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Strength Training Program for GERCKC TEAM

Winter 2023

Note: Perform a proper warm-up before each workout, including dynamic stretches and light
cardio. Always use proper form and technique during exercises and listen to your body to avoid

Feel free to adjust the volume and intensity based on the athletes' responses and progress
throughout the program.

Phase 1: Weeks 1-4 (Foundation) – Program is based on 4

sessions a week. Make sure you Perform the phase test and send a picture
of your results to Zak
Coach's Goals:
1. Establish Foundation: Lay the groundwork for strength and endurance with a focus on
foundational movements.
2. Movement Proficiency: Emphasize proper technique and form in all exercises to reduce
the risk of injury.
3. Muscle Engagement: Develop a strong mind-muscle connection to ensure optimal
engagement of target muscle groups.
4. Build Endurance: Gradually increase training volume to enhance muscular endurance.
Training Focus:

• Develop a solid foundation for strength and conditioning.

• Establish a routine that focuses on movement quality and muscle engagement.
• Promote consistency and adherence to the training program.

Day 1: Upper Body

Exercise Sets x Reps Coach's Comments

Bench Press 4x8-10 Maintain a controlled descent and explosive drive.
Bent Over Rows 4x10-12 Focus on a full range of motion, pulling towards hips.
Overhead Shoulder Press 3x12-15 Keep core engaged and avoid arching your back.
Lat Pulldowns 3x12-15 Squeeze shoulder blades together, avoid momentum.
Bicep Curls 3x12-15 Control the movement, avoid swinging weights.
Tricep Kickbacks 3x12-15 Maintain control, focus on tricep contraction.
Face Pulls 3x15-20 Keep shoulders down, pull towards face, not neck.
Push-Ups 3x failure Focus on quality reps, chest to floor.
Day 2: Lower Body

Exercise Sets x Reps Coach's Comments

Squats 4x8-10 Maintain proper form, chest up, drive through heels.
Romanian Deadlifts 4x10-12 Slight knee bend, hinge at hips, feel hamstrings stretch.
Leg Press 3x12-15 Full range of motion, knees towards chest.
Leg Curls 3x12-15 Control the movement, squeeze hamstrings at the top.
Calf Raises 3x15-20 Push through the balls of your feet, control descent.
Walking Lunges 3x12 Keep torso upright, step forward with control.
Box Jumps 3x10 Land softly, use arms to propel upward.
Plank with Leg Raises 3x15 (each) Engage core, lift leg with control.
Day 3: Rest or Light Cardio/Canoe kayak Machine or Pool paddling

Day 4: Functional Movements

Exercise Sets x Reps Coach's Comments

Medicine Ball Throws 3x10 Use entire body for power, focus on explosiveness.
Box Jumps 3x10 Land softly, control movement.
TRX Rows 3x12-15 Keep body straight, squeeze shoulder blades.
Plank Variations 3x30-60s Maintain straight line, engage core throughout.
Russian Twists 3x20 (each) Twist from the core, keep back straight.
Lateral Raises 3x15-20 Control movement, engage side delts.
Stability Ball Rollouts 3x12-15 Roll out with control, engage core.
Dumbbell Rows 3x12-15 (each) Control the movement, focus on lat contraction.
Day 5: Rest or Light Cardio/Canoe kayak Machine or Pool paddling

Day 6: Full Body Exercices

Exercise Sets x Reps Coach's Comments

Deadlifts 4x8-10 Maintain neutral spine, hinge at hips. Ask Personal Trainer in the
Gym to Assist you – Go light weight
Dumbbell Lunges 4x10-12 Keep torso upright, step forward with control.
Pull-Ups 3x failure Focus on controlled movement, use assistance if needed.
Tricep Dips 3x12-15 Lower until arms at 90 degrees, push back up.
Face Pulls 3x15-20 Keep shoulders down, pull towards face, not neck.
Hammer Curls 3x12-15 Control movement, engage biceps throughout.
Plank with 3x15 Tap shoulders with control, engage core.
Shoulder Taps (each)
Bulgarian Split 3x10 Maintain balance, control descent and ascent.
Squats (each)

Day 7: Rest
Phase 2: Weeks 5-8 (Progression) Make sure you Perform the phase
test and send a picture of your results to Zak
Note: Perform a proper warm-up before each workout, including dynamic stretches and light
cardio. Always use proper form and technique during exercises and listen to your body to avoid

Feel free to adjust the volume and intensity based on the athletes' responses and progress
throughout the program.

Coach's Goals:
5. Progressive Overload: Gradually increase training intensity and weights to promote
continuous adaptation.
6. Explosive Power: Incorporate explosive movements to enhance power and dynamic
7. Controlled Progress: Monitor individual progress and make necessary adjustments to
maintain balance and prevent overtraining.
8. Sport-Specific Conditioning: Introduce exercises that mimic the demands of canoe kayak
Training Focus:

• Increase intensity while maintaining proper form.

• Incorporate more explosive movements relevant to sprinting.
• Individualize training based on athletes' responses and progress.
Day 1: Upper Body

Exercise Sets x Reps Coach's Comments

Incline Bench Press 4x8-10 Adjust bench to 30-45 degrees, full range of motion.

Seated Cable Rows 4x10-12 Sit upright, pull cable to lower chest, squeeze blades.

Arnold Press 3x12-15 Rotate palms, engage core for stability.

Pull-Ups with Weight 3x8-10 Use a weight belt or hold a dumbbell between feet.

Concentration Curls 3x12-15 Isolate biceps, keep upper arm stationary.

Tricep Overhead Extension 3x12-15 Keep elbows close to head, fully extend arms overhead.

Upright Rows 3x15-20 Control movement, engage traps and delts.

Chest Flyes 3x12-15 Control movement, focus on chest contraction.

Day 2: Lower Body

Exercise Sets x Reps Coach's Comments

Squats 4x8-10 Keep elbows high, descend until thighs parallel.

Single-Leg Romanian 4x10-12 Focus on balance, hinge at hips, straight line.

Deadlifts (each)

Step-Ups 3x12-15 Step onto a stable platform, fully extend hips and

Good Mornings 3x12-15 Hinge at hips with slight knee bend, keep back straight.

Seated Calf Raises 3x15-20 Use calf raise machine or place weight on knees.

Jump Lunges 3x10 (each) Jump with control, alternate legs.

Plank with Knee to Elbow 3x15 (each) Engage core, bring knee towards elbow with control.

Side Plank with Hip Dips 3x15 (each) Maintain straight line, dip hip with control.

Day 3: Rest or Light Cardio

Day 4: Functional Movements

Exercise Sets x Reps Coach's Comments

Kettlebell Swings 3x15 Hinge at hips, explode up, swing to shoulder height.

TRX Chest Press 3x12-15 Adjust straps to chest height, maintain straight line.

Medicine Ball Slams 3x10 Engage core, use entire body to slam the ball down.

Farmer's Walk 4x20 meters Maintain upright posture, engage core, walk with purpose.

Hanging Leg Raises 3x12-15 Hang from a bar, lift legs to 90 degrees, control descent.

Bicycle Crunches 3x20 Rotate torso, bring opposite knee towards elbow.

Cable Press 3x15 (each) Use cable machine, maintain stable position, resist rotation.

Side Plank with Leg Lift 3x15 (each) Maintain straight line, lift top leg with control.

Day 5: Rest or Light Cardio

Day 6: Full Body

Exercise Sets x Reps Coach's Comments

Deadlifts 4x8-10 Maintain neutral spine, hinge at hips.

Dumbbell Lunges 4x10-12 Keep torso upright, step forward with control.

Pull-Ups 3x failure Focus on controlled movement, use assistance if needed.

Tricep Dips 3x12-15 Lower until arms at 90 degrees, push back up.

Face Pulls 3x15-20 Keep shoulders down, pull towards face, not neck.

Hammer Curls 3x12-15 Control movement, engage biceps throughout.

Plank with Shoulder 3x15 (each) Tap shoulders with control, engage core.

Bulgarian Split Squats 3x10 (each) Maintain balance, control descent and ascent.

Day 7: Rest

Phase 3: Weeks 9-12 (Strength and Resistance) Leading to

Spring Camp
Note: Perform a proper warm-up before each workout, including dynamic stretches and light
cardio. Always use proper form and technique during exercises and listen to your body to avoid

Feel free to adjust the volume and intensity based on the athletes' responses and progress
throughout the program.

Coach's Goals:
9. Maximal Strength: Focus on building maximal strength in key muscle groups for
improved sprinting performance.
10. Progressive Resistance: Continue to progressively increase resistance to ensure
continued adaptation.
11. Mental Toughness: Develop mental resilience through challenging strength workouts.
12. Injury Prevention: Address any imbalances or weaknesses to reduce the risk of injuries
during intense training.
Training Focus:

• Lift heavier weights with a focus on compound movements.

• Ensure proper recovery and nutrition to support increased training intensity.
• Monitor and adjust the program based on individual strength gains and areas for
Day 1: Upper Body

Exercise Sets x Reps Coach's Comments

Barbell Bench Press 5x5 Focus on heavy, controlled lifts.

Bent Over Rows 4x8-10 Increase weight for progressive overload.

Military Press 4x8-10 Emphasize strict form and controlled movements.

Pull-Ups with Weight 4x6-8 Use additional weight for added resistance.

Barbell Bicep Curls 3x10-12 Maintain strict form, control the eccentric phase.

Tricep Dips 3x10-12 Lower until arms at 90 degrees, push back up.

Face Pulls 3x12-15 Use a challenging weight, focus on rear delts.

Cable Crunches 3x15-20 Engage core, use controlled movements.

Day 2: Lower Body

Exercise Sets x Reps Coach's Comments

Squats 5x5 Prioritize heavy squats, focus on depth and power.

Romanian Deadlifts 4x8-10 Increase weight progressively, maintain form.

Front Lunges 3x10 (each) Add resistance gradually, focus on stability.

Leg Press 3x12-15 Use a challenging weight, full range of motion.

Calf Raises 4x15-20 Increase weight for progressive overload.

Box Jumps 3x8 Explosive movements, focus on height and control.

Plank with Leg Raises 3x15 (each) Engage core, lift leg with control.

Russian Twists 3x20 (each) Twist from the core, use a medicine ball for resistance.

Day 3: Rest or Light Cardio

Day 4: Functional Movements

Exercise Sets x Reps Coach's Comments

Dumbbell Boxing 4x5 Explosive movements, focus on proper form.

TRX Rows 4x10-12 Squeeze shoulder blades, use a challenging angle.

Medicine Ball Slams 3x10 Use a heavy medicine ball, focus on power.

Farmer's Walk 4x20 meters Increase weight gradually, maintain good posture.

Hanging Leg Raises 3x12-15 Control the movement, engage lower abs.

Bicycle Crunches 3x20 Rotate torso, bring elbow to opposite knee.

Cable Press 3x15 (each) Use a cable machine, resist rotation.

Side Plank with Leg Lift 3x15 (each) Add leg lift for additional challenge.

Day 5: Rest or Light Cardio

Day 6: Full Body

Exercise Sets x Reps Coach's Comments

Deadlifts 5x5 Focus on heavy lifts, maintain form.

Walking Lunges 4x10 (each) Increase weight gradually, focus on stability.

Weighted Pull-Ups 4x6-8 Use a weight belt or hold a dumbbell between feet.

Tricep Overhead Extension 3x10-12 Use a challenging weight, control the movement.

Lateral Raises 3x12-15 Increase weight progressively, control the movement.

Hammer Curls 3x12-15 Maintain strict form, control the eccentric phase.

Plank with Shoulder Taps 3x15 (each) Tap shoulders with control, engage core.

Bulgarian Split Squats 3x10 (each) Increase weight gradually, focus on balance.

Day 7: Rest

Feel free to customize the program based on the athletes' needs and progress. Adjust weights and
intensity as necessary to ensure proper recovery and prevent overtraining.

General Weight Percentage Recommendations:

Compound Exercises (e.g., Squats, Bench Press, Deadlifts):

• Phase 1 (Foundation): 60-70% of one-repetition maximum (1RM)

• Phase 2 (Progression): 65-75% of 1RM

• Phase 3 (Strength and Resistance): 70-80% of 1RM

Isolation Exercises (e.g., Bicep Curls, Tricep Extensions):

• Phase 1 (Foundation): 50-60% of 1RM

• Phase 2 (Progression): 55-65% of 1RM

• Phase 3 (Strength and Resistance): 60-70% of 1RM

Explosive Movements (e.g., Box Jumps, Medicine Ball Throws):

• Phase 1 (Foundation): Bodyweight or light additional resistance

• Phase 2 (Progression): Moderate resistance

• Phase 3 (Strength and Resistance): Moderate to heavy resistance

Bodyweight Exercises (e.g., Push-Ups, Pull-Ups):

• Phase 1 (Foundation): Bodyweight or assisted if needed

• Phase 2 (Progression): Start adding light resistance

• Phase 3 (Strength and Resistance): Gradually add resistance

These percentages provide a general framework for adjusting training intensity across different phases of
a program. However, it's essential to consider individual factors, such as your weight lifting experience,
strength levels, and overall fitness. You should listen to your bodies, make adjustments as needed, and
consult with Zak for personalized guidance.

This training program is designed by Zak Mahmoudi and is the property of the coach. Please do not
share or publish this program with a non-club member.

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