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Final Examination in GEC RE 002


2nd Semester, S.Y. 2020-2021

Answer the following questions comprehensively, substantially, clearly, and logically.

Express your answers in a minimum of FIVE SENTENCES. Any answer below five
sentences will not be credited. Do your best to express your answers in your own words.
Answers that are copied from the internet are easily identified. (65 pts)

Rubric for Checking:

1. Sentences with correct grammar, punctuation, comma, and period. (30%)
2. Clarity of thoughts, coherence and consistency of ideas. (35%)
3. Essay content, smooth flow of ideas and validity of thoughts. (35%)

Carl Kimberly O.

1. Why the sacraments of Matrimony and Holy Orders are called the Sacraments of Service? (15

The reason why sacraments of Matrimony and Holy Orders are called the Sacraments of
Service is that they are both called to serve others in a particular way. Matrimony and holy
orders are sacraments of service in which partners and individuals promise to support and
build up the church community. Both sacraments are meaningful for the greater community
because it reminds us of God's faithful, never-ending love for humanity, as well as the wanting
to give love that was so fundamental to Jesus' life and death. We see and hear of love being
made out for the other in Christ's universe. We receive and become our best selves when we
give. So both sacraments are at the heart of the Church's life, celebrating the priority of love
offered in service to others.

2. Why there is a need for Mary in our economy of salvation? (15 pts)

Mary is needed in our economy of salvation because firstly she is addressed to the faithful as
the preeminent model of discipleship and life holiness. Mary makes the Incarnation and the
world's redemption possible. She is the God-given model for Christian discipleship as the
predestined Queen of the Heavens who cooperated with the Lord in full faithfulness until she
was taken up in glory. Because of the 'one economy,' she is even, with her very being. Mary's
existence is one of co-relativity and cooperation with the God-man. Mary's position as a
Christian believer has never been fully explored or described in dogmatic terms. Our Lady is
known as the great sign of God's wisdom's harmony and as the supreme witness to the Unity-
Law and matter's vocation. Mary's function is seen to be written into the Universe's blueprint.
3. If Christ’s resurrection had already brought us life, then what happen to those who had already
died before His resurrection? (15 pts)

The resurrection shows that Jesus' "new covenant blood" saves His people from their sins. But
before the resurrection of Christ. The spirits of those who have died are thought to live in the
spirit world, which is similar to but radically different from the conventional conceptions of
Heaven and Hell. In the afterlife, it is thought that the soul maintains its wishes, values, and
desires. The Father's strong signal that Jesus is the dominant Son of God who has overcome
death and reigns as Lord of all is the resurrection (Romans 1:4; 4:25). Despite the fact that
others were believed to have died and been revived before achieving physical immortality,
Christians conclude that death has been overcome by life, that good has triumphed over evil,
and that hope has triumphed over despair as a result of the resurrection. God's great strength is
shown by the resurrection. Nothing is beyond God's ability to do, which is reassuring and
motivating to Christians who are struggling.

4. If Mary according to the teaching of the Church is the Mother of God, does it mean that she is
greater than God? (15 pts)

Our mother Mary has a number of important roles to perform, including Mary is known as the
Mother of God because she gave birth to the Son of God, despite the fact that she was human
and did not produce God. Mary gave birth to Jesus, who is God, making her the Mother of God.
But the question is if it means she is greater than God? In my opinion and my answer is No,
because Mary is the Mother of God, but not in the sense that she is greater than God or the
source of her Son's divinity because she is neither. However, we refer to her as the Mother of
God in the way that she bore a holy being, Jesus Christ, in her heart. Our Mother of God, on the
other hand, is the Mother of the Living. Mary is referred to as our "Spiritual Mother." Since she
was deserving of the title of Mother of God. The Immaculate Conception is the name granted to
this great privilege. Mary is respected for her humility and motherly love.

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