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Notes for philosophical 15/11:

Fusus Al hikam:
Why we’re here and created?
Why do we look at our reflection: (Mirror & Camera)
1) Instinctive
2) we want to see ourselves

They all represent images. However, we are, in essence, the same constant person.

God wanted to see himself reflected in other beings.

Reflection: Represents only a certain moment. Not our whole self. We are changing.

God wanted himself to be reflected in all forms/times.

In relation to God's names

Some people are better suited to representing god than others. They better represent his

Potentiality => Actuality

Depends on the receptors (people)

God breathed spirit into Adam. Why?

To become his Khalifa fel ard

To become a Khalifa you need power, knowledge, and similarity.

Microcosm vs Macrocosm

Micro = human
We reflect aspects of the universe on a limited scale.

We cannot comprehend the totality of the cosmos, but we are the best suited to be the

For ibn Arabi, there are ways to overcome our limitedness.

Ibn Arabi suggests that u should:

Allow yourself to be lost to be able to be found.

Perfect man:
History of the idea (Sufi tradition)
In Adam (humans) (Adam acts as a symbol)
In Sufi sayings.

Before: The prophet (generally accepted as the most perfect)

In Adam (not as we know him but a general symbol representing the whole of humanity)

Reasons why we are perfect beings:

1. Khalifa (Since God, is perfect we are as well)
2. God created us in his image.
3. Synthesis (Majmuu’)
a. Uniting opposing qualities (extended to God we can only understand him thru
these qualities) (Since we are created in his image we share some of these
b. God’s names
4. In Sufi saints
a. Al ensan al kamel (perfect being)
b. Al ensan el hayawan (Equal to animals)
We have different places/ we are different when it comes to our resemblance to God.

What are the criteria?

 The position of humans (People who don’t realize their purpose live like animals and
are ignorant [if they’re ignorant, they cannot be the perfect man])
 The names of god manifest themselves in the world (people and objects) [In our
hearts how we understand god] (The way is limited as we only look towards what we
see in the world) {If u limit yourself, then you don’t worship god but the idea of god
in your head}

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