9.99 7814

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