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After having been exposed to a serious threat or actual physical trauma
or abuse, many people develop a set of emotional, cognitive, or behavioral
symptoms. The immediate response of fear, helplessness, or horror often gives
way to lingering effects that can be intense at times and can affect your life in
many ways. This exercise is designed to help you identify and focus on those
specific symptoms of PTSD that you have experienced.
1. Review the items in the two columns and put a check mark in front
of the symptoms that you have experienced since the traumatic event
Intrusive thoughts/images Sleep pattern abnormal
Disturbing dreams Irritable
Flashbacks of the trauma Poor concentration
Reminders of trauma cause distress On edge
Shakes, sweats, heart racing Easily startled
Avoid talking about the trauma Sad or guilty feelings
Avoid trauma places/people Alcohol/drug abuse
Amnesia regarding trauma Suicidal thoughts
Withdrawal from activities Conflict with others
Feel detached from other people Verbally/physically violent
Emotionally numb Other:
Pessimistic regarding future Other:

2. Which three symptoms that you have placed a check mark next to
have caused you the most distress?

3. How frequently does each of the symptoms that you noted in number
2 occur?
4. When was the last occurrence of a PTSD symptom and what was
that symptom?

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