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First Pull up Program

This program is designed to go on top of your current program. It should

take no more than 15 min, 3 days a week. This program is designed for
someone who does not yet have their first strict dead hang pull up. The
final result of this program and the amount of strict pull ups you will be able
to do at the end of the 12 weeks will depend on how close you are from the
start. It’s broken down into three 4 week mesocycles. If you are just
starting out and maybe have a hard time hanging on the pull up bar, you
may want to repeat the first meso a few times. If you are a little more
advanced, you can work your way through the program and continue to
repeat meso 3 as needed. Once you’re able to do 3-5 strict pull ups you
will need to progress to a program designed to increase your reps as
opposed to completely your first one.

Testing where you're at with your first pull-up

1) Attempt a strict pull up– video and note how close you are

2) Chin over Bar Max Hold non assisted (timed)

**chin must be OVER bar the entire time
(1st cycle)

Day 1
● Active Hang– 3 x 15 sec, rest 30 sec
● Supinated Grip Chin Over Bar Hold – 3 x 10 sec, rest 30 sec
● Thumbs Up Reverse Fly’s slow tempo, 3 x 10, rest 30 sec
● Standing DB Bicep Curls, 3 x 10 reps, rest 30 sec

Day 2
● Hinge Ring Row slow tempo, 3 x 6-8 reps, rest 30 sec
● Assisted 90 Degree Hold, 3 x 10 sec, rest 30 sec
● Heavy Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 3 x 50’/arm, rest 30 sec

Day 3
● Active Hang– 3 x 15 sec, rest 30 sec
● Supinated Grip Chin Over Bar Hold – 3 x 10 sec, rest 30 sec
● Inverted Bar Row – accumulate 60 sec chest held to bar
(week 2 you will go to 3 x3 reps with a 10sec hold on last rep of set)
(week 3 will be 4 x 5 reps with a 10 sec hold on last rep of set)
(week 4 will be 4 x 8-10 reps with a 10 sec hold on last rep of set)
You will cycle through these days each week giving yourself at least a day of rest
between work days. Each week, for 4 weeks, you will add a set to each exercise
(i.e.-active hang will go to 4 x 15sec on week 2 and 5 x 15 sec on week 3) unless
otherwise specified next to the exercise. If you are having trouble adding weight
or sets or time on the holds, than stay at that cycle for another week or two until
you can do the exercise.
First Pull up Program
(2nd cycle)

Day 1
● Eccentric Only Pull Up 3 x 3 reps, rest <60 sec **10 sec lowering
(The reps go up by 1 each week but stay at 3 sets)
● 3-part Pause Negative Pull Up, 3 x 3 reps, rest <60 sec ***3 sec pause
at chin above bar, 90 degrees, active hang positions
(the reps go up by 1 each week but stay at 3 sets)

Day 2
● Single Arm DB Bent Over Row slow tempo 3 x 8-10 reps, rest <60 sec
(add weight each week and go down to 3 x 6-8 when it’s heavier)
● Lying DB Row Hold, 3 x 10 sec hold at top, rest 30 sec
(at week 3 and 4 go to ring row holds 3 x 15 sec at top)
● Pronated Barbell Curl slow tempo, 3 x 10 reps, rest 30 sec
● Scap Push Ups on Elbows, 3 x 10 reps, rest 30 sec
Day 3

● Weighted Eccentric Only Pull Up slow tempo, 3 x 3 reps, rest <60 sec
**add weight or lessen assistance so that you can only control 5 sec
● Ring Rows slow tempo,3 x 8-10 reps, rest 45 sec **elevated feet if
possible (go up to 3 x 12 reps as you can elevate feet to make it

You will cycle through these days each week giving yourself at least one day of
rest between work days but no more than 2 days of rest. Each week, for 4 weeks,
you will add a set to each exercise unless otherwise specified next to the
exercise. If you are having trouble adding weight or sets or time on the holds,
than stay at that cycle for another week or two until you can do the exercise.
First Pull up Program
(3rd cycle)

Day 1
● Assisted Pull Up (pronated grip) @ 3 x 3, rest as needed **5 sec
down, 3 sec up, partner holds feet or support feet behind you on box
● Bent over rows, 3 x 10/arm, rest as needed

Day 2
● Assisted Chin Up (supinated) (Supinated Grip) 2/min for 10 min
(increase by 1 rep per minute still at 10 minutes)
● Pendlay Rows slow tempo, 3 x 8-10, rest as needed

Day 3
● Chin Over Bar Hold (pronated) – accumulate 2 min
● 90 degree hold (pronated) – accumulate 1 min
● Assisted Pull Up slow tempo, 3 x 3, rest as needed

You will cycle through these days each week giving yourself at least one day of
rest between work days but no more than 2 days of rest. Each week, for 4 weeks,
you will add a set to each exercise unless otherwise specified next to the
exercise. If you are having trouble adding weight or sets or time on the holds,
than stay at that cycle for another week or two until you can do the exercise.

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