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The day of the holy innocents

The Day of the Holy Innocents

in Colombia is celebrated on
December 28. Although
originally a religious holiday
commemorating the massacre
of male children under the age
of two ordered by King Herod,
over time it has evolved into a
celebration similar to April
Fools' Day in which people
play pranks and get up to
innocent pranks. friends and
family. It is common for the
media to also participate in
telling false stories for

It also represents the beginning of

the black and white carnival that is
celebrated in Nariño.
April Fools' Day
April Fools' Day is a light-
hearted day celebrated on
April 1st in many countries
around the world. On this
day, people play practical
jokes and hoaxes on each
other, often with the aim of
making others believe
something that is not true.
It's a time for harmless
pranks, tricks, and general

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