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CrossFit Minho

Track: Workout of the Day

Date: Saturday, Feb 2, 2019

Oly Total 1.26.19

Build to a Oly total of a combined Snatch + Clean & Jerk.

Athlete Notes:

-Limited to a total of 4 attempts for each lift.

Scoring: Load


DB Thrusters (35/25)
Kettlebell swings (1.5/1 pd)

Scoring: Time

Coaches Notes

• Set-up low rings for C2B skill work.

1. Demo each movement and progression pieces to the athletes before they attempt them.
2. Review range-of-motion standards for each movement when introduced.
3. Keep athletes on your cadence for all parts of the non-workout pieces of the class unless otherwise speci ed.
4. Con rm scaling options with all athletes during the relevant warm-up sections.

Dumbbell Thruster:

1. Scale load to allow for ~15 unbroken reps in rst set.

Kettlebell Swing:
1. Scale load to allow for 20 unbroken swings in rst set.
2. Athletes should use the same loading as they use in the workout Helen.
(:00-:03) WHITEBOARD
1. This burner workout is a repeat from 4/2/2018. Check your times in SugarWOD to assist with scaling.
2. Our goal today is to transition quickly between the DB TH and KBS, keep the breaks shorts and come in at around 12 min.
3. If you were in the 11-15 min range, keep your scaling the same and see if you can beat your time. If you were faster than 11
min, and not Rx, consider choosing a heavier DB or KB.
4. C2B pull-up skill work will be completed after the WOD.
(:03-:11) WARM-UP, GENERAL
• Run 400m
• 15 m Walking high leg kicks
• 10 AS, coached cued
• 15 m Bear crawl
• 10 AS, on athletes’ own cadence
• 15 m Carioca (Video:
• 10 Push-ups
• 15 m Carioca, leading with the opposite leg
• 10 Good mornings

Have athletes get the pair of DBs they intend to use in the workout.
Holding ONE DB only, perform 5 reps each of the following:
1. 5 DB FSQ per side
• Cue the rst set of 5 with a 2-sec pause in the bottom and then have athletes move at their own cadence for the other side.
2. 5 DB PP per side
• Cue the rst set of 5 with a 2-sec pause at the top and then have athletes move at their own cadence for the other side.
3. 5 DB TH per side
• Cue the rst set of 5 and then have athletes move at their own cadence for the other side.
Then, using BOTH dumbbells:
4. 10 DB TH
• Coach watch for a smooth set of 10 in which the athlete can push the DBs vertically over shoulders each rep
5. 10 DB TH with workout weight
• Have athletes adjust weight as needed.
Have athletes get the KB they intend to use in the workout.
1. 10 KBS to eye level
2. 10 1-arm KBS each side
• These are performed to chest level only.
3. 5 KB around the worlds per side
• Video:
4. 10 KBS overhead (American Swing)
• KBS will be performed overhead in the workout.
• Inform athletes if they should change the weight of their kettlebell (down, or up in weight)

(:28-:30) BREAK
(:30-:45) WORKOUT


To include cool down, score collection, and putting away equipment.
3 sets of:
• 2 Pullovers, then chin-over-bar hold (prone grip) for 10 sec. Rest 30 seconds
• 4 CTB pull-ups, 6 kipping pull-ups, then chin-over-bar hold (prone grip for 10 sec. Rest 1 min.

Scaled Options:
1. Decrease to 1 pullover, 2 CTB, 3 kipping.
2. Keep the original numbers. Athletes can do skin the cats on the rings, then hold with as little assistance from the legs as
possible. Next, execute 4 rings to sternum then 6 rings to chest. Place the feet in a position that is challenging, yet the ROM
can be met.
Coaches Video:

Modi ed and RX Metcon 1.26.19

Complete 4 rounds for time:

•500m Row

**Rest 2 minutes between efforts.**

Athlete Notes:

-We will be scoring this WOD as total time, rest time included.

-Push the pace hard, but don’t completely gas out.

Scoring: Time

Chest-to-bar Pull-Ups - January/February 2019 Skill

3 sets of:
• 2 Pullovers, then chin-over-bar hold (prone grip) for 10 sec. Rest 30 seconds
• 4 CTB pull-ups, 6 kipping pull-ups, then chin-over-bar hold (prone grip for 10 sec. Rest 1 min.

Scaled Options:
1. Decrease to 1 pullover, 2 CTB, 3 kipping.
2. Keep the original numbers. Athletes can do skin the cats on the rings, then hold with as little assistance from the legs as possible.
Next, execute 4 rings to sternum then 6 rings to chest. Place the feet in a position that is challenging, yet the ROM can be met.
Coaches Video:

Scoring: Checkbox

Close Out- Strength Accessory 1.26.19

Complete 3 sets for quality:

•8-12 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press (moderate to challenging weight)

•10-12 Banded Face Pulls
•10 Prone A's

Athlete Notes:

-The goal of the accessory strength is to add some resistance training post Rowing WOD.

-Focus on quality movements versus intensity.

-To set up an incline bench, stack 2-3 #45 bumper plates and put half of the bench on the plates. The goal is to nd a challenging effort
for the 8-12 reps. If you have completed 12 reps at one weight, increase the weight for the next set.

-Face Pulls will be completed with a light band. Set the band at face height, then retract the shoulders and pull the band to your face
with your elbows out at shoulder height.

-For the Prone A’s, start facing down on the ground with a #2.5-5 plate in your hands. Then, with straight arms, retract the shoulders
while keeping them depressed, raise the hands off the ground and hold them to your side for 1-2 seconds before returning.

Coaches Notes

Coaches Notes:
-This strength accessory is for quality movements. Make sure that your athletes are moving through the movements properly
even though they are tired from rowing.

-Here are links to videos of the movements if you are unfamiliar:

Dumbbell Incline Bench:
Banded Face Pulls:
Prone A's:


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