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CrossFit Minho

Track: Workout of the Day

Date: Sábado, Jan 26, 2019

Oly Total 1.26.19

Build to a Oly total of a combined Snatch + Clean & Jerk.

Athlete Notes:

-Limited to a total of 4 attempts for each lift.

Scoring: Load

Modi ed and RX Metcon 1.26.19

Complete 4 rounds for time:

•500m Row

**Rest 2 minutes between efforts.**

Athlete Notes:

-We will be scoring this WOD as total time, rest time included.

-Push the pace hard, but don’t completely gas out.

Scoring: Time

Close Out- Strength Accessory 1.26.19

Complete 3 sets for quality:

•8-12 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press (moderate to challenging weight)

•10-12 Banded Face Pulls
•10 Prone A's

Athlete Notes:

-The goal of the accessory strength is to add some resistance training post Rowing WOD.

-Focus on quality movements versus intensity.

-To set up an incline bench, stack 2-3 #45 bumper plates and put half of the bench on the plates. The goal is to nd a
challenging effort for the 8-12 reps. If you have completed 12 reps at one weight, increase the weight for the next set.

-Face Pulls will be completed with a light band. Set the band at face height, then retract the shoulders and pull the band to
your face with your elbows out at shoulder height.

-For the Prone A’s, start facing down on the ground with a #2.5-5 plate in your hands. Then, with straight arms, retract the
shoulders while keeping them depressed, raise the hands off the ground and hold them to your side for 1-2 seconds
before returning.
Coaches Notes

Coaches Notes:

-This strength accessory is for quality movements. Make sure that your athletes are moving through the
movements properly even though they are tired from rowing.

-Here are links to videos of the movements if you are unfamiliar:

Dumbbell Incline Bench:
Banded Face Pulls:
Prone A's:

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