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In another words, arts are the expression or application of human creative skill and

imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be

appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

What is Function?
- According to dictionary, function is an activity or purpose natural to or intended
for a person or thing.

What is the purpose of Japanese Raku Bowl?

- used in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies, as Sen no Rikyū created in the 16th

Why is Sculpture belong to Functions of Arts?

` - to express a vast range of human emotions and feelings from the most tender and
delicate to the most violent and ecstatic.

Personal Function- depend on the person—the artist who created the art. Artist also needs
to communicate an idea to his audience.
Social Function- convey message to protest contestation, or whatever message the artist
intends his work to carry. Example of this is Political art
Physical Function- can be found in artworks that are crafted in order to serve some
physical purpose.

1-3. What are the classifications of function arts?
a. Personal Function
b. Social Function
c. Physical Function
4-6. Give at least 3 principles of arts.
a. balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, and

7-8. In art as an Imitation, Plato was deeply suspicious of arts and artists
for two reasons. What are these?
a. they appeal to the emotion rather than to the rational faculty of men
b. they imitate rather lead one to reality.

9. __________ that can be found in artworks that are crafted in order to

serve some physical purpose.
a. Physical Functions of Arts

10. It is often described as “flat”, with only length and width, and does not
have the same appearance of volume that a form has.
a. Shape

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