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1. Negri F., P.* (2017): Opening credits of Brazilian soap operas: a cartography of prime
time. São Leopoldo. Unisinos, Brazil. 222 pp. Access link:;jse

Relevance of results: What constituent characteristics of the soap opera's opening credits
can be highlighted, and how to graphically present the historic route of the soap opera's
opening credits? To reach the objective, an exploratory study was carried out, through the
cartography of Deleuze and Guattari. The choice of the credits for analysis was based on all
of Globo TV's soap operas (from 1965 to 2015's), prime time. The constituting
characteristics of the soap opera's opening credits highlighted in this work were the
sonorous track, audiovisual format, cuts along the product, the technique of production, cast
and saturation.
Importance for my academic profile: This research was developed over 4 years for my
doctoral thesis. It was possible to explain the characteristics of the opening credits, an
audiovisual product still little studied. Furthermore, the result of the research was its own
methodology for analysis and graphic representation of this type of audiovisual.

2. Negri F., P.* (2014): Soap opera opening credits and the hyper-real: an approach to the
dream. In: Revista UNINTER de Comunicação, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 3, p. 152–169, 2014. DOI:
10.21882/ruc.v2i3.552, Curitiba, Brazil. Access link:

Relevance of results: Through exhaustive observation of the soap opera opening credit O
Salvador da Pátria (The Savior of Homeland), in exercise of dissection and comparison of
appropriations and aesthetic, bringing it closer to the ideas of filmic state and dream state. It
is expected to expand the conception of how the opening credits are inserted in
contemporary culture, from the parallel made with other movies, theorized mainly by
Manovich, Metz and Droguett. Not only to the extent the opening credits made his way from
inside to outside (real images), as can also happen the viewer takes actual pictures for the
dream (mental images) and reconfigures them into hyper-real new images.
Importance for my academic profile: The research allowed me to expand the notion of
audiovisual creation and production, less as just a consumer product and more as a
subjective object that expands people's cultural and dreamlike repertoire.

3. Colacios, R., Gontijo, R., Negri. P.* (2023): Girl wears pink, boy wears blue. In: About the
Contemporary: multimedia of possibilities. Vox Littera, Maringá, Brazil. 128-143. Access link:

Relevance of results: The book was organized by researchers Colacios and Gontijo.
However, I developed the chapter "Girl wears pink, boy wears blue" solo. The chapter brings
understanding of the relationships between autistic non-binary people and their perceptions,
based on audiovisual reflections found in non-binary contemporary artists or characters. The
research highlights the absence of autistic non-binary representation and the scarcity of
non-binary representations in audiovisual productions based on the impressions and
memories of non-binary autistic people interviewed.
Importance for my academic profile: This is one of the studies in which I was able to
combine two objects of study that I am currently dedicated to: audiovisual and autism. The
approach and relationship between these areas of interest will be the subject of in-depth
post-doctoral research.

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