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S11 Content guide (November Mock 2023)

Pupils should revise the following areas in preparation for the examination:

 Typical features of Baroque (including the different types of section within Baroque
Oratorio/Opera), Classical, and Romantic periods, and 20th century styles (Impressionism, Neo-
Classicism, Jazz-influenced music, and Minimalism).
 World Music including Indian, African, Indonesian and Latin American.
 Skeleton score questions including identifying modulations, suggesting suitable Italian tempo
markings, articulation markings, and describing chords (e.g. tonic, dominant).
 Melodic dictation, identifying intervals and key signatures.
 For the Wagner set work question (The Mastersingers of Nurenberg Overture), the following
areas will be assessed on the parts of the work studied in lessons so far:
o structure and terminology
o themes and their transformations
o key centres and modulations
o identification of chords
o instruments and texture
o alto clef (violas)
o score markings, performance directions, instrumental effects
o background information about the context and genre of the work
 For the mock, pupils do not need to have studied the whole of the Wagner set work; pupils
should have a good appreciation of the music, including salient themes/leitmotifs, from the start
up to the end of the exposition. For the mock, pupils will hear extracts from the set work four
times. In the real IGCSE exam in the summer, pupils should be advised that they will only hear
each extract twice.
 Pupils should be aware that there will not be a dedicated question on this year’s World Set
Focus (Latin American Choro and Samba for 2023-24); however, this does not preclude Latin
American music coming up in the general World Music question.

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