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Struggling to write a compelling thesis on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? You're not alone.

Crafting a
thesis that effectively analyzes and interprets this classic literary work can be a daunting task. From
exploring the duality of human nature to dissecting the themes of identity and morality, there are
numerous avenues to explore, making it challenging to pinpoint the perfect thesis statement.

The complexity of Robert Louis Stevenson's novella demands a deep understanding of its characters,
plot, and underlying messages. It requires meticulous analysis and critical thinking to formulate a
thesis that encapsulates the essence of the text while offering a unique perspective.

For many students, the pressure of academic deadlines and the sheer magnitude of the task can lead
to frustration and anxiety. That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes in. Our team of experienced
writers specializes in crafting custom essays and theses on literary topics, including Dr. Jekyll and
Mr. Hyde.

By entrusting your thesis to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the stress of writing while
ensuring a high-quality, original paper that meets your academic requirements. Our writers are well-
versed in the nuances of Stevenson's work and can provide insightful analysis and expertly crafted
arguments that will impress your professors.

Don't let the difficulty of writing a thesis on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde hold you back. Place your
order with ⇒ ⇔ today and take the first step towards academic success.
The girl was only ''between 8 and 10'' which leaves you wondering, why was the young girl and Mr
Enfield out at that time. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to
leave some feedback. In other words the evil side of Dr Jekyll hasn’t been used as much because Dr
Jekyll would feel guilty, so he is smaller than the respectable side that Dr Jekyll would usually be.
What is the main theme of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Upload Read for free FAQ
and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd.
Mr Hyde has no regard for other people’s pain and suffering just like Jack the Ripper, and the
chapter where he tramples over the little girl “like a damned jaugernaut,” shows this. Also some
scenes are described as foggy, which creates a sense of creepiness and unknown. This resource hasn't
been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this
resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. In
“The Prisonhouse of my Disposition,” Daniel Wright explores that duplicity is not the main goal of
Dr. Jekyll. He contends that such analyses are superficial and incomplete. The rear door which Hyde
enters and leaves from is “blistered and distained” and leads to Jekyll’s laboratory and private room
where Hyde is usually seen. On the one hand, on the types of analyses of these began with the noun
conclusion in this style, and all the information provided. Also Hyde is very to himself and the
Doctor has many friends and companions. Stevenson has used Jekyll and Hyde to show that
everyone has good and evil inside them. He gives off a bad aura, and whenever he encounters
people, they are “turned sick and white with the desire to kill him.” When he was described by Mr
Enfield, Hyde was not referred to as “he,” but rather as “it” as though he was “not like a man, it
was like some damned Juggernaut.” This choice of language compares Hyde to an inhuman,
unstoppable force. This could appeal to many people because this is like real life with the smog
coming under the door. It can be rightly argued that Jekyll indulged in rather secret pleasures. The
use of'sick' and 'white' reveals that it is his urge to 'kill' Mr Hyde. Stevenson may have been
influenced by the book Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley, as this uses a lot of gothic
terminology this type of literature is still popular today and has had many famous Gothic novels
preceeding this. I believe this is why Dr Jekyll conducted his experiments, to find a way to split the
two parts of his soul and free his evil side. Obviously, Hyde is guilty of a great many crimes, and
Jekyll is also guilty as he created Hyde and let him run free. One contrast is the setting of where Mr
Hyde is first seen. This suggests that there are more than two ways of looking at something, as the
reader gets to see the same event through the eyes of different people and learn about their varying
viewpoints, which backs up the author’s theory that “man is not truly one, but truly two”. We are
committed to an inclusive environment where everyone has the chance to thrive and to the principles
of equal opportunity and affirmative action. Edward hyde who is a representative of pure and
adulterated evil which contains Dr. hyde is amoral and this was manifested in his physique that he
looked despicable, grotesque and deformed (Singh and Chakrabarti 221). When Mr Jekell takes the
potion and begins to transform but he doesn't know that this could change his life forever and
eventually led him to death. We often see Mr Hyde entering through a door, which is on a shabby
street and leads into a house described as “a certain sinister block of building”. There is also a really
detailed plan which illustrates how to write a top-level essay. Edward Hyde is the central character of
Robert Louis Stevensons 1886 novella Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr HydeIn the story he is a
good friend of main protagonist Gabriel John Utterson and as well as a lover of Jekyll. He has all
the money, respect and status and from the outside, Jekyll seems to have the perfect Victorian
gentleman’s lifestyle. It caused wages to drop down to barely subsistence level.
This shows there isn’t much more to the street than drunken men sitting on the side of the
pavements. This leads to the expectations of him, coming from a wealthy family with a high status in
the Victorian times - Jekyll had to do what was expected of him and become a doctor or a lawyer,
which he did achieve. He has all the money, respect and status and from the outside, Jekyll seems to
have the perfect Victorian gentleman’s lifestyle. Robert was born in 1850 and was born in
Edinburgh, Scotland. When we first see a link between them is when Mr Hyde gives a cheque to the
child’s family with Dr Jekyll’s name on it. Story of the Door. A summary of Part X Section1 in
Robert Louis Stevensons Dr. Utterson and Enfield are out for a walk when they pass a strange-
looking door the entrance to Dr Jekylls laboratory. For example' Bless God! It's Mr. Utterson' on page
35 shows us that Mr. Utterson is well- respected by the others. Therefore, it is no surprise that he is
soon sought after by police all over London. Our Teams are working hard and pushing the boundaries
of possibilities to widen the horizon and provide high quality blogger article to all hardworking
bloggers! This mystery remains in the book, until it is finally revealed, at the end of the novella that
Jekyll and Hyde are in fact one entity. Only when we know the book better do we realise how
appropriate he is. The quote characterizes how the richer people advertise their belongings by the
glimmer shining out on the streets. For example' I drank this but it was without efficiency.' This
statement on page 66 proves that Dr Jekyll made a major mistake in scientic experiment as he did
not calculate or use the correct amount of chemicals during his experiment so he could not get the
expected reaction. The main theme of the book is duality of human nature. This also reflects back to
Jekyll creating the potion - by attempting to split his personality, he was tampering with God’s
creation and going beyond the limits as a human. It was a time when appearances were everything
and a double life would definitely have been disapproved of and would ruin a man’s reputation. It
was common for Victorians, gentlemen in particular, to suppress their feelings as status depended on
reputation, making it difficult for them to give into pleasures that they desire. This contrast illustrates
the idea that good and evil can exist within a single person, and that it is possible for one to give
way to the other. That is the reason why “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” is so popular
years by years. Why is The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde still relevant today. Williams
cites this event blew the lid off the shelf. Also, he makes the character more evil looking in the dark
e.g.’ In the darkness of the night he gave an impression deformity without any namable
malformation’. Aimed at GCSE students studying Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Mr Utterson couldn't
understand this so he didn't write out Dr Jekyll's will properly for him because he wanted him to
realise he had made and big mistake and change it. Every person struggles with different sides of
their personality when discovering themselves. Black house is what I call that place with the door.”
There is no solid proof of these matters in the book because Stevenson would be afraid to lose his
reputation due to the nature of the topic but Stevenson touches on them subtly pg6 “so that the shop
fronts stood along that thoroughfare with an air of invitation, like rows of smiling sales women”. The
main two themes Mr. One man was only slightly more witted than the other. He was dressing in
clothes far too large for him, clothes of doctor's bigness.' on page 41 shows me that Mr. Utterson has
seen this strange scene and also 'Hyde is gone to his account; and it only remains for us to find the
body of your master.' on page 41 proves that Mr. Utterson was still uncertain where Dr Jekyll had
been. NEW 9-1 GCSE ENG LIT This bundle resource includes essays answering the following
questions. This era was a very suspicious time, with dark alleys and odd people with odd houses.
Suspense is also built up as Stevenson writes as if there is a final explanation as to whom the
mystery figure is but doesn’t let on and instead lets the suspense build. What do you think are the
reasons for this? ' The story of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was first published in a time when classes
separated the rich and the poor. Describe his physical characteristics and personality. The reader
expects a good person to live in a clean, well kept house, which looks grand on the outside, rather
than “sinister.”. On the other hand, however how strange the transformation is, I believe that the
description of a double personality is realistic because there are patients who are suffering this illness
in our modern world. Mr Hyde represents the exact opposite of what Victorian gentlemen should act
and the savageness of his actions is what made the book so scary back then. Get this resource as part
of a bundle and save up to -25% A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a
particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one place. For example, the policeman investigating the
Carew murder case “lit up with professional ambition” when he comes to realise that it is the local
MP whose death he is in looking into, and the advantages of this case for his career regardless of
how brutally Sir Danvers Carew was killed. This might be one of the reasons Stevenson wrote this
book; Jekyll lives a double life of propriety and shame, imprisoned by the moral demands of
Victorian society, and so did Stevenson. Although Jack the Ripper was around until 1888, you can
still relate Jack the Ripper to Hyde personality-wise. So yet again we have another contrast of the
rich, warm, safe Victorian residence to the poor, insecure and generally tough Victorian slums. This
shows that if you were rich you could use the power whatever way you like, however if you were
poor, you were trapped in a world of poverty and in a sense of revulsion. However Jekyll kept his
darker side restrained for such a long period of time, and now that he can release himself through
another body, the feelings that were repressed are now so strong that they become violent and lead to
him causing harm to the society. When Robert Louis Stevenson writes about Mr Enfield and the girl
being out he is trying to put across that the girl was a prostitute and Mr Enfield had been with a
prostitute. Whereas the homes of the rich and high class of society are associated with Dr. Jekyll -
the good side. The negative language used links Hyde to the back section of the building and reflects
his personality. This shows us how Mr. Hyde has grown in rage, from trampling over a child in the
first scene, to now committing a murder for no apparent reason. He showed how everyone were
equally paid and lived at the same level no matter the job. Stevenson as a youngster when he went to
the brothels may be portraying the two face ness of Victorian society in the book. Dr. Jekyll would
not have created an evil alter ego, Mr. Hyde, if he had enough channels to express his “desires.”
Perkins uses the characters of Utterson and Enfield to describe what norms should be during
Victorian times. Mr Hyde Trampling A Little Girl That Had Accidentaly Bumped Into Him Hyde
Jekyll And Mr Hyde Strange Enfield recalls a story involving the door.. This first Chapter then
presents not only Enfields view of Hyde but also the views of several others and. This resource
hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this
resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions.
These descriptions don’t say Mr Hyde is deformed but they do say he is simply hideous and
horrifying. It also warns against science interfering with or going against human nature. Robert Louis
Stevenson's novel, Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Read Online Book Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Robert Louis
Stevenson Book Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson If you ally craving such a referred
book dr jekyll and mr hyde robert louis stevenson books that will provide you worth acquire the
definitely best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. This suggests that there are
more than two ways of looking at something, as the reader gets to see the same event through the
eyes of different people and learn about their varying viewpoints, which backs up the author’s theory
that “man is not truly one, but truly two”. We often see Mr Hyde entering through a door, which is
on a shabby street and leads into a house described as “a certain sinister block of building”. Utterson
is obviously good friends with Dr Jekyll because on page 17 Mr Utterson is insulted that Dr Jekyll
has put in his will that everything is going to Mr Hyde. Dr. Jekyll chooses to be a good person, the
perfect Victorian model that Evangelicals are proud of. A big question I asked myself at the
beginning of the book was, what is the relationship between Mr Utterson and Mr Enfield and ''what
do they see in each other''.
I believe this was probably due to the fact there wasn’t much pleasure in this type of life. It is best
used for revision or once the students have finished reading the novel. He is also extremely wealthy
and by all who him, he is described as well respected and proper. Apart from the richer priest, doctor,
lawyer or the socialite, many people like Pool who is a servant of Dr Jekyll were only able to read
simple and direct language as in the 'Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' has during the
Victorian era. The more complex moral, however is about the appeal of being Mr Hyde. For another,
the story contains some graphic horror element which would attract the modern young readers.
Edward Hyde only appears briefly throughout the novel, and is first introduced through one of the
other characters, Mr Enfield, telling the story of how he witnessed Hyde carelessly trampling all over
a young for no apparent reason, late at night; this is what makes Hyde automatically come across as
evil from the beginning of the story, to the readers. See other similar resources ?2.50 4.00 1 review
BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. There is no one person who is all
pure, or all evil, each and every one of us has different personalities and people living within
ourselves. Good And Evil In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde 1002 Words 5 Pages Jekyll and Hyde TCEA
In the novella The Strange Case of Dr. Stevenson explores this concept in depth, and the conclusion
is that there will never be just one way of looking at something; there is never just one side to a story.
Each essay is worth 40 marks and this resource is targeted at students sitting the 9-1 GCSE English
Literature Exam. The two different areas in London that Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde are associated with
also differentiate from each other and reflect their contrasting personalities. However, Hyde and the
Monster are the alter-egos of jekyll and the doctor. In my opinion, I think that Robert Louis
Stevenson encourages the modern readers not only to read and enjoy the story, but I think that
Stevenson also want the modern to think more deeply about the nature of human being and engage
him this way. Stevenson wrote the book at the time of many murders in the east of London and the
complete ignoring of social values and heartless deeds committed by Mr Hyde are totally in synch
with Jack the Ripper and Sherlock Holmes. How are Mr Utterson, Dr Jekyll, Dr, Lanyon and Mr
Enfield the same and why. At first it seems as if the discovery of this potion was to Jekyll’s
advantage; now he has another identity which allows him to do everything he has dreamed of doing,
without paying the consequences. Stevenson also uses destinations to reflect dualities, as a. Hyde
Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work. Evil may be the
reason why the novel is so popular to this day. The entire allegory conveys Robert Louis Stevenson’s
ideas about the duality of man and how no human is purely good or purely evil and that each person
has a hidden side to them, whether it is good or bad. The rich would of never had been thought about
the poor because there was very few means of learning.Before the story of Dr Jekell and Mr Hyde
the two classes would have read different books but when the book was published it had elements
that appealed to both classes. The cheque is found to be genuine. (Page 6-7) “The figure was stiff;
but the signature was good for more than that, if it was only genuine.”. Children's Hospital at
Vanderbilt Vanderbilt University Research For Patients and Visitors Resources for Employees and
Researchers. He was brought up a calvalist, however followed the bohemian life style. Many people
were driven into poverty and consequently into a life of crime as people's desire of money increased.
This comes as a shock to the reader as you do not expect such a respectable character to have such an
evil side to him. Stevenson was influenced by Darwinism in the novel to involve Victorian Society.
Stevenson as a youngster when he went to the brothels may be portraying the two face ness of
Victorian society in the book.
On the other hand the other side of London would have been the area were the richest people would
have lived. NEW 9-1 GCSE ENG LIT This bundle resource includes essays answering the following
questions. Stevenson also uses destinations to reflect dualities, as a young man he studied
engineering as a respected son in the new town of Edinburgh however in the old town at night he
would be off to the brothels, this split life is definitely mirrored in the book, Jekyll a respectable Dr
by day, but disgraceful Hyde by night. Robert was born in 1850 and was born in Edinburgh,
Scotland. People also thought that that Jack would of got his ideas from the story Jekell and Hyde.
Similar to similar ideas several times, especially when course assignments and to present a logical
sequence and feedback for self-assessment is provided by assuming that texts selected for the
informa- tion about them. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip
carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The writing of all that will later prove to
be more. When Hyde does this he in effect is blackmailed by Enfield, reflecting the prevalence not
just of blackmail but the corrupt side of the lives of the middle classes in that Hyde is causally
blackmailed without protest. The title also makes it sound as if Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde are two
separate people. This is for the reason that Hyde loathes Jekyll; he wants to be this free, untamed
personality all the time and so the power that he has over Jekyll grows more and more until Jekyll
finds himself unwillingly transforming into Hyde at random times, without even needing to drink the
potion. Once Jekyll transforms back into himself he realises just how awful the murder he committed
as Hyde is and this leaves him feeling shocked and also worried about the amount of trouble he will
be in, so therefore vows to never take the potion again. Dr. Jekyll turns to Mr. Hyde, the full
expression of his innermost desires. It was a time when appearances were everything and a double
life would definitely have been disapproved of and would ruin a man’s reputation. When Mr Jekell
takes the potion and begins to transform but he doesn't know that this could change his life forever
and eventually led him to death. For another, the story contains some graphic horror element which
would attract the modern young readers. It must have been especially frightening, for a Victorian to
read The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and discover the beastlike aspects of Hyde which
suggest that he is stuck in the phase of evolving from an ape into a human. For another, the story
contains some graphic horror element which would attract the modern young readers. Also electricity
had only just been invented so people were quite wary about the things science could do. Hyde
which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. Stevenson drops hints throughout the
book, but those hints are extremely subtle. They search the house, and still do not find the body.
Therefore, it is no surprise that he is soon sought after by police all over London. However, he
occasionally does, and when this happens, he usually breaks out in violence towards that person, for
example, the trampling of the young girl and the murder of Sir Danvers Carew. What happens in
chapter 1 of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Although there’s nothing more than a couple of sentences to
these two little revelations in the novel, they reveal to the reader the true and double natures of
people who we would expect better from. We have already acknowledged that the theme of duality
is related to the suppression of the Victorian society, as we know Jekyll’s double nature exists due to
hiding his feelings. The Strange Case of Dr. Asked by Cameron S 1087919 on 10112021 957. 9 - Dr
Jekyll and Mr Hyde Audiobook 910 Book Dr Jekyll And Mr Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
is a gothic novella by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson first published in 1886. The central
mood of the novel is one of mystery and terror. Also he is important in the story as he is acting as a
narrator in the story.

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