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WED 07, OCTOBER 2020



🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

🔸Then... 2 rounds of:

▪️5-10 Hand release push-ups
▪️10 Sit-ups
Primary Lifts
Front Squat (10-9-8-7-6-5)
Build the load over the six sets. This is not a 5RM test. Rest as needed between.

There are three progressions. Use these if you do not have HSPU yet, or as a warm-up. Only
move the next progression once you are confident.

For those who have HSPU, challenge yourself to beat the reps each week. However, the goal
should be to maintain the same reps each round. It's not a max effort. It's important to get
your Heart rate under control between sets, despite performing 30DU active recovery. The
goal is to become consistent under a little intensity.

Ensure you rest enough between sets.

🔸Progression 1 - 3 rounds:
- 1 Wall Walk

🔸Progression 2 - 3-5 reps:

- Lower yourself into a headstand, bring your knees into your chest, and then drop your feet
to the floor.

🔸Progression 3 - 3-5 reps:

- Lower yourself into a headstand, bring your knees into your chest, and this time kick your
feet up and drive in to a handstand.

🔸If you have HSPU, 5 rounds, not for time:

- 1-10 HSPU
- 30 Double Unders

Wall Walks (1-3 Rounds of 1 perfect rep)
Handstand Push-ups (1 x Set of 3-5 controlled reps)
Handstand Push-ups (5 Rds not for time: 1-10 HSPU + 30 Double Unders)
Metcon (No Measure)
16 Minute Alternating EMOM:

Min 1: 5 Burpees + 10 Alt DB Snatch

Min 2: 15 Wall Balls
Min 3: 5 Burpees + 10 Snatch
Min 4: Rest
Age specific loads:

Wallballs all @ 9/6kg

35+ 22.5/15kg
55+ 17.5/12.5kg

35+ 40/30kg
55+ 30/25kg

FRI 09, OCTOBER 2020


🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

🔸Then... 2 rounds of:

▪️10 KB Deadlift
▪️10 Goblet squats

Primary Lifts
Deadlift (10-9-8-7-6-5)
Build the load over the six sets. This is not a 5RM test. Rest as needed.
Bar Muscle Ups

There are three progressions to work through here.

Again, you can use them as a warm-up for BMU if you already have BMU, or work through
them towards BMU.

If you have BMU, Challenge yourself each week to unbroken sets with GOOD FORM. An ugly
final rep can lead to injury, so please hold back. This is practice! Save it for competition!

Ensure you rest 1-2 mins between sets.

A. Lean back and look up slightly,
B. Keep the feet together,
C. shoulders should be way behind the bar as the hips rise towards the bar,
D. Remember the knee lift first,
E. then hip drive,
F. then sit-up!

For low bar BMU, use a stack of plates and try to get the hips to the bar as shown in the

🔸Progression 1, 3 rounds:
- 3-5 Bar kips

🔸Progression 2, 3 rounds:
- 3-5 chair swings

🔸Progression 3, 3 rounds:
- 1-3 Low Bar Bar Muscle Ups

🔸5 Rounds:
- 10/8 calories on any erg at 5/6RPE.
- 1- 5 Bar Muscle Ups
Bar Kips - BMU Drill (3 rounds of 3-5 reps)
Chair Swings - BMU Drill (3 rounds of 3-5 reps)
Low Bar Muscle Ups (3 rounds of 1-3 reps)
Use a stack of plates and try to get the hips to the bar as shown in the video:
Bar Muscle-ups (5 Rounds not for time: Erg cals + BMU*)
- 10/8 calories on any erg at 5/6RPE
- 1- 5 Bar Muscle Ups

Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
12 mins AMRAP:
- 12 Deadlift
- 24 Double Unders
- 12 OH Lunges
- 24 Double Unders
Age specific loads:

BB's @
35+ 100/70kg
55+ 80/55kg

DB's @
35+ 22.5/15kg
55+ 17.5/12.5kg

SAT 10, OCTOBER 2020

▪️2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.


🔸4 sets of 1+2 ▪️Clean and Press

-Build load over the sets. 1 mins rest between sets

▪️Tall Jerk
-Build load over the sets. 1-2 mins rest between sets, concentrating on foot work. Start with
unloaded bar.
Primary Lifts
High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Push Press (7 Minute EMOM: 1 x Set @ 60% (may also be
Build the load over the first 5 rounds, then settle on a load about 70-75% for the final 3

Take your time to reset after the cleans to help ensure a quality jerk.

Key points of performance to remember:

1. Keep the bar close in the clean set-up

2. Get the knees back quickly to ensure the bar path is verticle
3. Be patient and stay over the bar after the knee. The knees should move forward and under
the bar at this point.
4. Drive through the feet and jump under the bar with fast elbows!
5. Take a few seconds to settle in the standing fron track position and reset your breath
6. Drop the bar to the hip crease and rest your breath
7. Push the hips back and let the bar drop to just above the knee, keeping tension on the
8. Repeat steps 4 and 5 above, then
9. Stay verticle in the jerk dip, which is mainly all knees
10. Drive through the feet, keeping the chest and chin up - the bar should travel totally
11. Jump in to the receiving position, receiving the bar with the head through and with the
shoulders and elbows locked.
12. Front ankle should be in front on the knee (in split position)
13. Back knee should be slighty bent
14. Recover Front Foot first, then back foot.
Metcon (7 Rounds for time)
Every 3 mins for 21 mins (7 rounds):

- 200/150m row
- 12 T2Bar
- 8 Burpees Box Jump Overs @ 24/20"

MON 12, OCTOBER 2020

Coach's Notes
Here we start a new 4 week cycle. This time influenced by the CLASSIC Wendler Strength
strategy. Wendler's intention was for this pattern to be repeated an infinite number of
times. However, we will follow this for two cycles.

🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

🔸Then... 2 rounds of:

▪️5 Inch worm
▪️10m Death March - Double KB
Primary Lifts
Deadlift (3 sets of 5 reps @ 80% + warm ups sets)

Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%
5 reps @ 50%
5 reps @ 60%
5 reps @ 70%

There are three progressions. Use these if you do not have HSW yet. Only move the next
progression once you are confident.

Feel free to use these progressions as HSW warm-up too.

For those who have HSW, challenge yourself to beat the distance and marching reps each
week. It's important to rest between sets. The goal is to become confident on your hands.
It's difficult to do that under intensity.

🔸Progression 1 - 3 rounds:
- 1 Wall Walk

🔸Progression 2 - 3 rounds:
- Kick to Wall and 10 Handstand marches

🔸Progression 3 - 3 Rounds:
- Take one step back from the wall, kick up and walk 1-2 steps in to the wall on your hands.

🔸If you have Handstand walks, 3 rounds:

- 5-10m HSW + 10 free stand HS march
- Rest 1-2 mins
Wall Walks (1-3 Rounds of 1 perfect rep)
Wall Supported Handstand Shoulder Taps (3 x Sets of 1 Kick to Wall + 10 Marches/Taps)
Handstand Walk Towards the Wall (3 Rounds of 2-3 steps as you feel.)
Take one step back from the wall, kick up and walk 1-2 steps in to the wall on your hands.
Handstand Walk + Shoulder Taps on the Spot (3 Rounds)
Can scale back to a walk + marching if tapping the shoulder is too intense.
- 5-10m HSW + 10 free stand HS march
- Rest 1-2 mins

Metcon (Time)
For Time:

21-15-9-15-21 reps of:

- Alternating DB Snatch
- 50 Double Unders between rounds
Age specific loads:
55+ 17.5/12.5kg
Metcon (No Measure)
3 rounds, not for time:

- 10 Split Leg KB RDL (each side)

- 10-20 Leg Curl
- 10 Cals on any Erg @ 5/6RPE
If no access to leg curl machine, use a band as in linked:


TUE 13, OCTOBER 2020

▪️2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.


▪️Clean Deadlift @ tempo 2222

5 sets of 3 @ 80% of clean
Build load over the sets, starting with an unloaded bar

▪️Banded Lat Stretch 3x30 secs

▪️Tall Clean
3 sets of 3 @ light load
Build load over the sets focussing on fast feet and speed under the bar


▪️Tall Jerk
3 sets of 3 @ 30-50% of C&J
Build load over the sets.

Start with the bar at eye level as in the video from 19 secs.

Primary Lifts
Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk (7 Sets @ 70-75%)
1 Set = of 1+1+1

Build the load over the first 5 rounds, then settle on the prescribed load for the final 2/3

Take your time to reset after the cleans to help ensure a quality jerk.

Key points of performance to remember:

1. Keep the bar close in the clean set-up
2. Get the knees back quickly to ensure the bar path is vertical
3. Be patient and stay over the bar after the knee. The knees should move forward and under
the bar at this point.
4. Drive through the feet and jump under the bar with fast elbows!
5. Take a few seconds to settle in the standing fron track position and reset your breath
6. Drop the bar to the hip crease and rest your breath
7. Push the hips back and let the bar drop to just above the knee, keeping tension on the
8. Repeat steps 4 and 5 above, then
9. Stay vertical in the jerk dip, which is mainly all knees
10. Drive through the feet, keeping the chest and chin up - the bar should travel totally
11. Jump in to the receiving position, receiving the bar with the head through and with the
shoulders and elbows locked.
12. Front ankle should be in front on the knee (in split position)
13. Back knee should be slightly bent
14. Recover Front Foot first, then back foot.
Accessory work
Push Press (3 sets of 5 reps @ 80%)
Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%
5 reps @ 50%
5 reps @ 60%
5 reps @ 70%
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds for Time:
- 5 Hang Snatch
- 5 Overhead Squats

- 15 C2Bar
- 15/10 Cals Assault Bike
Age Specific Loads:
55+ 50/35kg
55+ pull-ups

WED 14, OCTOBER 2020


🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

🔸Then... 2 rounds of:

▪️5-10 Goblet Squats
▪️10 Cossack Squats
Primary Lifts
Front Squat (3 sets of 5 reps @ 80% + warm up sets)
Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%
5 reps @ 50%
5 reps @ 60%
5 reps @ 70%


There are three progressions to work through here. Again, you can use them as a warm-up
for RMU if you already have RMU, or work through them towards RMU.

If you have RMU, challenge yourself each week to unbroken sets with GOOD FORM. An ugly
final rep can lead to injury, so please hold back. This is practice! Save it for competition!

Ensure you rest 1-2 mins between sets.

A. Look straight ahead,
B. Point toes,
C. Keep legs straight, and
D. Relax shoulders
E. Remember the toe lift first,

F. Then hip drive,
G. Then sit-up!

🔸Warm-up Ring Muscle Ups:

1. Kip Swings on low rings

2. Banded low ring hollow body to hip drive and pull.

🔸Then 5 rounds, not for time:

- 3-5 Ring Muscle Ups or low ring Ring Muscle Ups

- 10/8 cals on any erg active recovery.
Beat or Kip Swings (3-5 sets of 7-8 reps)
Banded Ring Muscle Up Drill (3-5 sets of 3-5 reps)
Banded low ring hollow body to hip drive and pull.
Ring Muscle Ups (5 Rounds not for time: 3-5 reps + erg*)
*3-5 RMU or low ring RMU
- 10/8 cals on any erg active recovery.
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

⏱12 mins AMRAP:

- 3 Ring Muscle Ups
- 6 DB hang power clean and Jerk
- 12 cals Row
- 24 Double Unders
Age specific loads:
35+ 2 x 22.5/15kg
55+ 2 x 17.5/12.5kg
Metcon (3 Rounds for weight)
3 rounds:
- 20m Sled Push AHAP
- 2 mins Rest

FRI 16, OCTOBER 2020


🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

🔸Then... 2 rounds of:

▪️10 Push-up to Side Plank
▪️5 KB Pull-overs
Primary Lifts
Bench Press (3 sets of 5 reps @ 80% + warm up sets)
Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%
5 reps @ 50%
5 reps @ 60%
5 reps @ 70%
Bar Muscle Ups

There are three progressions to work through here.

Again, you can use them as a warm-up for BMU if you already have BMU, or work through
them towards BMU.

If you have BMU, Challenge yourself each week to unbroken sets with GOOD FORM. An ugly
final rep can lead to injury, so please hold back. This is practice! Save it for competition!

Ensure you rest 1-2 mins between sets.

A. Lean back and look up slightly,
B. Keep the feet together,
C. shoulders should be way behind the bar as the hips rise towards the bar,
D. Remember the knee lift first,
E. then hip drive,
F. then sit-up!

For low bar BMU, use a stack of plates and try to get the hips to the bar as shown in the

🔸Progression 1, 3 rounds:
- 3-5 Bar kips

🔸Progression 2, 3 rounds:
- 3-5 chair swings

🔸Progression 3, 3 rounds:
- 1-3 Low Bar Bar Muscle Ups

🔸5 Rounds:
- 10/8 calories on any erg at 5/6RPE.
- 1- 5 Bar Muscle Ups
Bar Kips - BMU Drill (3 rounds of 3-5 reps)
Chair Swings - BMU Drill (3 rounds of 3-5 reps)
Low Bar Muscle Ups (3 rounds of 1-3 reps)
Use a stack of plates and try to get the hips to the bar as shown in the video:
Bar Muscle-ups (5 Rounds not for time: Erg cals + BMU*)
- 10/8 calories on any erg at 5/6RPE
- 1- 5 Bar Muscle Ups
Metcon (No Measure)

⏱ 16 Minute Alternating EMOM:

- 5 Burpees + 10 Wall Balls @ 9/6kg
- 15/12 Cals any erg
- 5 Burpees + 5 Deadlift
- 15 T2Bar
Age specific loads:
55+ 80/55kg
Metcon (No Measure)
3 Rounds:
- 10-20m Bear Crawl with 2 dumbells
- 10-20 HSPU

SAT 17, OCTOBER 2020

▪️2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.


▪️Snatch Deadlift with 3 secs pause at the knee

🔸 5 sets of 1
Build load over the sets.
1 mins rest between sets

▪️Snatch Push Press

🔸 3 sets of 3
Build load over the sets.
Start with unloaded bar.

▪️Muscle Snatch

🔸 3 sets of 3
Build load over the sets.
1 mins rest between sets
Primary Lifts
High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch + Snatch (7 sets @ 65-70%)
1 Set = 1+1+1

Use straps if you have them.

Key points of performance to remember:

1. Snatch: Keep the bar close in the snatch set-up
2. Get the knees back quickly to ensure the bar path is verticle
3. Be patient and stay over the bar after the knee. The knees should move forward and under
the bar at this point
4. Jump with the bar at the hip crease and then pull yourself under the bar
5. Reveive the bar, after a strong trun-over, in to an OHS or partical (power) OHS
6. Stand up fully, then drop the bar to the floor. Alternatively, look up at the bar and allow it
to drop into your hip crease, then control it to the floor.
10. Take another breath, and reset for the next rep.
Accessory work
Back Squat (3 sets of 5 reps @ 80% + warm up sets)
Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%
5 reps @ 50%
5 reps @ 60%
5 reps @ 70%

Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
18 mins AMRAP:

- 3 Bar Muscle Ups

- 6 Devils Press
- 12 GHD Sit-ups
- 18 Single Arm DB OH Lunges
- 400m row
Age specific loads:
Devils Press 2 x 22.5/15kg
SA OH Lunge 1 x 22.5/15kg

Devils Press 2 x 17.5/12.5kg
SA OH Lunge 1 x 17.5/12.5kg

MON 19, OCTOBER 2020

Coach's Notes
Here we start a new 4 week cycle. This time influenced by the CLASSIC Wendler Strength
strategy. Wendler's intention was for this pattern to be repeated an infinite number of
times. However, we will follow this for two cycles.

🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

🔸Then... 2 rounds of:

▪️5 Inch worm
▪️10m Death March - Double KB
Primary Lifts
Deadlift (3 sets of 3 reps @ 85% + warm ups sets)
Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%
5 reps @ 55%
5 reps @ 65%
5 reps @ 75%



There are three progressions. Use these if you do not have HSW yet. Only move the next
progression once you are confident.

Feel free to use these progressions as HSW warm-up too.

For those who have HSW, challenge yourself to beat the distance and marching reps each
week. It's important to rest between sets. The goal is to become confident on your hands.
It's difficult to do that under intensity.

🔸Progression 1 - 3 rounds:
- 1 Wall Walk

🔸Progression 2 - 3 rounds:
- Kick to Wall and 10 Handstand marches

🔸Progression 3 - 3 Rounds:
- Take one step back from the wall, kick up and walk 1-2 steps in to the wall on your hands.

🔸If you have Handstand walks, 3 rounds:

- 5-10m HSW + 10 free stand HS march
- Rest 1-2 mins
Wall Walks (3 Rounds of 1 perfect rep)
Wall Supported Handstand Shoulder Taps (3 x Sets of 1 Kick to Wall + 10 Marches/Taps)
Handstand Walk Towards the Wall (3 Rounds of 2-3 steps as you feel.)
Take one step back from the wall, kick up and walk 1-2 steps in to the wall on your hands.
Handstand Walk + Shoulder Taps on the Spot (3 Rounds)
Can scale back to a walk + marching if tapping the shoulder is too intense.
- 5-10m HSW + 10 free stand HS march
- Rest 1-2 mins
Metcon (Time)
For Time:

100 Wall Balls Buy-in

Then 3 rounds:
- 4 Bar Muscle Ups

- 12 DB Push-Press
- 32 Double Unders
Age specific loads:
35+ 2 x 22.5/15kg
55+ 2 x 17.5/12.5kg
Metcon (No Measure)
3 rounds, not for time:

- 20m Farmers Walk @ RPE 8

- 10 Split leg KB RDL (each side)

TUE 20, OCTOBER 2020

▪️2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.


▪️Clean Deadlift @ tempo 2222

5 sets of 3 @ 80% of clean
Build load over the sets, starting with an unloaded bar

▪️Banded Lat Stretch 3x30 secs

▪️Tall Clean
3 sets of 3 @ light load
Build load over the sets focussing on fast feet and speed under the bar


▪️Tall Jerk
3 sets of 3 @ 30-50% of C&J
Build load over the sets.
Start with the bar at eye level as in the video from 19 secs.

Primary Lifts
Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk (7 Sets @ 75-80%)
1 Set = of 1+1+1

Build the load over the first 5 rounds, then settle on the prescribed load for the final 2/3


Take your time to reset after the cleans to help ensure a quality jerk.

Key points of performance to remember:

1. Keep the bar close in the clean set-up
2. Get the knees back quickly to ensure the bar path is vertical
3. Be patient and stay over the bar after the knee. The knees should move forward and under
the bar at this point.
4. Drive through the feet and jump under the bar with fast elbows!
5. Take a few seconds to settle in the standing fron track position and reset your breath
6. Drop the bar to the hip crease and rest your breath
7. Push the hips back and let the bar drop to just above the knee, keeping tension on the
8. Repeat steps 4 and 5 above, then
9. Stay vertical in the jerk dip, which is mainly all knees
10. Drive through the feet, keeping the chest and chin up - the bar should travel totally
11. Jump in to the receiving position, receiving the bar with the head through and with the
shoulders and elbows locked.
12. Front ankle should be in front on the knee (in split position)
13. Back knee should be slightly bent
14. Recover Front Foot first, then back foot.
Accessory work
Push Press (3 sets of 3 reps @ 85% + warm up sets)
Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%
5 reps @ 55%
5 reps @ 65%
5 reps @ 75%
Metcon (No Measure)

⏱ 20 Minute Alternating EMOM:

1 - 3 Ring Muscle Ups
2 - 10 Thrusters
3 - 250/200m row
4 - 1 mins rest
Age Specific Loads:
35+ 40/30kg
55+ 30/25kg

WED 21, OCTOBER 2020

🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

🔸Then... 2 rounds of:

▪️5-10 Goblet Squats
▪️10 Cossack Squats
Primary Lifts
Front Squat (3 sets of 3 reps @ 85% + warm up sets)
Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%
5 reps @ 55%
5 reps @ 65%
5 reps @ 75%


There are three progressions to work through here. Again, you can use them as a warm-up
for RMU if you already have RMU, or work through them towards RMU.

If you have RMU, challenge yourself each week to unbroken sets with GOOD FORM. An ugly
final rep can lead to injury, so please hold back. This is practice! Save it for competition!

Ensure you rest 1-2 mins between sets.

A. Look straight ahead,
B. Point toes,
C. Keep legs straight, and
D. Relax shoulders
E. Remember the toe lift first,
F. Then hip drive,
G. Then sit-up!

🔸Warm-up Ring Muscle Ups:

1. Kip Swings on low rings

2. Banded low ring hollow body to hip drive and pull.

🔸Then 5 rounds, not for time:

- 3-5 Ring Muscle Ups or low ring Ring Muscle Ups

- 10/8 cals on any erg active recovery.
Beat or Kip Swings (3-5 sets of 7-8 reps)
Banded Ring Muscle Up Drill (3-5 sets of 3-5 reps)
Banded low ring hollow body to hip drive and pull.
Ring Muscle Ups (5 Rounds not for time: 3-5 reps + erg*)
*3-5 RMU or low ring RMU
- 10/8 cals on any erg active recovery.
Metcon (Time)

⏱ For Time:

15/10/5 reps of:

- Clean and Jerk

- Burpees over bar
- T2bar
Age specific loads:
35+ @ 40/60kg
55+ @35/55kg
Metcon (No Measure)
3 rounds:
- 20m Yoke @ 150/120kg
- 2 mins Rest
Adjust loading as needed and add a few warm-up lengths beforehand. If no access to yoke,
use the video as a modification - can also use KB hanging with bands.


Alternatively, perform double overhead waiters carry with 2 KB/DB.

FRI 23, OCTOBER 2020

🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

🔸Then... 2 rounds of:

▪️10 Push-up to Side Plank
▪️5 KB Pull-overs
Primary Lifts
Bench Press (3 sets of 3 reps @ 85% + warm up sets)
Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%
5 reps @ 55%
5 reps @ 65%
5 reps @ 75%
Bar Muscle Ups

There are three progressions to work through here.

Again, you can use them as a warm-up for BMU if you already have BMU, or work through
them towards BMU.

If you have BMU, Challenge yourself each week to unbroken sets with GOOD FORM. An ugly
final rep can lead to injury, so please hold back. This is practice! Save it for competition!

Ensure you rest 1-2 mins between sets.


A. Lean back and look up slightly,
B. Keep the feet together,
C. shoulders should be way behind the bar as the hips rise towards the bar,
D. Remember the knee lift first,
E. then hip drive,
F. then sit-up!

For low bar BMU, use a stack of plates and try to get the hips to the bar as shown in the

🔸Progression 1, 3 rounds:
- 3-5 Bar kips

🔸Progression 2, 3 rounds:
- 3-5 chair swings

🔸Progression 3, 3 rounds:
- 1-3 Low Bar Bar Muscle Ups

🔸5 Rounds:
- 10/8 calories on any erg at 5/6RPE.
- 1- 5 Bar Muscle Ups
Bar Kips - BMU Drill (3 rounds of 3-5 reps)
Chair Swings - BMU Drill (3 rounds of 3-5 reps)
Low Bar Muscle Ups (3 rounds of 1-3 reps)
Use a stack of plates and try to get the hips to the bar as shown in the video:
Bar Muscle-ups (5 Rounds not for time: Erg cals + BMU*)
- 10/8 calories on any erg at 5/6RPE
- 1- 5 Bar Muscle Ups
Metcon (Time)

⏱ 3 Rounds for time:

- 15 C2 Bar Pull-ups
- 10 DB Box step Overs
- 5 Devils Press
Age specific loads:
DB Box Step Overs

35+ 1 x 22.5/15kg
55+ 1 x 17.5/12.5kg

Devils Press
35+ 2 x 22.5/15kg
55+ 2 x 17.5/12.5kg
Metcon (No Measure)
3 Rounds:
- 1-3 Rope Climbs
- 10-20 HSPU
- 2 Mins Rest

SAT 24, OCTOBER 2020

▪️2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.


▪️Snatch Deadlift with 3 secs pause at the knee

🔸 5 sets of 1
Build load over the sets.
1 mins rest between sets

▪️Snatch Push Press

🔸 3 sets of 3
Build load over the sets.
Start with unloaded bar.

▪️Muscle Snatch

🔸 3 sets of 3
Build load over the sets.
1 mins rest between sets
Primary Lifts
High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch + Snatch (7 sets @ 70-75%)

1 Set = 1+1+1

Use straps if you have them.

Key points of performance to remember:

1. Snatch: Keep the bar close in the snatch set-up
2. Get the knees back quickly to ensure the bar path is verticle
3. Be patient and stay over the bar after the knee. The knees should move forward and under
the bar at this point
4. Jump with the bar at the hip crease and then pull yourself under the bar
5. Reveive the bar, after a strong trun-over, in to an OHS or partical (power) OHS
6. Stand up fully, then drop the bar to the floor. Alternatively, look up at the bar and allow it
to drop into your hip crease, then control it to the floor.
10. Take another breath, and reset for the next rep.
Accessory work
Back Squat (3 sets of 3 reps @ 85% + warm up sets)
Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%
5 reps @ 55%
5 reps @ 65%
5 reps @ 75%
Metcon (Time)

⏱For Time:

- 400m run
- 100 KBS American
- 400m run
- 75 DB OH lunges
- 400m run
- 50 Burpees
- 400m run
Age specific loads:
American KBS @ 24/16kg
SA OH Lunge 1 x 22.5/15kg

American KBS @ 20/12kg
SA OH Lunge 1 x 17.5/12.5kg

MON 26, OCTOBER 2020


Coach's Notes
Here we start a new 4 week cycle. This time influenced by the CLASSIC Wendler Strength
strategy. Wendler's intention was for this pattern to be repeated an infinite number of
times. However, we will follow this for two cycles.

🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

🔸Then... 2 rounds of:

▪️5 Inch worm
▪️10m Death March - Double KB
Primary Lifts
Deadlift (1 sets of max reps @ 90% + warm up sets )
Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%
5 reps @ 55%
3 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%

A) 1 sets of max reps @ 90%

B) 2 sets of 1 rep @90%

Only score A

There are three progressions. Use these if you do not have HSW yet. Only move the next
progression once you are confident.

Feel free to use these progressions as HSW warm-up too.

For those who have HSW, challenge yourself to beat the distance and marching reps each
week. It's important to rest between sets. The goal is to become confident on your hands.
It's difficult to do that under intensity.

🔸Progression 1 - 3 rounds:
- 1 Wall Walk

🔸Progression 2 - 3 rounds:
- Kick to Wall and 10 Handstand marches

🔸Progression 3 - 3 Rounds:
- Take one step back from the wall, kick up and walk 1-2 steps in to the wall on your hands.

🔸If you have Handstand walks, 3 rounds:

- 5-10m HSW + 10 free stand HS march
- Rest 1-2 mins
Wall Walks (3 Rounds of 1 perfect rep)
Wall Supported Handstand Shoulder Taps (3 x Sets of 1 Kick to Wall + 10 Marches/Taps)
Handstand Walk Towards the Wall (3 Rounds of 2-3 steps as you feel.)
Take one step back from the wall, kick up and walk 1-2 steps in to the wall on your hands.
Handstand Walk + Shoulder Taps on the Spot (3 Rounds)
Can scale back to a walk + marching if tapping the shoulder is too intense.
- 5-10m HSW + 10 free stand HS march
- Rest 1-2 mins
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds For Time:
- 6 Man Makers
- 18 DB front rack lunges
- 30 Double Unders
Age specific loads:
35+ 2 x 22.5/15kg
55+ 2 x 17.5/12.5kg
Metcon (No Measure)
3 rounds, not for time:

- 10 Split Leg KB RDL (each side)

- 10-20 Leg Curl
- 10 Cals on any Erg @ 5/6RPE
If no access to leg curl machine, use a band as in linked:


TUE 27, OCTOBER 2020
▪️2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.


▪️Clean Deadlift @ tempo 2222

5 sets of 3 @ 80% of clean
Build load over the sets, starting with an unloaded bar

▪️Banded Lat Stretch 3x30 secs

▪️Tall Clean
3 sets of 3 @ light load
Build load over the sets focussing on fast feet and speed under the bar


▪️Tall Jerk
3 sets of 3 @ 30-50% of C&J
Build load over the sets.
Start with the bar at eye level as in the video from 19 secs.

Primary Lifts
Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk (7 Sets @ 80-85%)
1 Set = of 1+1+1

Build the load over the first 5 rounds, then settle on the prescribed load for the final 2/3

Take your time to reset after the cleans to help ensure a quality jerk.

Key points of performance to remember:

1. Keep the bar close in the clean set-up
2. Get the knees back quickly to ensure the bar path is vertical
3. Be patient and stay over the bar after the knee. The knees should move forward and under
the bar at this point.
4. Drive through the feet and jump under the bar with fast elbows!
5. Take a few seconds to settle in the standing fron track position and reset your breath
6. Drop the bar to the hip crease and rest your breath
7. Push the hips back and let the bar drop to just above the knee, keeping tension on the
8. Repeat steps 4 and 5 above, then

9. Stay vertical in the jerk dip, which is mainly all knees
10. Drive through the feet, keeping the chest and chin up - the bar should travel totally
11. Jump in to the receiving position, receiving the bar with the head through and with the
shoulders and elbows locked.
12. Front ankle should be in front on the knee (in split position)
13. Back knee should be slightly bent
14. Recover Front Foot first, then back foot.
Accessory work
Push Press (1 sets of max reps @ 90% + warm up sets )
Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%
5 reps @ 55%
3 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%

A) 1 sets of max reps @ 90%

B) 2 sets of 1 rep @90%

Only score A
Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

⏱ 20 Minute AMRAP:
- 5 Bar Muscle Ups
- 10 HSPU
- 20 DB 1 arm OHS*
- 25/20 Cals on any erg

(*split evenly between the arms and swap as needed)

Age Specific Loads:
35+ 22.5/15kg
55+ 17.5/12.5kg

WED 28, OCTOBER 2020


🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

🔸Then... 2 rounds of:
▪️5-10 Goblet Squats
▪️10 Cossack Squats
Primary Lifts
Front Squat (1 sets of max reps @ 90% + warm up sets )
Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%
5 reps @ 55%
3 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%

A) 1 sets of max reps @ 90%

B) 2 sets of 1 rep @90%

Only score A


There are three progressions to work through here. Again, you can use them as a warm-up
for RMU if you already have RMU, or work through them towards RMU.

If you have RMU, challenge yourself each week to unbroken sets with GOOD FORM. An ugly
final rep can lead to injury, so please hold back. This is practice! Save it for competition!

Ensure you rest 1-2 mins between sets.

A. Look straight ahead,
B. Point toes,
C. Keep legs straight, and
D. Relax shoulders
E. Remember the toe lift first,
F. Then hip drive,
G. Then sit-up!

🔸Warm-up Ring Muscle Ups:

1. Kip Swings on low rings

2. Banded low ring hollow body to hip drive and pull.

🔸Then 5 rounds, not for time:

- 3-5 Ring Muscle Ups or low ring Ring Muscle Ups

- 10/8 cals on any erg active recovery.
Beat or Kip Swings (3-5 sets of 7-8 reps)
Banded Ring Muscle Up Drill (3-5 sets of 3-5 reps)
Banded low ring hollow body to hip drive and pull.
Ring Muscle Ups (5 Rounds not for time: 3-5 reps + erg*)
*3-5 RMU or low ring RMU
- 10/8 cals on any erg active recovery.
Metcon (Time)

⏱ For Time:

18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 reps of:

- Alt DB Snatch
-10 Over DB burpees between each round
Age specific loads:
35+ @ 22.5/15kg
55+ @ 17.5/12.5kg
Metcon (3 Rounds for weight)
3 rounds:
- 20m Sled Push AHAP
- 2 mins Rest
AHAP: As heavy as possible

FRI 30, OCTOBER 2020


🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

🔸Then... 2 rounds of:
▪️10 Push-up to Side Plank
▪️5 KB Pull-overs
Primary Lifts
Bench Press (1 sets of max reps @ 90% + warm up sets )
Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%
5 reps @ 55%
3 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%

A) 1 sets of max reps @ 90%

B) 2 sets of 1 rep @90%

Only score A
Bar Muscle Ups

There are three progressions to work through here.

Again, you can use them as a warm-up for BMU if you already have BMU, or work through
them towards BMU.

If you have BMU, Challenge yourself each week to unbroken sets with GOOD FORM. An ugly
final rep can lead to injury, so please hold back. This is practice! Save it for competition!

Ensure you rest 1-2 mins between sets.

A. Lean back and look up slightly,
B. Keep the feet together,
C. shoulders should be way behind the bar as the hips rise towards the bar,
D. Remember the knee lift first,
E. then hip drive,
F. then sit-up!

For low bar BMU, use a stack of plates and try to get the hips to the bar as shown in the

🔸Progression 1, 3 rounds:
- 3-5 Bar kips

🔸Progression 2, 3 rounds:
- 3-5 chair swings

🔸Progression 3, 3 rounds:
- 1-3 Low Bar Bar Muscle Ups

🔸5 Rounds:
- 10/8 calories on any erg at 5/6RPE.
- 1- 5 Bar Muscle Ups
Bar Kips - BMU Drill (3 rounds of 3-5 reps)
Chair Swings - BMU Drill (3 rounds of 3-5 reps)
Low Bar Muscle Ups (3 rounds of 1-3 reps)
Use a stack of plates and try to get the hips to the bar as shown in the video:
Bar Muscle-ups (5 Rounds not for time: Erg cals + BMU*)
- 10/8 calories on any erg at 5/6RPE
- 1- 5 Bar Muscle Ups
Metcon (Time)

⏱ 3 Rounds for time:

- 60 Double Unders
- 20 Thrusters
- 10 Deadlifts
Age specific loads:
35+ 30/25kg
55+ 20/15kg

35+ 100/70kg
55+ 80/55kg
Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds:
- 10-20m Bear Crawl with 2 dumbells
- 10-20 HSPU

SAT 31, OCTOBER 2020

▪️2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.


▪️Snatch Deadlift with 3 secs pause at the knee

🔸 5 sets of 1
Build load over the sets.
1 mins rest between sets

▪️Snatch Push Press

🔸 3 sets of 3
Build load over the sets.
Start with unloaded bar.

▪️Muscle Snatch

🔸 3 sets of 3
Build load over the sets.
1 mins rest between sets
Primary Lifts
High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch + Snatch (7 sets @ 75-80%)
1 Set = 1+1+1

Use straps if you have them.

Key points of performance to remember:

1. Snatch: Keep the bar close in the snatch set-up
2. Get the knees back quickly to ensure the bar path is verticle
3. Be patient and stay over the bar after the knee. The knees should move forward and under
the bar at this point
4. Jump with the bar at the hip crease and then pull yourself under the bar
5. Reveive the bar, after a strong trun-over, in to an OHS or partical (power) OHS
6. Stand up fully, then drop the bar to the floor. Alternatively, look up at the bar and allow it
to drop into your hip crease, then control it to the floor.
10. Take another breath, and reset for the next rep.

Accessory work
Back Squat (1 sets of max reps @ 90% + warm up sets )
Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%
5 reps @ 55%
3 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%

A) 1 sets of max reps @ 90%

B) 2 sets of 1 rep @90%

Only score A
Metcon (No Measure)

⏱ 20 Mins EMOM:
1 - 15/12 Cals run or Assault bike
2 - 10-15 Burpees
3 - 14 DB C&J
4 - 10-15 T2Bar
Age specific loads:

DB for C&J:
35+ 2 x 22.5/15kg
55+ 2 x 17.5/12.5kg


Coach's Notes
Deload week for the first cycle of the Wendler inspired 5/3/1 program. It's pretty self
explanatory, but hold back on the volume and loads used. Added some functional
accessories for fun.

🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.


▪️3 rounds:
- 3 muscle clean + 1 press

▪️3 rounds:
- 3 Front squat at 25-35%

▪️3 rounds:
- 3 Tall Jerk
Clean and Jerk (Every 2 mins for 20 mins: 2 reps @ 60% )
Take your time to setup for every rep. In particular, please do no rush the jerk.

Key points of performance to remember:

1. Keep the bar close in the clean set-up
2. Get the knees back quickly to ensure the bar path is verticle
3. Be patient and stay over the bar after the knee. The knees should move forward and under
the bar at this point.
4. Drive through the feet and jump under the bar with fast elbows!
5. Take a few seconds to settle in the standing fron track position and reset your breath
6. Drop the bar to the hip crease and rest your breath
7. Push the hips back and let the bar drop to just above the knee, keeping tension on the
8. Repeat steps 4 and 5 above, then
9. Stay vertical in the jerk dip, which is mainly all knees
10. Drive through the feet, keeping the chest and chin up - the bar should travel totally
11. Jump in to the receiving position, receiving the bar with the head through and with the
shoulders and elbows locked.
12. Front ankle should be in front on the knee (in split position)
13. Back knee should be slightly bent
14. Recover Front Foot first, then back foot.
Metcon (Time)
10m Handstand Walk Buy-in

21-15-9 reps of:

- Snatch
84-60- 36 reps of:
- Double Unders / Single Unders

10m Handstand Walk buy-out

Age Specific loads:
35+ 40/30kg
55+ 35/25kg

Coach's Notes
Deload week for the first cycle of the Wendler inspired 5/3/1 program. It's pretty self
explanatory, but hold back on the volume and loads used. Added some functional
accessories for fun.

🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

▪️Single Arm DB Z-Press:
3 sets of 5-10 reps
▪️Ring Rows:
3 sets of 5-10 reps
Shoulder Press (Every 2 mins for 6 sets: 10 reps @ 40-50%)
Build the load over the 6 sets
Handstand Work Practice (Work through the progressions )
Handstand skills;
Any of the following work on free standing holds, walking, obstacles and turns.
Progression 1 - 3 rounds:
- 1 Wall Walk

Progression 2 - 3 rounds:
- Kick to Wall and 10 Handstand marches

Progression 3 - 3 Rounds:
- Take one step back from the wall, kick up and walk 1-2 steps in to the wall on your hands.

If you have Handstand walks, 3 rounds:

- 5-10m HSW + 10 free stand HS march
- Rest 1-2 mins
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds:

- 5 Double KB Thrusters 24/16kg

- 15 C2Bar pull-ups
- 5 Double KB Snatch 24/16kg
- 15 Box Jumps
Age Specific loads:
55+ 16/12kg


Coach's Notes
Deload week for the first cycle of the Wendler inspired 5/3/1 program. It's pretty self
explanatory, but hold back on the volume and loads used. Added some functional
accessories for fun.

🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

🔸Then 2 rounds of:

▪️30 secs squat rocks
▪️10 Bodyweight Lunges
Back Squat (Every 2 mins for 6 sets: 10 reps @ 40-50%)
Build the load over the 6 sets
Butterfly Pull-Ups (Work through the progressions )
Butterfly Pull-up Skill:

🎥 Please watch this video first:

▪️2 rounds of Butterfly pull-ups progression 1:

- 5 reps Arms only on a box

▪️3 rounds of Butterfly pull-ups progression 2:

- 5 reps of reverse bicycle kicks (feet together) If you get this, move on to progression 3
below. If not, work another 3 sets of this.

▪️3 rounds of Butterfly pull-ups progression 3 - hybrid:

- 1-2 strict pull-up to behind the bar, and drop. Feel the drop under the bar, then repeat. Start
to use a reverse bicycle kick if you feel this.

▪️6 rounds:
- 1-2 (if the skill is new) pull-ups

- rest as needed - at least 2 mins

🔺Or if skill is ok:

▪️4 rounds;
- 5-10 pull-ups or 5-10 butterfly chest to bar
- rest as needed - at least 2 mins

🔺Or if proficient:

▪️10 Minute Alternating EMOM:

- 10-20 pull-ups or 10-20 butterfly chest to bar
- 10/7 cals Assault bike at 6RPE
Metcon (5 Rounds for time)
Every 3 mins for 5 rounds:

- 3 Bar Muscle Ups

- 5 Power Cleans @ 70/45kg
- 10 Bar over Burpees
Age Specific loads:
55+ 60/40kg


Coach's Notes
Deload week for the first cycle of the Wendler inspired 5/3/1 program. It's pretty self
explanatory, but hold back on the volume and loads used. Added some functional
accessories for fun.

🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.


▪️Snatch Deadlift
5 sets of 3 Build load over the sets. 1 mins rest between sets

▪️Snatch Push Press

3 sets of 3 Build load over the sets. Start with unloaded bar.

▪️Muscle Snatch + Snatch balance
5 sets of 1 Build load over the sets. 1 mins rest between sets
Snatch (7 Minute EMOM: 1 Rep @ 50-60%)
Warm-up, then perform the EMOM at the same load.

Key points of performance to remember:

1. Snatch: Keep the bar close in the snatch set-up
2. Get the knees back quickly to ensure the bar path is vertical
3. Be patient and stay over the bar after the knee. The knees should move forward and under
the bar at this point
4. Jump with the bar at the hip crease and then pull yourself under the bar
5. Receive the bar, after a strong turn-over, in to an OHS or partial (power) OHS
6. Stand up fully, then drop the bar to the floor. Alternatively, look up at the bar and allow it
to drop into your hip crease, then control it to the floor.
10. Take another breath, and reset for the next rep.
Metcon (No Measure)
15 Minute Alternating EMOM:
1 - 18 Wall Balls @ 6/9kg
2 - 16/12 Calories Row
3 - 14 DB power clean @ 2x22.5/15kg
Age Specific loads:
55+ 17.5/12.5kg


Coach's Notes
Deload week for the first cycle of the Wendler inspired 5/3/1 program. It's pretty self
explanatory, but hold back on the volume and loads used. Added some functional
accessories for fun.

🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

🔸Then 2 rounds of:

▪️5 Inch Worm
▪️10m Death March - Double KB
Deadlift (Every 2 mins for 6 sets: 10 reps @ 40-50%)
Build the load over the 6 sets
BMU Focus: (Work through the progressions )

There are three progressions to work through here. Again, you can use them as a warm-up
for BMU if you already have BMU, or work through them towards BMU.

If you have BMU, Challenge yourself each week to unbroken sets with GOOD FORM. An ugly
final rep can lead to injury, so please hold back. This is practice! Save it for competition!
Ensure you rest 1-2 mins between sets.

▪️Progression 1, 3 rounds:
- 3-5 Bar kips

▪️Progression 2, 3 rounds:
- 3-5 chair swings

▪️Progression 3, 3 rounds:
- 1-3 Low Bar BMU

▪️5 Rounds:
- 10/8 calories on any erg at 5/6RPE.
- 1- 5 BMU

A. Lean back and look up slightly,
B. Keep the feet together,
C. shoulders should be way behind the bar as the hips rise towards the bar,
D. Remember the knee lift first,
E. then hip drive,
F. then sit-up!

🎥For low bar BMU, use a stack of plates and try to get the hips to the bar as shown in the
Metcon (No Measure)
3 Rounds:
- 12 Devils press @ 2 x 22.5/15kg
- 24 T2B
- 480m Row
Age Specific loads:


Coach's Notes

Week 1 - Classic 5-3-1 Strength sets of 5

Here we start a new 4 week cycle. This time influenced by the CLASSIC Wendler Strength
strategy. Wendler's intention was for this pattern to be repeated an infinite number of
times. However, we will follow this for two cycles.

🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

▪️3 rounds:
- 3 muscle clean + 1 press

▪️3 rounds:
- 3 Front squat at 25-35%

▪️3 rounds:
- 3 Tall Jerk
Clean and Jerk (Every 2 mins for 20 mins: 2 reps @ 70-80% )
Take your time to setup for every rep. In particular, please do no rush the jerk.

Key points of performance to remember:

1. Keep the bar close in the clean set-up
2. Get the knees back quickly to ensure the bar path is verticle
3. Be patient and stay over the bar after the knee. The knees should move forward and under
the bar at this point.
4. Drive through the feet and jump under the bar with fast elbows!
5. Take a few seconds to settle in the standing fron track position and reset your breath
6. Drop the bar to the hip crease and rest your breath
7. Push the hips back and let the bar drop to just above the knee, keeping tension on the
8. Repeat steps 4 and 5 above, then
9. Stay vertical in the jerk dip, which is mainly all knees
10. Drive through the feet, keeping the chest and chin up - the bar should travel totally
11. Jump in to the receiving position, receiving the bar with the head through and with the
shoulders and elbows locked.
12. Front ankle should be in front on the knee (in split position)
13. Back knee should be slightly bent
14. Recover Front Foot first, then back foot.
Metcon (Time)

For time:
- 42 Double Unders
- 15 double DB Clean
- 42 Double Unders
- 12 double DB Clean
- 42 Double Unders
- 9 double DB Clean
- 42 Double Unders
- 9 double DB Snatch
- 42 Double Unders
- 12 double DB Snatch
- 42 Double Unders
- 15 double DB Snatch
Age Specific loads:
2 x 22.5/15kg
2 x 17.5/12.5kg
Metcon (Time)
6 Rounds:
- 3 Strict Ring Muscle Ups
- 10 cals any erg
- 10m Handstand Walk
- 10 cals
Scaling options:
1.Kipping RMU or low ring RMU
2. Bear Crawl or wall walk + 10 handstand march



🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

▪️Single Arm DB Z-Press:
3 sets of 5-10 reps
▪️Ring Rows:
3 sets of 5-10 reps
Shoulder Press (3 sets of 5 reps @ 80%)
Warm up with:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%

5 reps @ 50%
5 reps @ 60%
5 reps @ 70%

Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets.
Handstand Work Practice (Work through the progressions )
Handstand skills;
Any of the following work on free standing holds, walking, obstacles and turns.
Progression 1 - 3 rounds:
- 1 Wall Walk

Progression 2 - 3 rounds:
- Kick to Wall and 10 Handstand marches

Progression 3 - 3 Rounds:
- Take one step back from the wall, kick up and walk 1-2 steps in to the wall on your hands.

If you have Handstand walks, 3 rounds:

- 5-10m HSW + 10 free stand HS march
- Rest 1-2 mins
Metcon (No Measure)
Every 3 mins, for 18 mins:
- 20 cals Row
- 20 Wall Balls
Age Specific loads:
All - 9/6kg
Metcon (Weight)
3 rounds:
- 40m Sled push light load
- 2 mins rest



🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

🔸Then 2 rounds of:

▪️30 secs squat rocks
▪️10 Bodyweight Lunges
Back Squat (3 sets of 5 reps @ 80%)

Warm up sets as follows:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%
5 reps @ 50%
5 reps @ 60%
5 reps @ 70%

Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets.
Butterfly Pull-Ups (Work through the progressions )
Butterfly Pull-up Skill:

🎥 Please watch this video first:

▪️2 rounds of Butterfly pull-ups progression 1:

- 5 reps Arms only on a box

▪️3 rounds of Butterfly pull-ups progression 2:

- 5 reps of reverse bicycle kicks (feet together) If you get this, move on to progression 3
below. If not, work another 3 sets of this.

▪️3 rounds of Butterfly pull-ups progression 3 - hybrid:

- 1-2 strict pull-up to behind the bar, and drop. Feel the drop under the bar, then repeat. Start
to use a reverse bicycle kick if you feel this.

▪️6 rounds:
- 1-2 (if the skill is new) pull-ups
- rest as needed - at least 2 mins

🔺Or if skill is ok:

▪️4 rounds;
- 5-10 pull-ups or 5-10 butterfly chest to bar
- rest as needed - at least 2 mins

🔺Or if proficient:

▪️10 Minute Alternating EMOM:

- 10-20 pull-ups or 10-20 butterfly chest to bar
- 10/7 cals Assault bike at 6RPE
Metcon (Time)

5 rounds:

- 5 Shoulder to Overhead @ 70/45kg

- 10 Front Squats
- 15 Handstand Push-ups
- 20 KBS Russian @ 24/16kg
Age Specific loads:

+55 Kettlebells
@ 16/12kg

Shoulder to Overhead
+55 @ 50/35kg

Scaling options:
1. Piked Push-ups or
2. Hand Release Push-ups
Metcon (No Measure)
3 rounds:
- 5-15 dips
- 20m Farmers Walk @ 2 x 32/24kg KB or heavier if possible



🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.


▪️Snatch Deadlift
5 sets of 3 Build load over the sets. 1 mins rest between sets

▪️Snatch Push Press

3 sets of 3 Build load over the sets. Start with unloaded bar.

▪️Muscle Snatch + Snatch balance

5 sets of 1 Build load over the sets. 1 mins rest between sets

Snatch (Build to a heavy single of no more than 80%)
10-15 Reps at 70-80%

Build the load over the sets, resting 2 minutes between each lift. The goal is to finish on a
heavy single for today - no more than 80%. If you miss a lift 3 times, drop the load and build
back up again. If you miss your final lift, drop the load by 20% and finish on a really good rep.

Key points of performance to remember:

1. Snatch: Keep the bar close in the snatch set-up
2. Get the knees back quickly to ensure the bar path is vertical
3. Be patient and stay over the bar after the knee. The knees should move forward and under
the bar at this point
4. Jump with the bar at the hip crease and then pull yourself under the bar
5. Receive the bar, after a strong turn-over, in to an OHS or partial (power) OHS
6. Stand up fully, then drop the bar to the floor. Alternatively, look up at the bar and allow it
to drop into your hip crease, then control it to the floor.
10. Take another breath, and reset for the next rep.
Metcon (No Measure)
Every 7 mins for 2 rounds:

- 30 Burpee Box jumps @ 24/20"

- 30 Unloaded Thrusters @ 20/15kg
- 10 Ring Muscle Ups
Scaling Options:
1. Low Ring RMU or Pull-ups
Metcon (No Measure)
5 Rounds:
- 20m DBall bear hug carry
- 1 mins rest
Age specific loads:
35+ 60/40kg
55+ 50/35kg



🔸2 mins on any piece of cardio equipment or walking. Think 40-50% effort. The goal is simply
to increase body temperature and heart rate a little.

🔸Then 2 rounds of:

▪️5 Inch Worm
▪️10m Death March - Double KB

Deadlift (3 sets of 5 reps @ 80%)
Warm Up sets as follows:
5 reps @ 40%
5 reps @ 45%
5 reps @ 50%
5 reps @ 60%
5 reps @ 70%

Work through the warm-up sets, taking at least 2 mins rest between sets.
BMU Focus: (Work through the progressions )
There are three progressions to work through here. Again, you can use them as a warm-up
for BMU if you already have BMU, or work through them towards BMU.

If you have BMU, Challenge yourself each week to unbroken sets with GOOD FORM. An ugly
final rep can lead to injury, so please hold back. This is practice! Save it for competition!
Ensure you rest 1-2 mins between sets.

▪️Progression 1, 3 rounds:
- 3-5 Bar kips

▪️Progression 2, 3 rounds:
- 3-5 chair swings

▪️Progression 3, 3 rounds:
- 1-3 Low Bar BMU

▪️5 Rounds:
- 10/8 calories on any erg at 5/6RPE.
- 1- 5 BMU

A. Lean back and look up slightly,
B. Keep the feet together,
C. shoulders should be way behind the bar as the hips rise towards the bar,
D. Remember the knee lift first,
E. then hip drive,
F. then sit-up!

🎥For low bar BMU, use a stack of plates and try to get the hips to the bar as shown in the
Metcon (Time)

50/35 cal Assault bike buy in, then:

- DB Alt Snatch
- DB 1 arm OH Lunge

50/35 cal Assault bike buy out

Age Specific loads:
35+ 27.5/20kg
55+ 22.5/15kg


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