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As a child, books were an essential element of my habits, as I found it

extremely enjoyable to immerse myself in one of them in my leisure time or

while travelling waiting to arrive at a certain spot. Of all the books I have read,
‘Malory Towers’ represent the ones which I yearn about the most as they were
absolutely interesting and relatable to a kid my age at that time.
The books tell the story of Darrell River -the protagonist- a teenage girl who
leaves her hometown to spend the following six years in a boarding school.
Those books are a must have on any shelf, so that is why I thought it would be
a wonderful idea to give one of them as a present. The story begins when
Darrells boards on a train, leaving behind her parents and friends, frightened
and uncertain about the upcoming events that would turn in her life. She then
meets a group of girls and serie of adventures and mysteries present to them
as the storyline advances.
While reading the books, one can sense the experiences Darrell encounters
are of utterly importance in her growth not only as a person but also in the
transition from being a teenager to an adult. However, those experiences are
presented in a particular order, that means, the first books are more childish
(somehow immature) while the last ones represent events that have a deeper
meaning and the understanding of the storyline can get a bit troubled.
However, the books themselves are quite enjoyable and easy to read, as the
language used is diverse but simple. Being that the case, that was the main
reason I decided they were a convenient present for my little niece, who is not
particularly fond of reading.
Another aspect of the books (specially the last one, named ‘Last Term At
Malory Towers’) is that its genre is a mix of entertainment and mystery.
Although they are not sorted out as “horror” there are some situations in which
some tension is held between the characters, which maintains the reader
expectant of the following events to happen, and the novel is unputdownable!
After all, I was not so misguided about my selection, as my niece read all of
them in just two weeks! Having said that, I would highly recommend this saga
to any of the readers reading this review and I can guarantee some of you will
feel nostalgic and gloomy while reading them remembering childhood.

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