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Mobile Column Lift

Original Operating Instructions


Pos: 1 / Te chnisc he Dokum entation/Hebe tec hnik/COLUMNLI FT/ 491901 RGA/BA/I nha lt: 4919 Titelb ild @ 42\mod_ 1431950318774_ 0.d ocx @ 2243664 @ @ 1

Pos: 2 /--- --Format---- -/MANUELLER UM BRUCH Seite numbruc h @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_ 0.d

Pos: 2 /--- --Format---- -/MANUELLER UM BRUCH Seite numbruc h @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_ 0.d ocx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Fehler! Verwenden Sie die Registerkarte 'Start', um Name dem Text zuzuweisen, der hier angezeigt werden soll.Fehler! Verwenden Sie
die Registerkarte 'Start', um Name dem Text zuzuweisen, der hier angezeigt werden soll.Fehler! Verwenden Sie die Registerkarte
'Start', um Name dem Text zuzuweisen, der hier angezeigt werden soll.
Pos: 3 /--- --Format---- -/Inha ltsv erzeic hnis - 3 Ebe ne n @ 5\mod_ 1168867441046_ 75.docx @ 72920 @ @ 1

1 Safety ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Symbols .............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Intended Use ....................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Inappropriate Use ................................................................................................................................ 5
1.5 Requirements on Operating and Service Personnel ............................................................................. 5
1.6 Safety Instructions for Commissioning ................................................................................................. 5
1.7 Safety Instructions for Operation ......................................................................................................... 6
1.8 Safety Instructions for Servicing........................................................................................................... 6
1.9 What to Do in the Event of Defects or Malfunctions ............................................................................. 6
1.10 What to Do in the Event of an Accident ............................................................................................... 6
1.11 Safety Features ................................................................................................................................... 7
1.11.1 Locking Device .................................................................................................................................... 7
1.11.2 Braking Motor ..................................................................................................................................... 7
1.11.3 Thermal Overload Protection ............................................................................................................... 7
1.11.4 Safety Shutdown after Motor Overload ................................................................................................ 7
1.11.5 Warning and Information Labels .......................................................................................................... 7
2 Description ............................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Design and Operating Principle ........................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Specifications ...................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Sample Nameplate ............................................................................................................................ 10
2.4 Noise Emission .................................................................................................................................. 10
3 Operation ............................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Initial Operation ................................................................................................................................. 11
3.2 Main Switch....................................................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Control Unit ....................................................................................................................................... 12
3.4 Positioning, Logging in and Interconnecting the Columns ................................................................. 14
3.5 Switching over to Group Mode .......................................................................................................... 15
3.6 Switching over to Single Mode .......................................................................................................... 15
3.7 Raising and Lowering ........................................................................................................................ 15
3.8 Shutdown .......................................................................................................................................... 16
3.9 Emergency-down Function, Mechanical ............................................................................................ 16
3.10 Handling / Moving the Columns ........................................................................................................ 17
3.11 Transverse Beam for Semitrailers ...................................................................................................... 18
4 Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 19
4.1 Annual Inspection .............................................................................................................................. 19
4.2 Care Instructions ............................................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Lubrication ........................................................................................................................................ 19
4.3.1 Lubricants ......................................................................................................................................... 19
4.3.2 Recirculating Ball Nut ........................................................................................................................ 20

4.3.3 Moving Gear ...................................................................................................................................... 21

4.3.4 Options ............................................................................................................................................. 21
4.3.5 Thrust Washers ................................................................................................................................. 22
4.4 Setting the Hydraulic Jack ................................................................................................................. 25
4.5 Battery Charge Condition .................................................................................................................. 26
4.6 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................ 27
4.7 Spare Parts ....................................................................................................................................... 29
5 Service Lifetime ...................................................................................................... 29
6 Dismantling ............................................................................................................ 29
7 Disposal ................................................................................................................. 29
8 Contents of the Declaration of Conformity .............................................................. 29
9 Company Information ............................................................................................. 30
Pos: 4 /--- --Format---- -/MANUELLER UM BRUCH Seite numbruc h @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_ 0.d ocx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 5 /--- --Format---- -/MANUELLER UM BRUCH Seite numbruc h @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_ 0.d ocx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 6 / Te chnisc he Dokum entation/A lle Gerä te/ Überschrif te n/Übersc hriften 1/S/ Überschrift 1: Sicherheit @ 6\mod_ 1174482399906_75.d ocx @ 76962 @ 1 @ 1

1 Safety
Pos: 7 / Te chnisc he Dokum entation/A lle Gerä te/ Überschrif te n/Übersc hriften 1.1/E/Übersc hrif t 1.1: E inf ührung @ 6\m od_1174482219062_ 75.docx @ 76793 @ 2 @ 1

1.1 Introduction
Pos: 8 / Te chnisc he Dokum entation/A lle Gerä te/Inhalte/S ic herhe it/Inha lt: Einf ührung Sicher heit @ 6\mod_ 1175609639562_ 75.docx @ 87528 @ @ 1

Thoroughly read this manual before operating the equipment and comply with the instructions.
Always display the manual in a conspicuous location.
Personal injury and property damage incurred due to non-compliance with these safety
instructions are not covered by the product liability regulations.
Pos: 9 / Te chnisc he Dokum entation/A lle Gerä te/ Überschrif te n/Übersc hriften 1.1/S/ Überschrift 1.1: Symbole @ 6\mod_ 1174482270875_ 75.docx @ 76865 @ 2 @ 1

1.2 Symbols
Pos: 10 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Inhalte/Sicherhe it/Inhalt: Symbole S ic herheit @ 14\mod_ 1239866667866_75.d ocx @ 361518 @ @ 1

Important safety instructions. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury or
property damage.

Important information.

Pos: 11 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/B/ Überschrif t 1.1: Bes timm ungsgemä ßer Gebrauch @ 6\m od_1176734022203_ 75.d ocx @ 88746 @ 2 @ 1

1.3 Intended Use

Pos: 12 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 49 Rad greif er-Hebebühne n/0001 Rad greifer-Hebeb ühne n A lle/I nha lte/Inhalt: Bes timmungsgemäßer Gebrauch RG-H BZ @ 11\mod_ 1227608538981_75.d ocx @ 275048 @ @ 1

• This lift is to be used exclusively for the safe lifting of commercial and agricultural vehicles such
as trucks, buses, tractors etc. Observe the rated load capacity.
• The lift may not be modified without the express written consent of the manufacturer. In case of
non-compliance the declaration of conformity becomes void.
Pos: 13 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/B/ Überschrif t 1.1: Bes timm ungsw idriger Gebrauc h @ 18\m od_1255530265027_ 75.docx @ 471571 @ 2 @ 1

1.4 Inappropriate Use

Pos: 14 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 00 H ebetechnik - Alle/Inha lte/I nha lt: Bestimmungsw idriger Gebra uch HBZ @ 19\m od_1267188702628_ 75.docx @ 794843 @ @ 1

Any use other than described is inappropriate, for example:

• Climbing on the lift supports
• Transporting persons on the lift supports
• Usage as mobile work platform or for other lifting operations
Pos: 15 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/A/Übersc hrif t 1.1: A nf orderungen a n das Bedienungs- und Servic epersonal @ 34\mod_ 1380637497630_75.d ocx @ 1835413 @ 2 @ 1

1.5 Requirements on Operating and Service Personnel

Pos: 16 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Inhalte/Sicherhe it/Inhalt: Anf orderunge n a n das Bedie nungs- und Servicepersona l @ 35\m od_1390296255225_ 75.docx @ 1876648 @ @ 1

All persons employed in the operation, maintenance, installation, removal and disposal of the de-
vice must
• be at least 18 years old,
• be trained and instructed in writing,
• have read and understood this manual
• be on record as having been instructed in safety guidelines.
Pos: 17 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/S/Übersc hrif t 1.1: S ic herhe itsvorschr iften f ür die Inbe trieb nahm e @ 6\m od_1174482269156_ 75.docx @ 76838 @ 2 @ 1

1.6 Safety Instructions for Commissioning

Pos: 18 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 49 Rad greif er-Hebebühne n/0001 Rad greifer-Hebeb ühne n A lle/I nha lte/Inhalt: S ic herheitsvorschr iften für die Inbe trieb nahm e RG-HBZ @ 6\mod_ 1178094134921_75.d ocx @ 90757 @ @ 1

• Use the lift on a hard, level surface only.


• The standard lift version may not be installed and commissioned in the vicinity of explosives or
flammable liquids.
Pos: 19 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/S/Übersc hrif t 1.1: S ic herhe itsvorschr iften f ür den Betrieb @ 6\m od_1174482268953_ 75.docx @ 76826 @ 2 @ 1

1.7 Safety Instructions for Operation

Pos: 20 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 49 Rad greif er-Hebebühne n/0001 Rad greifer-Hebeb ühne n A lle/I nha lte/Inhalt: S ic herheitsvorschr iften für de n Betrieb RG-HBZ @ 6\mod_ 1178094657921_ 75.docx @ 90770 @ @ 1

• Read the detailed operating manual.

• Lift operation by trained personnel over 18 years only.
• Do not exceed the rated load capacity per column as indicated on the lift nameplate.
• Ensure an unobstructed movement of lift and vehicle.
• After raising the vehicle briefly, stop and check the lift supports for secure contact with the ve-
• Closely watch lift and vehicle during raising and lowering cycles.
• The working area which cannot be overviewed by the operator should be monitored by a sec-
ond person.
• When operating the lift in single or group mode, make sure the vehicle is not tilted.
• Do not allow anyone to stay in lift area during raising and lowering cycles.
• Do not allow anyone to climb on lift or inside raised vehicle.
• Keep lift and vehicle free of tools and parts.
• When using the lift outdoors, lower the vehicle and stop operation when the wind velocity ex-
ceeds 6 m/s.
• Push the support forks completely under the wheels or lift points of the vehicle to be raised.
• Do not drive over or pinch electrical cables.
Pos: 21 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/S/Übersc hrif t 1.1: S ic herhe itsvorschr iften f ür Servicearbe iten @ 6\mod_ 1174482270640_75.d ocx @ 76850 @ 2 @ 1

1.8 Safety Instructions for Servicing

Pos: 22 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 49 Rad greif er-Hebebühne n/0001 Rad greifer-Hebeb ühne n A lle/I nha lte/Inhalt: S ic herheitsvorschr iften für S ervice arbeiten RG-H BZ @ 6\m od_1178095227937_ 75.docx @ 90793 @ @ 1

• Service work may be done by authorized service technicians only.

• Turn off and padlock the main switch before doing any repair, maintenance or setup work.
• Disconnect the mains plug before opening the control box.
• Work on the electrical equipment may be done by service technicians or certified electricians
• Ensure that ecologically harmful substances are disposed of only in accordance with the ap-
propriate regulations.
• Do not use high pressure or steam jet cleaners. Use of caustic cleaning agents may damage
the lift.
• Do not replace or override the lift safety devices.
Pos: 23 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/V/Übersc hrift 1.1: Verhalten im Störfall @ 6\mod_ 1178097008375_75.d ocx @ 90829 @ 2 @ 1

1.9 What to Do in the Event of Defects or Malfunctions

Pos: 24 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 00 H ebetechnik - Alle/Inha lte/I nha lt: Verhalten im Störfa ll H BZ @ 19\m od_1267177095494_75.d ocx @ 794570 @ @ 1

• In case of defects or malfunctions such as uncontrolled lift movement or deformation of the su-
perstructure, support or lower the lift immediately.
• Turn off the main switch and secure it against unauthorized usage. Contact service.
Pos: 25 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/V/Übersc hrift 1.1: Verhalten bei Unfä llen @ 19\mod_ 1267177245337_ 75.docx @ 794600 @ 2 @ 1

1.10 What to Do in the Event of an Accident

Pos: 26 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Inhalte/Sicherhe it/Inhalt: Verha lten be i Unfä lle n @ 34\m od_1381128804654_ 75.docx @ 1837123 @ @ 1

• The injured person is to be removed from the danger area. Find out where dressing and band-
ages are kept. Seek first-aid.


• Provide first-aid (stop bleeding, immobilise injured limbs), report the accident and seal off the
accident site.
• Immediately report any accident to your supervisor. Make sure a record is kept of every occa-
sion first-aid is provided, e.g. in an accident book.
• Remain calm and answer any questions that may arise.
Pos: 27 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/S/Übersc hrif t 1.1: S ic herhe itseinric htunge n @ 6\mod_ 1174483324765_ 75.docx @ 77103 @ 2 @ 1

1.11 Safety Features

Pos: 28 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/491901 RG A/BA/Inha lt: 4919 Sicher heitse inrichtungen @ 22\mod_1293003894219_ 75.docx @ 959625 @ 23333 @ 1

1.11.1 Locking Device

The locking device serves to prevent inadvertent lowering motions caused by gear,
load nut or lifting screw failure. The carriage is blocked by safety wedge (1) and
counterwedge (2).

1.11.2 Braking Motor

The motors are equipped with AC spring pressure brakes. Once the motors
are switched off, the brakes prevent any further movements.

1.11.3 Thermal Overload Protection

Overload protection via electronically monitored thermoswitches.

1.11.4 Safety Shutdown after Motor Overload

The motor load is permanently monitored by the control PCB. If an overload of ≥ 15 % occurs, the
system will switch off automatically. In this case the lift cannot be raised any more, but it can be
normally lowered to bottom position.

1.11.5 Warning and Information Labels

Do not change or remove the warning and information labels. Order replacement for defective
Pos: 29 /----- Forma t-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Se itenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 30 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1/B/ Überschrift 1: Bes chre ibung @ 6\mod_ 1174482271453_75.d ocx @ 76889 @ 1 @ 1

2 Description
Pos: 31 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/A/Übersc hrif t 1.1: A ufba u und Arbeitsprinz ip @ 15\mod_ 1245311386403_75.d ocx @ 390861 @ 1 @ 1

2.1 Design and Operating Principle

Pos: 32 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/491201 MCL/BA/I nha lt: 4912 A ufbau+ Arbeitsprinzip MCL/ RG B/RGA @ 11\mod_ 1227616300679_75.d ocx @ 275388 @ @ 1

• Complete System
The complete system of the Mobile Column Lift consists of individual columns, which can be inter-
connected (e.g. 4, 6, 8 columns) and used to raise commercial vehicles. A maximum number of 8
columns per lift system can be logically interconnected.
A maximum number of 8 lift systems can be operated parallel, with information exchange on differ-
ent radio channels.
The complete system can be operated from each individual column. The columns interact via radio
communication, with each lift system using its own channel.
• Column
The columns are mechanically designed for engaging the wheels of commercial vehicles.
They are all identical and interchangeable from system to system. Power supply is effected via a
standard three-phase connection.
• Control
Each column is equipped with a control unit made up of the following components:

• Operating panel with display • Radio transmitter / receiver

• Microprocessor • Drive unit
• Pulse generators and sensors • Emergency stop switch
• Watchdog monitoring

Pos: 33 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/491201 MCL/BA/I nha lt: 4912 S teuerungssc hema MCL/RG B/RG A @ 11\m od_1227620776698_ 75.docx @ 275412 @ @ 1

Pos: 34 /----- Forma t-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Se itenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 35 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/T/ Überschrift 1.1: Te chnis che Daten @ 7\mod_ 1184075526343_75.d ocx @ 99711 @ 2 @ 1

2.2 Specifications
Pos: 36 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/491901 RG A/BA/Inha lt: 4919 Te chnis che Daten ( Bilder) RGA/RGA T @ 18\m od_1256044786303_ 0.docx @ 480332 @ @ 1


Pos: 37 /----- Forma t-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Se itenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 38 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/491901 RG A/BA/Inha lt: 4919 Te chnis che Daten ( Tabe lle) RGA/RGA T @ 18\m od_1256048339981_ 75.docx @ 480420 @ @ 1


Load capacity per column 7500 kg 5000 kg

Full travel 1750 mm 1750 mm

Raising / Lowering time 113 s 113 s

Tyre diameter 900…1250 mm 600…2000 mm

Motor power 1.5 kW 1.5 kW

System of protection IP 54 IP 54

Control voltage 48 V 48 V

Charging voltage 230 V 230 V

Net weight per column 545 kg 637 kg

Surface load 0.5 N/mm2 0.5 N/mm2

Pos: 39 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 00 H ebetechnik - Alle/Inha lte/I nfo!/Inha lt: Inf o - Betriebswarmer Zustand / Te chn. Ä nderungen H BZ @ 6\m od_1177427042703_ 75.doc x @ 90160 @ @ 1

The properties indicated apply to lifts running at operating temperature.

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Pos: 40 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/T/ Überschrift 1.1: Type nschild-M uster @ 11\mod_ 1227622206096_ 75.docx @ 275574 @ 2 @ 1

2.3 Sample Nameplate

Pos: 41 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 49 Rad greif er-Hebebühne n/0001 Rad greifer-Hebeb ühne n A lle/I nha lte/Inhalt: Typens child-Mus ter RG-HBZ MAHA @ 24\m od_1309945137131_ 75.docx @ 1021484 @ @ 1


Ser.No. / Date of Production: ***
Project: ***
Type: ***
Charging Voltage: ***
Operating Voltage: ***
Net weight per column: ***
Load capacity per column: ***
System of Protection: ***
WEEE Reg. No. ***

Pos: 42 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/L/ Überschrif t 1.1: Lärmem ission @ 13\mod_ 1236767272078_ 75.docx @ 354579 @ 2 @ 1

2.4 Noise Emission

Pos: 43 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 00 H ebetechnik - Alle/Inha lte/I nha lt: S cha lldruckpe gel < 70 dB(A) @ 14\mod_ 1241593887290_ 75.docx @ 371013 @ @ 1

The sound pressure level is lower than 70 dB(A) in the working area of the operator.
Pos: 44 /----- Forma t-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Se itenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 45 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1/B/ Überschrift 1: Bed ie nung @ 6\mod_ 1174482271218_75.d ocx @ 76877 @ 1 @ 1

3 Operation
Pos: 46 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/E/Übersc hrift 1.1: Erstinbetr iebnahme @ 10\mod_ 1219933389748_75.d ocx @ 240474 @ 2 @ 1

3.1 Initial Operation

Pos: 47 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/491201 MCL/BA/I nha lt: 4912 Inf o - Ante nne MCL/RGB/RGA @ 11\m od_1227623203445_ 75.docx @ 275646 @ @ 1

Place the receiving antennae in an upright position before operating the columns.

Pos: 48 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/491201 MCL/BA/I nha lt: 4912 A nte nne MCL/ RGB/ RGA ( Bild) @ 35\m od_1393426944951_ 0.docx @ 1911555 @ @ 1

Pos: 49 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/H/Überschr ift 1.1: Haup tschalter @ 6\mod_ 1177592858312_ 75.docx @ 90635 @ 2 @ 1

3.2 Main Switch

Pos: 50 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 00 H ebetechnik - Alle/Inha lte/I nha lt: Ha uptsc ha lter m it Not-Aus- Funktion H BZ @ 22\m od_1295874475528_75.d ocx @ 964591 @ @ 1

The main switch is used as emergency switch. In case of emergency turn it to position 0.

• Main switch in position 0: Power supply is interrupted

• Main switch in position 1: Lift is ready for operation
• When in position 0, the main switch can be protected against tampering
by means of a padlock.

Pos: 51 /----- Forma t-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Se itenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 52 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/B/ Überschrif t 1.1: Bed ieneinheit @ 6\mod_1177424155343_ 75.docx @ 90114 @ 2 @ 1

3.3 Control Unit

Pos: 53 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/491201 MCL/BA/I nha lt: 4912 Bedie ne inheit ( Tex t) MCL/ RGB/ RGA @ 23\mod_ 1300266811654_ 75.docx @ 985943 @ @ 1

A LED Display: Operating Status

Red, yellow and green LEDs indicate the operating status. See also section "Troubleshooting".

B Button: Raise

When button is pushed, lift raises until button is released or upper end position is reached.

C Button: Lower

When button is pushed, lift lowers until button is released or lower end position is reached.

D LED Display: Number of Columns

Number of LEDs represents number of columns in a column unit. Flashing LED indicates next
free column number in an open column unit.

E Button: Open/Close Column Unit

Use this button to open a closed column unit or to close an open unit.

F LED Display: Column Unit

LED lighting up indicates that the column unit is closed. LED also lights up when operating
mode is changed (see below).

G LED Display: Channel Number

LED lighting up indicates current channel number.

H Button: Select Channel Number

Use this button to switch on to the next available channel. Occupied channels are skipped,
channel 10 is followed by channel 1 and so on.

I LED Display: Operating Mode

Current operating mode is indicated by LED.

J Button: Select Operating Mode

Use this button to switch on to the next mode. "Single" (one column), "Auto" (all columns of a
column unit) and "Group" (several columns) can be selected.

Pos: 54 /----- Forma t-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Se itenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 55 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/491201 MCL/BA/I nha lt: 4912 Bedie ne inheit ( Bild) MCL/ RGB/ RGA @ 12\mod_ 1231487890433_ 0.d ocx @ 300630 @ @ 1

Pos: 56 /----- Forma t-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Se itenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 57 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/H/Überschr ift 1.1: Hubsä ulen aufs te llen, anm elde n und verbinden @ 6\m od_1178277124484_ 75.docx @ 91204 @ 2 @ 1

3.4 Positioning, Logging in and Interconnecting the Columns

Pos: 58 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/491201 MCL/BA/I nha lt: 4912 Hubsä ulen aufs te llen, anm elde n und verbinden @ 6\m od_1178277345406_ 75.docx @ 91217 @ @ 1

1 Push the support forks completely under the wheels or lift points of the vehicle to be raised.
Use the lift on a hard, level surface only.
2 Connect all columns to be used with the power supply.

It is possible to plug in either each column separately or a combination of not more than four col-

3 Turn the main switch to position 1.

 LED "Auto" flashes.

4 Select the transmission channel. All columns

belonging to the same unit must be set to
the same channel.

5 Confirm using the operating mode button.

 LED "Auto" lights up permanently.

6 Repeat the procedure for all columns.

 Number of columns within the unit is displayed.

Before closing the unit check the number of logged-in columns. After closing verify that it corre-
sponds with the number of columns appearing on the display.

7 Once all columns are logged in, close the unit using button
 LED "Column unit" lights up, lift is ready for operation.

Pos: 59 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/U/ Überschrift 1.1: Ums cha lten auf Group-Modus @ 6\m od_1178523038671_ 75.docx @ 91263 @ 2 @ 1


3.5 Switching over to Group Mode

Pos: 60 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/491201 MCL/BA/I nha lt: 4912 Umschalten auf Group-Mod us MCL/ RGB @ 14\mod_ 1240917882212_75.docx @ 368047 @ @ 1

1 Switch to Group mode using the operating

mode button on the desired columns.
 LED "Group" lights up permanently.

Pos: 61 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/U/ Überschrift 1.1: Ums cha lten auf S ingle-Modus @ 6\m od_1178526273265_ 75.docx @ 91290 @ 2 @ 1

3.6 Switching over to Single Mode

Pos: 62 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/491201 MCL/BA/I nha lt: 4912 Umschalten auf S ingle-Mod us MCL/ RGB @ 14\mod_ 1240919500168_75.d ocx @ 368074 @ @ 1

1 Switch to Single mode using the operating

mode button on the desired column.
 LED "Single" lights up permanently.

Pos: 63 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/H/Überschr ift 1.1: Hebe n und Se nke n @ 6\mod_ 1178521944593_75.d ocx @ 91237 @ 2 @ 1

3.7 Raising and Lowering

Pos: 64 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/491201 MCL/BA/I nha lt: 4912 Hebe n und S enke n MC L/RG B/RGA @ 22\mod_ 1293006318971_75.d ocx @ 959702 @ @ 1

• Before operating the lift, check that the number of

columns appearing on the display corresponds to the
number of columns actually logged in.
• All columns belonging to the same unit must be set
to the same channel.
• If the unit is opened there may be interference prob-
lems with other transmission channels.
• When operating the lift in Single or Group mode,
make sure the vehicle is not tilted. Otherwise the ve-
hicle may fall off the lift!

1 Press "Raise" or "Lower" button.

 Lift stops once button is released or end position is reached.

Pos: 65 /----- Forma t-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Se itenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 66 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/A/Übersc hrif t 1.1: A ussc ha lte n @ 15\m od_1245314486547_ 75.docx @ 390887 @ 2 @ 1

3.8 Shutdown
Pos: 67 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/491201 MCL/BA/I nha lt: 4912 A usschalten MCL/RGB/RGA @ 15\m od_1245314693378_ 75.docx @ 390939 @ @ 1

1 Before shutting down the lift, open the col-

umn unit using button "0/1".
 LED "Column unit" goes off.
2 Turn main switch to position 0.

Pos: 68 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/N/Überschr ift 1.1: Notab-Funktion, m echanisch @ 15\mod_ 1245250921286_75.d ocx @ 390749 @ 2 @ 1

3.9 Emergency-down Function, Mechanical

Pos: 69 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 00 H ebetechnik - Alle/Inha lte/ Warnung!/Inhalt: Warnung - Manue lles Abse nke n nur durc h gesc hultes Pers ona l @ 6\mod_ 1180962217687_75.d ocx @ 95217 @ @ 1

Authorized personnel only! Do not restart the lift before the error has been remedied.

Pos: 70 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Papierkorb/Hebete chnik/Inha lt: Ma nue lles Abs enk en RGE/RG A @ 24\m od_1310108278807_ 75.docx @ 1022148 @ @ 1

In case of power failure or defects the lift can be lowered manually.

Once the locking device is in engagement, manual lowering is no longer possible.

The following components are required for manual lowering:

A Lever at brake motor B Locking device

1 Pull or shake the safety wedge downward on each column.

2 First push onto the latch using a long screw driver, then additionally push the manual release
lever (in arrow direction).
Intermittently lower the columns in increments of approx. 50 mm (2 in), until the lift is in bottom
Pos: 71 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/490801 RGE/ BA/Inhalt: 4908 Ma nuelles Absenk en RGE/ RGA ( Bilder) @ 42\m od_1433145052043_ 0.docx @ 2249463 @ @ 1

1 2

Pos: 72 /----- Forma t-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Se itenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 73 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/T/ Überschrift 1.1: Tra nsport / Verschiebe n von H ubsäule n @ 12\mod_ 1231486358029_75.d ocx @ 300405 @ 2 @ 1

3.10 Handling / Moving the Columns

Pos: 74 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/490801 RGE/ BA/Inhalt: 4908 Transp ort/Verschiebe n ( Bilder) @ 12\mod_ 1231486938020_0.docx @ 300505 @ @ 1

Pos: 75 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Papierkorb/Hebete chnik/Inha lt: Transport/V erschieben (Text) RGE @ 12\mod_ 1231486726149_ 75.docx @ 300480 @ @ 1

Screw a lifting-eye bolt M16 into the tap hole on the motor plate of the column. Insert a chain or
strap through the ring and lift the column using a hoist or forklift.
Close hydraulic valve by putting valve lever in position 3.
Pump with handle to raise the moving gear. Move column to desired position.
To lower the moving gear, open the hydraulic valve by putting the valve lever in position 1. The col-
umn is ready for operation.
Position 2 is the neutral position.
Pos: 76 /----- Forma t-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Se itenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 77 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/A/Übersc hrif t 1.1: A uf nahm etraverse für S attelauf lieger @ 6\m od_1178182588031_ 75.docx @ 91050 @ 2 @ 1

3.11 Transverse Beam for Semitrailers

Pos: 78 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 49 Rad greif er-Hebebühne n/0001 Rad greifer-Hebeb ühne n A lle/I nha lte/Inhalt: A uf nahm etraverse für S attelauf lieger (Bilder) @ 15\mod_ 1243954431770_ 0.d ocx @ 385024 @ @ 1

Pos: 79 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 49 Rad greif er-Hebebühne n/0001 Rad greifer-Hebeb ühne n A lle/I nha lte/Inhalt: A uf nahm etraverse für S attelauf lieger (Text) @ 15\mod_ 1243954387004_ 75.docx @ 384993 @ @ 1

A Support plate with location hole for central pivot of semitrailer

B Lift points for support forks
1 Position transverse beam under central pivot (C) of semitrailer.
2 Lower semitrailer until central pivot is approx. 20 mm above support plate (A).
Do not load the rollers of the transverse beam with the weight of the semitrailer.
3 Check for alignment of central pivot and location hole. Adjust if required.
4 Position the columns.
5 Raise the semitrailer being sure the central pivot engages the location hole.
Pos: 80 /----- Forma t-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Se itenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 81 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Papierkorb/Übersc hriften/ Überschrif t 1: Instandhaltung @ 11\mod_ 1231318736629_75.d ocx @ 289550 @ 1 @ 1

4 Maintenance
Pos: 82 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Inhalte/Warnung!/Inha lt: Warnung - Ha uptsc ha lter aus bei I nstandhaltung @ 14\mod_ 1240239070975_ 75.docx @ 362949 @ @ 1

Danger! Electric shock hazard!

Before doing any maintenance work, turn off the main switch and protect it against tampering.

Pos: 83 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Papierkorb/Übersc hriften/ Überschrif t 1.1: Jähr lic he Überprüf ung @ 6\mod_ 1174482245718_ 75.docx @ 76817 @ 2 @ 1

4.1 Annual Inspection

Pos: 84 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Inhalte/Inf o!/Inhalt: I nfo - J ährlic he Überprüfung @ 14\mod_ 1242051457491_75.d ocx @ 373548 @ @ 1

• The maintenance interval prescribed by the manufacturer is 12 (twelve) months.

This maintenance interval refers to normal workshop usage. If the equipment is used more fre-
quently or under severe operating conditions (e.g. outdoors), the interval must be reduced ac-
• Maintenance work shall be done only by authorized and trained service technicians provided by
the manufacturer, licensed dealers or service partners.
• In case of non-compliance the manufacturer's warranty becomes void.
Pos: 85 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 00 H ebetechnik - Alle/Inha lte/I nfo!/Inha lt: Inf o - DGUV Re ge l 100- 500 / DG UV Grundsa tz 308-003 @ 47\m od_1484557193623_ 75.docx @ 2810767 @ @ 1

Pos: 86 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/P/Übersc hrif t 1.1: P fle ge hinwe ise @ 15\mod_ 1245912234854_ 75.docx @ 395780 @ 2 @ 1

4.2 Care Instructions

Pos: 87 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Inhalte/Inhalt: Pflegehinw eis e - A lle G eräte @ 24\mod_ 1303909841314_75.d ocx @ 999500 @ @ 1

• Periodically clean the equipment and treat it with a care product.

• Repair damage to the paintwork immediately to prevent corrosion.
• Usage of caustic cleaning agents or high pressure and steam jet cleaners may lead to equip-
ment damage.
Pos: 88 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Inhalte/Inf o!/Inhalt: I nfo - P fle ge hinwe ise @ 24\mod_ 1304338389761_75.d ocx @ 1002352 @ @ 1

Regular care and maintenance is the key condition for functionality and long life expectancy of the

Pos: 89 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/SCH/Übersc hrift 1.1: Sc hmierung @ 34\mod_1379919006147_ 75.docx @ 1830969 @ 2 @ 1

4.3 Lubrication
Pos: 90 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1.1/SCH/Übersc hrift 1.1.1: Sc hmiermitte l @ 34\mod_ 1379919730255_75.d ocx @ 1831057 @ 3 @ 1

4.3.1 Lubricants
Pos: 91 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/COLUMNLIFT/490801 RGE/ BA/Inhalt: 4908 Warnung - Ke in Fe tt mit Festsc hmierstoffa nte il RGE/ RGA @ 35\mod_ 1390294548421_ 75.docx @ 1876598 @ @ 1

For lubrication use a mineral-oil based grease which is suitable for rolling bearings.
Do not use greases containing solid lubricants (such as graphite or MoS 2 .).

Pos: 92 /----- Forma t-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Se itenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 93 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1.1/K/Üb erschrif t 1.1.1: Kuge lum laufm utter @ 14\m od_1241506892227_ 75.docx @ 370083 @ 2 @ 1

4.3.2 Recirculating Ball Nut

Pos: 94 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 49 Rad greif er-Hebebühne n/0001 Rad greifer-Hebeb ühne n A lle/I nha lte/Inhalt: I nst. durch den Be treiber - K ugelumla ufm utter RGE @ 8\m od_1203344483645_ 75.docx @ 147411 @ @ 1

Twice a year grease the recirculating ball nut with 4…7 strokes from a grease gun. The lubricator is
located at the recirculating ball nut inside the carriage.

To make the lubricator accessible, remove the

screws (1 and 3). Then remove cover plate (4)
and fastening strip of rubber cover (2).
Fold down the rubber cover.

Pos: 95 /----- Forma t-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Se itenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 96 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1.1/F/Üb erschrif t 1.1.1: Fa hrges tellrollen @ 14\mod_ 1241509024011_ 75.docx @ 370175 @ 3 @ 1

4.3.3 Moving Gear

Pos: 97 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 49 Rad greif er-Hebebühne n/0001 Rad greifer-Hebeb ühne n A lle/I nha lte/Inhalt: I nst. durch den Be treiber - Fahrgeste llrolle n RGE @ 8\mod_ 1203344747789_ 75.docx @ 147428 @ @ 1

Periodically oil the rollers of the moving gear.

If they are equipped with lubricators, lubricate
using a grease gun.

Pos: 98 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Alle Geräte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1.1/O/Übersc hrif t 1.1.1: Optione n @ 14\m od_1241509783181_ 75.docx @ 370221 @ 3 @ 1

4.3.4 Options
Pos: 99 / Tec hnische Dokume ntation/Hebetechnik/- Archiv -/ 49 Rad greif er-Hebebühne n/0001 Rad greifer-Hebeb ühne n A lle/I nha lte/Inhalt: I nst. durch den Be treiber - Optione n RGE @ 9\mod_ 1216216694188_ 75.docx @ 229210 @ @ 1

Recirculating ball nuts with outside lubricator Carriage axles equipped with a lubricator (op-
(option) should be greased every six months tion) should be periodically greased using a
with four to seven strokes from a grease gun. grease gun.

Pos: 100 /-----Format- ----/MANUE LLE R UMBRUCH Se ite numbruch @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 101 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/A lle G eräte/ Überschr ifte n/Üb erschrif te n 1.1.1/A/ Überschr ift 1.1.1: Anla ufsc he iben @ 49\mod_ 1493215373635_ 75.docx @ 2874053 @ 3 @ 1

4.3.5 Thrust Washers

Pos: 102 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/Hebe te chnik/COLUMNLI FT/ 490801 RGE/BA/I nha lt: 4908 | 4919 A nla ufsc he iben - Prüfung Blattlehre ( Tex t) @ 49\m od_1493213099568_ 75.docx @ 2874006 @ @ 1

Visual Inspection with Feeler Gauge

Once a month check the bronze thrust washers for wear using a feeler gauge (see illustration).
New thrust washers have a thickness of 2 mm. Once a single washer shows signs of excessive
wear (more than 1 mm), it must be replaced.
Pos: 103 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/Hebe te chnik/COLUMNLI FT/ 490801 RGE/BA/I nha lt: 4908 | 4919 A nla ufsc he iben - P osition a uf We lle (Bild) @ 49\mod_ 1493209379772_ 0.d ocx @ 2873818 @ @ 1

2 mm
2 mm

Pos: 104 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/Hebe te chnik/COLUMNLI FT/ 490801 RGE/BA/I nha lt: 4908 | 4919 A nla ufsc he iben - Prüfung Blattlehre ( Bild) @ 49\m od_1493210270178_ 0.docx @ 2873865 @ @ 1

Pos: 105 /-----Format- ----/MANUE LLE R UMBRUCH Se ite numbruch @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 106 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/Hebe te chnik/COLUMNLI FT/ 490801 RGE/BA/I nha lt: 4908 | 4919 A nla ufsc he iben - Rütte ltest ( Tex t) @ 49\m od_1493215607721_ 75.docx @ 2874101 @ @ 1

Shaking Test on Lifting Carriage

In addition to the visual inspection, perform a shaking test on the lifting carriage every three
months. To do this, hold the carriage firmly by the support fork, then pull it forward making a twist-
ing movement.

If the guide rollers jump out of the guide track during the shaking test, the lifting column must be
shut down until the thrust washers have been replaced.
Pos: 107 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/Hebe te chnik/COLUMNLI FT/ 490801 RGE/BA/I nha lt: 4908 | 4919 A nla ufsc he iben - Hubsc hlitte n richtig ( Bilder) @ 49\mod_ 1493210805624_0.docx @ 2873912 @ @ 1

Pos: 108 /-----Format- ----/MANUE LLE R UMBRUCH Se ite numbruch @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 109 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/Hebe te chnik/COLUMNLI FT/ 490801 RGE/BA/I nha lt: 4908 | 4919 A nla ufsc he iben - Hubsc hlitte n f alsc h ( Bilder) @ 49\m od_1493212319415_0.docx @ 2873959 @ @ 1

Pos: 110 /-----Format- ----/MANUE LLE R UMBRUCH Se ite numbruch @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 111 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/A lle G eräte/ Überschr ifte n/Üb erschrif te n 1.1/E/ Überschrif t 1.1: E ins te llunge n am hydraulis che n Fahrw age n @ 24\mod_1302611581158_ 75.docx @ 994317 @ 2 @ 1

4.4 Setting the Hydraulic Jack

Pos: 112 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/Hebe te chnik/- Archiv -/49 Radgre ifer-Hebeb ühnen/ 0001 Radgre ifer-Hebebühnen Alle/Inha lte/Inha lt: Einst. am hydr. Fahrwa ge n ( Bilder) RG -HBZ @ 24\m od_1302257252608_ 0.docx @ 993783 @ @ 1


Pos: 113 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/Hebe te chnik/- Archiv -/49 Radgre ifer-Hebeb ühnen/ 0001 Radgre ifer-Hebebühnen Alle/Inha lte/Inha lt: Einst. am hydr. Fahrwa ge n ( Text) RG-HBZ @ 24\m od_1302259063767_ 75.docx @ 993823 @ @ 1

Note that the jack must be mounted to the column when making any settings.

A: Setting the Lowering Speed

The lowering valve is located on the right-hand side of the cylinder. To set the lowering speed, ad-
just the threaded pin using an Allen key while holding the lock nut firmly with an open-end wrench.
Check for correct setting by carefully lowering the jack.

Threaded Pin Lowering Speed

B: Setting the Responsiveness of the Automatic Lowering Function

The automatic lowering valve is located on the left-hand side of the cylinder. Remove the screw
plug using an Allen key, then insert a flat-tip screwdriver to set the adjusting screw. Soak up leak-
ing fluid with a rag. Reinstall the screw plug.

Adjusting Screw Responsiveness
Pos: 114 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/A lle G eräte/ Überschr ifte n/Üb erschrif te n 1.1/ L/Übersc hrift 1.1: Ladezus ta nd der Batterie n @ 9\mod_ 1216809380782_ 75.docx @ 231034 @ 2 @ 1


4.5 Battery Charge Condition

Pos: 115 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/Hebe te chnik/COLUMNLI FT/ 491901 RGA/ BA/Inhalt: 4919 Ladezus ta nd der Batterie n ( Bild) @ 16\m od_1246887757945_ 0.docx @ 402425 @ @ 1

Pos: 116 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/Hebe te chnik/COLUMNLI FT/ 491901 RGA/ BA/Inhalt: 4919 Ladezus ta nd der Batterie n ( Tex t) @ 35\m od_1393427665188_ 75.d ocx @ 1911596 @ @ 1

Indication Charge Condition Action

RED Battery flat, only lowering possible. Charge at once.

Battery weak, operation may be contin- Charge as soon as pos-

ORANGE/YELLOW ued. sible.

Battery fully charged or partly dis-


  Flashing Battery being charged. ---


 Switching to GREEN Battery fully charged. Disconnect mains plug.

during charging process

• The batteries may be charged at any time regardless of the control unit being on or off.
Do not operate unit while charging.
• To charge the batteries connect the mains plug.
• The charging process takes approx. 12 h with a flat battery. Overcharging is not possible.
• To prevent the batteries from discharging unnecessarily, each control unit should be disabled
completely when the lift is not in use.
• The batteries should be occasionally charged even when not in use. This is to ensure that their
full capacity is available during lift operation and to compensate for any self-discharge losses.
• To avoid exhaustive discharge, any column with undervoltage will switch off automatically.
• For a long life expectancy the batteries should not be fully discharged.
• The batteries should not be fully charged while the lift is loaded with a vehicle, as this may result
in current feedback and battery overcharge when the lift is lowered. Should this case occur, the
lift will lower very slowly to avoid equipment damage.
Pos: 117 /-----Format- ----/MANUE LLE R UMBRUCH Se ite numbruch @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 118 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/A lle G eräte/ Überschr ifte n/Üb erschrif te n 1.1/ F/Übersc hrift 1.1: Fehlerbehebung @ 8\mod_ 1206714646748_75.d ocx @ 179620 @ 2 @ 1

4.6 Troubleshooting
Pos: 119 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/Hebe te chnik/COLUMNLI FT/ 491901 RGA/ BA/Inhalt: 4919 Disp lay-Cod es @ 24\m od_1309445339804_75.d ocx @ 1020379 @ @ 1

Status Indication Diagnosis Remedy

Red Yellow Green

If no other LEDs are ON: Radio
Briefly press any button to ena-
OFF OFF OFF system switched off after 30
ble the radio system.
If other LEDs are ON: Radio
interference (e.g. Channel,
Mode…). Possible cause:
Wait until radio interference has
OFF OFF OFF Devices in the vicinity trans-
mitting on the 433 MHz band
(such as garage door opener,
radio set…).
Charge batteries using power
and control can be enabled Battery undervoltage
only briefly or not at all.
and control cannot be enabled Fuse blown, hardware error. Contact service.
at all.

If no other LEDs are ON: Emer-

OFF OFF ON Enable emergency-stop button.
gency-stop actuated.

Lift is not yet referenced, when

a new column with new control
is being connected after final Lower lift with emergency-
OFF FLASH OFF assembly. down function.
Level difference between col-
umns too great.
OFF ON OFF Lift has contacted obstruction Raise lift until yellow LED goes
and lift stops while lowering. or floor. off.

Release button, try again. Re-

Lift overloaded.
duce load if necessary.
Sluggish operation. Possible
Release button, try again. Con-
causes: Long standing under
tact service if required.
load, insufficient lubrication…
and lift stops while raising. Upper sensor maladjusted. Contact service.

Press and hold for 4

Hardware error occurred. seconds ⇒ control goes off.
ON OFF OFF Switch on again. If error per-
sists, contact service.
EEPROM / Flash error occur-
Contact service.

Status Indication Diagnosis Remedy

Red Yellow Green

1x OFF OFF Check RPM sensor Contact service.

2x OFF OFF --- ---

3x OFF OFF Check Limit switch Contact service.
4x OFF OFF Check Safety switch Contact service.
5x OFF OFF --- ---
6x OFF OFF Thermal switch Motor open Let motor cool down.
7x OFF OFF I2T monitoring Let motor cool down.
8x OFF OFF --- ---
9x OFF OFF Hardware overcurrent Contact service.
10 x OFF OFF Battery overcurrent Contact service.
11 x OFF OFF Motor overcurrent Only lowering possible.
12 x OFF OFF Short circuit to earth Contact service.
Interruption/Short circuit Safety
13 x OFF OFF Contact service.
14 x OFF OFF Interruption/Short circuit Brake Contact service.
Error Voltage enable 15 V Con-
15 x OFF OFF Contact service.
verter, Power board defective
16 x OFF OFF Memory error, e.g. height Contact service.
Error Voltage enable 15 V Con-
17 x OFF OFF Contact service.
trol, check PCB if required
CPU error, Control PCB defec-
18 x OFF OFF Contact service.
19 x OFF OFF Check Limit switch Contact service.
20 x OFF OFF Check Safety switch Contact service.
Connection error between con-
21 x OFF OFF verter and control; check 4- Contact service.
pole cable (X8)
Turn off main switch and turn
ON ON ON Error occurred (Watchdog). on again after approx. 5 sec. If
error repeats, contact service.

Pos: 120 /-----Format- ----/MANUE LLE R UMBRUCH Se ite numbruch @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 121 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/A lle G eräte/ Überschr ifte n/Üb erschrif te n 1.1/E/ Überschrif t 1.1: Ersa tzte ile @ 18\m od_1255596847002_ 75.docx @ 474414 @ 2 @ 1

4.7 Spare Parts

Pos: 122 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/A lle G eräte/Inha lte/Inha lt: Ersatz te ile - A lle G eräte @ 20\mod_ 1267189216113_75.d ocx @ 794936 @ @ 1

To ensure safe and reliable operation, only use original spare parts supplied by the equipment
Pos: 123 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/A lle G eräte/ Überschr ifte n/Üb erschrif te n 1/ L/Übersc hrif t 1: Lebensdauer @ 19\mod_ 1266336761550_ 75.docx @ 742423 @ 1 @ 1

5 Service Lifetime
Pos: 124 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/Hebe te chnik/- Archiv -/00 Hebe tec hnik - A lle/Inhalte/Inhalt: Lebe nsda uer HBZ @ 21\mod_ 1284715576070_ 75.docx @ 893652 @ @ 1

In its standard version, this product is designed for 22,000 load cycles based on EN 1493.
The maximum period of normal use in relation to the possible product life expectancy shall be
evaluated and scheduled by a qualified person during the annual safety inspection.
Pos: 125 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/A lle G eräte/ Überschr ifte n/Üb erschrif te n 1/ D/Üb erschrif t 1: Dem onta ge @ 19\mod_ 1266336822863_ 75.docx @ 742452 @ 1 @ 1

6 Dismantling
Pos: 126 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/A lle G eräte/Inha lte/Inha lt: Dem onta ge - Alle Gerä te @ 19\m od_1266331670825_ 75.docx @ 742336 @ @ 1

Decommissioning and dismantling of the equipment may be done only by specially authorized and
trained personnel provided by the manufacturer, licensed dealers or service partners.
Pos: 127 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/A lle G eräte/ Überschr ifte n/Üb erschrif te n 1/G/ Überschr ift 1: Gerä tee nts orgung @ 6\mod_ 1174482271625_ 75.docx @ 76901 @ 1 @ 1

7 Disposal
Pos: 128 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/A lle G eräte/Inha lte/Inha lt: G eräte entsorgung ( ohne RiLi) @ 21\m od_1276527534762_ 75.docx @ 856673 @ @ 1

If you want to dispose of the equipment, please contact your MAHA dealer or the following
address, indicating equipment type, date of purchase and serial number:
MAHA Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG
Hoyen 20
87490 Haldenwang
Phone: +49 (0) 8374 585 0
Fax: +49 (0) 8374 585 500
Pos: 129 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/A lle G eräte/Inha lte/Inha lt: G eräte entsorgung über Fachb etrieb (a lternativ) @ 19\m od_1266331765399_ 75.d ocx @ 742365 @ @ 1

Alternatively, you may take the equipment to a specialised waste management plant to ensure that
all components and operating liquids are properly disposed of.
Pos: 130 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/A lle G eräte/ Überschr ifte n/Üb erschrif te n 1/I/ Überschrif t 1: I nhalt der K onformitä tserklärung @ 22\m od_1292856748432_ 75.docx @ 958616 @ 1 @ 1

8 Contents of the Declaration of Conformity

Pos: 131 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/A lle G eräte/Inha lte/Inha lt: Inha lt der K onf ormitäts erklärung a llg @ 24\m od_1306229196727_ 75.docx @ 1011543 @ @ 1

MAHA Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG

herewith declares as a manufacturer its sole responsibility to ensure that the product named here-
after meets the safety and health regulations both in design and construction required by the EC
directives stated below.
This declaration becomes void if any change is made to the product that was not discussed and
approved by named company beforehand.
Pos: 132 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/Hebe te chnik/COLUMNLI FT/ 491901 RGA/ BA/Inhalt: 4919 Inha lt der K onf ormitäts erklärung @ 45\mod_ 1469090197554_75.d ocx @ 2543343 @ @ 1

Model: RGA / RGA T

Designation: Mobile Column Lift; Rated Load Capacity per Column 7500 / 5000 kg
Directives: 2006/42/EC; 2014/30/EU
Standards: EN 1493; EN 60204-1
Pos: 133 /-----Format- ----/MANUE LLE R UMBRUCH Se ite numbruch @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1

Pos: 134 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/A lle G eräte/ Überschr ifte n/Üb erschrif te n 1/ F/Übersc hrif t 1: Firmen-Inf ormation @ 7\mod_ 1187338625828_ 75.docx @ 104047 @ 1 @ 1

9 Company Information
Pos: 135 /Te chnis che Dok umenta tion/A lle G eräte/Inha lte/Inha lt: Firmen-Inf ormation MAHA @ 42\mod_ 1422267670099_75.d ocx @ 2188049 @ @ 1

© MAHA Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG

Legal notice based on ISO 16016:
The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its
contents to others without explicit authorization is prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for the
payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or de-
The contents of this edition have been checked with great care. However, errors cannot be fully
excluded. Subject to technical change without notice.

Document No.: BA491901-en
Approval Date: 2017-05-30

MAHA Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG
Hoyen 20
87490 Haldenwang
Phone: +49 8374 585 0
Fax: +49 8374 585 590
Fax Parts: +49 8374 585 565
Hotline: +49 180 66242 60 for Brake Testers and Test Lanes
+49 180 66242 80 for Automotive Lifts
+49 180 66242 90 for Dynamometers and Emission Testers

AutomoTec GmbH
Maybachstraße 8
87437 Kempten
Phone: +49 180 66242 50
Fax: +49 180 66242 55
=== Ende der Lis te f ür Textm arke Inha lt ===


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