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Ethical Dilemmas:

Algorithmic Bias: One ethical issue in computing is when algorithms unintentionally

reflect societal biases, potentially perpetuating discrimination. This could affect areas
like hiring, lending, and criminal justice. Solutions include transparency, auditing for
bias, diverse datasets, and involving diverse stakeholders.

Cybersecurity vs. Privacy: Balancing cybersecurity needs with individual privacy rights
poses an ethical dilemma. While strong cybersecurity measures are necessary, they
often involve collecting personal data, risking privacy infringement. Solutions include
robust data protection laws, privacy-preserving technologies, and transparent data

Privacy Concerns:

The widespread collection and use of personal data in the digital age pose challenges
and ethical considerations. Challenges include unclear data boundaries and the trade-
off between convenience and privacy. Ethical considerations involve consent,
transparency, accountability, and data ownership. Addressing these issues requires
informed consent, clear data processing visibility, accountability measures, and robust
data protection regulations.

Employment Landscape:

Computing technology has transformed the job market, creating new roles while
impacting traditional professions. New job roles emerge in fields like data science and
cybersecurity, but automation threatens some traditional jobs. Challenges include the
need for continuous upskilling and the risk of widening socioeconomic disparities.

Digital Divide:

The digital divide refers to the gap between those with access to technology and those
without. This divide affects education, employment, and social opportunities. Without
access to technology, individuals may struggle with education, miss job opportunities,
and face social isolation. Bridging the digital divide requires strategies such as
increasing access to broadband, providing technology training, and promoting digital
inclusion initiatives.

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