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Digital delivery, or the provision of goods and services through online

platforms, has been one of the most significant trends in the COVID-19
pandemic and its aftermath. According to various sources, the pandemic has
accelerated the digital transformation and e-commerce growth by several
years, as consumers and businesses have shifted to online channels for
shopping, entertainment, education, health care, and more 1 2.

Digital delivery has many benefits, such as convenience, efficiency, cost

savings, and innovation. It also has some challenges, such as ensuring quality,
security, privacy, and fairness. Moreover, digital delivery has implications for
various stakeholders, such as consumers, businesses, workers, regulators, and
society at large.

Some of the questions that digital delivery raises are:

● How can consumers trust the quality and safety of the goods and
services they receive online?

● How can businesses adapt to the changing consumer preferences and

expectations, and leverage the opportunities of digital delivery?

● How can workers acquire the skills and competencies needed for the
digital economy, and protect their rights and well-being?

● How can regulators balance the need for innovation and competition
with the need for consumer protection and social responsibility?

● How can society ensure that digital delivery is inclusive, accessible, and
sustainable, and does not widen the digital divide or exacerbate

These are some of the issues that need to be addressed and discussed in the
context of digital delivery in the corona times and ever after. Digital delivery is
not only a technological phenomenon, but also a social and economic one,
that requires a holistic and collaborative approach from all stakeholders.

1. How COVID-19 triggered the digital and e-commerce turning point
2. COVID-19 digital transformation & technology | McKinsey
3. COVID-19 has reshaped last-mile logistics, with e-commerce deliveries ...
4. COVID-19 is Accelerating the Rise of the Digital Economy | BDO - BDO USA
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