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Speaker: Dr. ROWENA Y. BAÑES

Narrative Report

The CHEDRO VII Regional Office organized a webinar titled "Kumusta ka Juana?

Exploring Women's Mental Wellness Across Work, Family, and Community" on March 1,

2024. The purpose of this webinar was to highlight the importance of women's mental

health and achieving work-life balance. The event aimed to empower women and

recognize their contributions to nation-building. Participants included presidents/heads

of HEIs, teaching and non-teaching personnel, students, and others.

The webinar began at 9:00AM to 12PM with a doxology and the singing of the national

anthem. The emcee then introduced the speaker for the event, Dr. Rowena Y. Bañes.

Dr. Banes is a renowned advocate for women's mental wellness and work-life balance.

Her expertise and experiences made her the perfect choice to address the audience. Dr.

Bañes started her presentation by acknowledging the challenges faced during the

global pandemic. She highlighted concerns about competence, unfamiliarity, and the

sources of anxiety and stress that individuals experienced. The increased workload,

uncertainty, and loss of control were significant factors contributing to collective stress

and mental health issues. However, Dr. Banes also emphasized that the world has

changed, and there have been advancements in technology, a greater emphasis on

diversity and inclusion, and efforts to combat climate change.

She posed the question, "Kamusta si Juana in the changed world?" and encouraged the

audience to reflect on what is happening in their homes, workplaces, and communities.

Throughout her presentation, Dr. Bañes emphasized the importance of managing

battles and prioritizing mental well-being. She shared strategies such as connecting with

one's soul through prayer, listening to one's body, and surrounding oneself with positive

and supportive individuals. Dr. Bañes also highlighted the need to set and respect

boundaries, be aware of inner dynamics, and honor relationships. She further discussed

the concept of gender and development, which focuses on empowering individuals,

promoting equity, and respecting human rights. Dr. Bañes emphasized the need to work

towards a love-centered and flourishing mental health, where love and healthy

spirituality are integrated into all aspects of life.

The webinar concluded with a question and answer session, where students had the

opportunity to ask Dr. Bañes their queries. The event provided valuable insights and

practical strategies for achieving mental wellness and work-life balance.

As student I resonate deeply with Dr. Rowena Y. Bañes message and the importance

she placed on women's mental wellness and work-life balance. Just like Dr. Bañes, I

believe in the power of connecting with one's soul through prayer and listening to one's

body. I also understand the significance of surrounding oneself with positive and

supportive individuals, as they can uplift and inspire us on our journey towards mental


Dr. Bañes emphasis on honoring relationships, practicing kindness and gratitude, and

seeking help when needed aligns with my own values. I strive to create a love-centered
and flourishing mental health for myself and those around me. Dr. Bañes webinar has

provided me with valuable insights and strategies that I can incorporate into my own life

to navigate the challenges of the ever-changing world.

I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from Dr. Bañes and share her empowering

message with others. Together, we can prioritize our mental well-being, achieve work-

life balance, and make significant contributions to our communities and nation-building.

Proof of Attendance :

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