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Name : Eva Nurhidayah

Student Number : J1E022043

Class :A

Why did the Korean Wave become so global?

The term "Korean Wave" refers to the dissemination of Korean culture through Kpop,
Korean drama, and other forms of entertainment. Korean food and beauty product are
widely popular worldwide even now. All people in the world are now aware of the Korean
wave, which has spread throughout the world. Korean wave has become a global
phenomenon that has attracted the attention of all citizens of the world.

The first thing that made the Korean Wave spread throughout the world was
technological developments. Korean culture or Korean Wave is spreading rapidly throughout
the world due to the influence of globalization and very rapid and sophisticated technological
developments. A few years ago, the Korean wave only spread to countries near Korea, such as
Japan and China, but with the internet, people from all over the world can now access
information and enjoy Korean entertainment easily. Even in Indonesia, the Korean Wave has
been well received since the past two decades. The second is because there was interference
from the South Korean government. The South Korean government actively promotes the
local entertainment sector, which helps spread Korean culture abroad. Hundreds of millions
of won were set aside by the Korean government in 2012 to expand the infrastructure and
entertainment sector in order to promote the Korean culture. Furthermore, K-pop and K-
drama have undoubtedly contributed to the expansion of the Korean Wave. The spread of the
Korean Wave cannot be separated from the popularity of the South Korean entertainment
industry, such as Korean music (K-pop) and Korean drama. Korean culture is prominently
included in many K-pop music videos, including traditional costumes, homes, and dialects as
well as musical instruments. Every Korean drama also shows the typical life of Korean society.
They introduce Korean culture in a way that is popular and loved by many people. They also
often insert advertisements for food or other Korean-made products in their dramas. There
are also many Korean dramas that have a historical theme and are set in ancient Korea. They
not only introduced South Korea, which has become the developed country it is today, but
also introduced its traditional and historical factors. The reason why many people like K-pop
and K-drama is because of their unique promotions. Motivational K-pop songs, attractive
vocals and choreography, interesting drama storylines, the extraordinary talent of idols and
actors, as well as the stunning visuals of South Korean idols and actors, have made the Korean
Wave truly a global phenomenon.

The Korean wave always attracts the attention of the world community. This is
because the spread of the Korean wave is very fast. Supporting factors for the Korean Wave
include technological developments, the government, K-pop, and K-drama. Now other
traditional Korean cultures have also gone global, such as trends in Korean style, food,
skincare, and the Korean language.
Generic Structure:

1. General Statement: stating the phenomenon issues which are to be explained.

The term "Korean Wave" refers to the dissemination of Korean culture through Kpop, Korean
drama, and other forms of entertainment. Korean food and beauty product are widely
popular worldwide even now. All people in the world are now aware of the Korean wave,
which has spread throughout the world. Korean wave has become a global phenomenon that
has attracted the attention of all citizens of the world.
2. Sequenced Explanation: stating a series of steps which explain the phenomenon.

The first thing that made the Korean Wave spread throughout the world was technological
The second is because there was interference from the South Korean government……
Furthermore, K-pop and K-drama have undoubtedly contributed to the expansion of the
Korean Wave……
3. Closing: sump up the explanation and talks about its applications.
The Korean wave always attracts the attention of the world community. This is because the
spread of the Korean wave is very fast. Supporting factors for the Korean Wave include
technological developments, the government, K-pop, and K-drama. Now other traditional
Korean cultures have also gone global, such as trends in Korean style, food, skincare, and the
Korean language.

Language Features:

 Generic Participant: Korean Wave

 Simple Present Tense: The Korean wave always attracts the attention of the world
 Passive Voice: Hundreds of millions of won were set aside by the Korean government
in 2012 to expand the infrastructure and entertainment sector in order to promote the
Korean culture.
 Action Verb: made, spread, access, promote, helps
 Abstract Noun: They introduce Korean culture in a way that is popular and loved by
many people…., Korean Wave cannot be separated from the popularity of…
 Conjunction of time: …well received since…, Korean food and beauty product are…,
Korean culture or Korean Wave is…
 Connectives: The first thing…, The second is because…, Furthermore, K-pop and K-
drama have…
 Noun Phrase: K-pop song
 Adverbial Phrase: Korean culture or Korean Wave is spreading rapidly throughout the
world due…
 Technical Terms: Korean Wave

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