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Asignatura: Inglés 2 Docente: Jorge Fonseca

Sede: Buenos Aires

Carrera: Psicología
Tiempo para resolución: 2 horas

Estudiante: MAGLIO CAMILA______________ Fecha: 16/12/2023____

Modalidad de resolución: Evaluación semiestructurada escrita.

- Logro de los objetivos explicitados.
- Prolijidad en la presentación.
- El examen deberá ser enviado junto a uno o varios audios al siguiente correo

Se espera que el/la alumno/a logre:

-Manejar las estructuras gramaticales revisadas.
-Cuidar los aspectos ortográficos.
-Recuperar el vocabulario revisado en las unidades.

1. You are going to create a restaurant about typical food from a country different
to Argentina. Give a background to the restaurant, the name, (the reason why you
selected it), the menu and prices.

I’m going to present my restaurant called “Tax-Mex”. I choose this name because
Mexico reminds me of my childhood, when i had the opportunity to try their food.
On the menú, we cand find spicy food, like chilis that cost twenty dollars, tacos at
fifteen dollars, pizza that cost twenty-five dollars and salads like tomato ones that cost
twenty-five dollars too. Also we cand find others meals like meat with rice, hamburgers,
coffee and fruits, and different sauces.
This restaurant has a red and green background, and a lot of skulls drawn on its walls.
Different meals, like tacos are served in a cowboy hat. Also, here you can get breakfast,
lunch and dinner.

2. Write about a pet you had in your childhood, talk about the relationship you
had with it, important moments and finally the reason why you remember it in
your present.

When I was ten i have a dog called Scooby, he had White fur. His favourite game was
“throw the ball and go to get it”. I had a Good relationship with him, but he got in
trouble easily because he broke things and then he ate it, so we had to give him up for
adoption, Also sometimes when we were taking a walk, he fought with others dogs who
where there. But today i remember him for being the most fun and sweetie dog.
Sometimes i miss him but my new dog Gino helps me get over it.

3. You are going to do a description about the people in the picture. Also, describe
the situation you see.

In the picture, the first person has a curly and Brown hair. She seems Slim and with a
médium height, and is beautiful. She has a big smile in her face. She was wearing a
skinny jeans, a White t-shirt and a Brown coat. Her sneakers are White like her t-shirt.
The boy in the middle, seems to be thin and tall with short hair under her cap. He has
glasses and black pants and t-shirt with White sneakers.Finally, the third person seems
short and well-built, he has a totally black outfit, and he was smiling, because in the
picture we can see that three persons are jumping in the middle of the snow, but the
day looks a little sunny.

4. Supposing you are at Second Avenue and Forest Street, how do you get to the
fire department, the train station and the movie theater?

The fire department is next to the pólice station, so to go to there, you have to go
straight ahead on forest Street and in the first corner turn right into main Street, until
you see the fire department,across the bar,and in front of furniture.

To go to the train station, we have to go straight ahead on second avenue until you see
there, and you Will arived.

To go to the movie theather, that is in front of the book store, we have to take the
same Route as in the previous point, turning left on pine Street,and then, in the corner
of Men´s Wear, turning right on Oak Street until we see the movie theather.

5. Let’s do a writing talking about who you are and what activities you are doing in
the present to make a better version of yourself.

Im Camila Maglio. I consider myself a tall person, with a thin body. I have Brown eyes
with a lot of eyelashes, and thick eyebrows. I think i´m a funny and calm person. I also
think im gentle, cautions and extroverted.
During the day, i go to work until 5pm, and then i go to have a snack at home. At 7pm i
go to the university until 10pm.
On the weekend, i hang out with my Friends and we go to eat or go shopping. In the
afternoon i go to my grandmother´s house to drink mate with her.
I think, this Little things makes me a better person, because i bring them all my time, to
make them happy and myself too.

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