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Families and Domestic Violence

- Domestic and family violence occurs when someone who has a close
personal relationship with you makes you feel afraid ,powerless or unsafe it
can be physical , but can also be emotional and psychological , sexual abuse
and even stalking . Stalking is unwanted /or repeated surveillance by an
individual or group toward another person.
- Anyone can be experience domestic family violence , it happen across
communities , ages , culture’s and sexes . This can be involve marriage
partners , partners living together , dating relationships and even former
spouses ,former partner , and former boyfriend/girlfriend.
- Republic act NO . 6292 or an act defining violence against women and
children , providing for protective measures for victims prescribing penalties
therefore , and for other purposes define violence against women and
children crime.
- Domestic Violence- violent or aggressive behavior within the home , typically
involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner.
- Example: A husband hits his wife repeatedly during an argument , leaving
bruises and marks on her face, arms and chest.
- Teenage Pregnancy-Teenage pregnancy is defined as occurring between
thirteen and nineteen years of age. There are , however , girls as young as
ten who are sexually active and occasionally become pregnant and give birth.
The vast majority of teenage births in the United States occurs among girls
between fifteen and nineteen years of age.
- Changing Family Structures – The traditional nuclear family model is
evolving , with more single- parent households, cohabiting couples , blended
families , and same sex families.
- Divorce or Separation – Divorce or separation refers to the legal process of
formally ending a marital or romantic relationship. It involves the dissolution
of the bonds of matrimony or partnership in legal terms.
- Divorce can be an emotionally charged process , both for the parties involved
and any children in the family. It can be a difficult and stressful experience
for all and can be triggered by various factors ,including financial troubles ,
infidelity, incompatibility , or irreconcilable differences.
- Parent Arguing- when parents repeatedly use hostile strategies with each
other , some children can become distraught , worried, anxious , and
hopeless .Others may react outwardly with anger , becoming aggressive and
developing behavior problems at home and at school.

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