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On The Pale Blue Dot

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, there exists a tiny, pale blue dot—a mote of dust suspended in a
sunbeam, our Earth. Carl Sagan’s iconic words serve as a reminder of humanity’s place in the universe and
the fragility of our planet, imploring us to confront the reality of our existence as we pale in comparison to
the boundless reaches of space.

There is something to be said about the adamant pursuit of technology and the lifestyle people on
Earth have taken upon. Although technology is an important tool for us to try and understand the things
beyond us, it should not be prioritized over the preservation of our planet and its people. The satisfaction
that we seek from technology through convenience, comfort, and progress is not true satisfaction. True
satisfaction comes from a deeper understanding of our place in the universe and a sense of
interconnectedness with all life on earth.

We are reminded we are far from reaching the pinnacle of technological advancement that we are
seeking and that the knowledge we have about the universe is limited to our place within it. As a result of
this, there must be a shift in our focus and lifestyles. We must be kinder to one another and consider the
long-term consequences of our actions on the environment and future generations. The notion of “try to be
happy for tomorrow we die” is a reflection of the momentary satisfaction that we humans frequently seek
and is devoid of consideration for the broader consequences. There is no certainty that we will ever find
another habitable planet in the universe and so we must work together to protect our home and cherish
the Earth while we still can. As a student, a prospective professional, and a citizen of Earth, this
responsibility has become my primary takeaway from the video. I'm committed to altering my lifestyle to
include caring for the Earth and acting as a steward of our planet for future generations.

Emotionally, the video gives me an overwhelming sense of humility, awe and hope. I have known
for a long time that we are a mere speck of dust within the galaxy, but hearing someone actually talk about
it and break down how insignificant we really are in the bigger picture is truly a humbling experience. It
really puts into perspective how little my role in the universe is. However, it also made me realize that no
matter how little I am and how little my role is, I have still affected the lives of many people and they have
affected mine. It is amazing how a dot in a speck of dust can be so impactful to the lives of others. Yet,
amidst all those emotions, the one I felt the most was a glimmer of hope—a recognition of the resilience of
life and the potential for humanity to rise to the occasion and safeguard the future of our Pale Blue Dot, the
only home we’ve ever known.

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