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Organizations face numerous technology risks when their software, hardware, and online apps
are compromised by equipment failure or cyber-attacks. Aside from considering solutions like
engaging expert help from managed IT services, and other similar providers, here are other
ways to lessen technology risks:
1. Secure Endpoints (Điểm cuối an toàn)
The endpoints represent various devices linked to your system, serving as potential entry points
for cyberattacks. Securing them involves vigilant monitoring and control of web access by
system administrators. Additionally, installing security applications such as anti-viruses and
firewalls is essential to minimize or prevent malware infection.
2. Schedule Backups Regularly (Lên lịch sao lưu thường xuyên)
To reduce technology risks, schedule frequent backups. Automate daily data backup to a
remote location to minimize potential data loss. Additionally, configure your system to store
information simultaneously (sai mô ten nịt ly) on two servers in different locations for added
security and seamless continuity in case of server issues.
3. Get Rid of Outdated Technology (Loại bỏ công nghệ lỗi thời)
To minimize technology risks, stay away from outdated systems in your business. They are
more vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks because they may not be compatible with current
patching methods or security updates. Therefore, consider investing in advanced solutions or
promptly updating modern technology tools to minimize risks.

2. Healthcare
Minimizing the technological influence in the medical sector can be tackled through several
strategies aimed at ensuring that technology serves as a facilitator rather than a hindrance to
healthcare delivery. Here are some key points to consider:

1.Training and Education (Đào tạo và giáo dục): Offer thorough training and education to
healthcare professionals regarding technology use in medicine. This encompasses not only
technical skills for operating devices but also guidance on using technology appropriately to
augment patient care while preserving human interaction.

2.Patient Empowerment (trao quyền cho bệnh nhân): Empower patients to take charge of their
healthcare journey. By giving them access to medical records, health information and
educational resources through technology, fosters a collaborative environment between patients
and healthcare providers. This not only enhances communication but also leads to improved
health outcomes.

3.Cost-Effectiveness (hiệu quả chi phí): Let's think about the cost-effectiveness of medical
technologies and focus on investing in those that provide the most value in terms of enhancing
patient outcomes and healthcare efficiency. It's crucial to prioritize resources wisely to ensure
the best possible results for both patients and healthcare systems.
3. Education
To minimize the negative effects of technology on education, such as the digital divide or over-
reliance, several strategies can be implemented:

1. Access and Infrastructure: (khả năng tiếp cận và cơ sở hạ tầng)

Let's make sure that every student, regardless of their economic situation, has fair access to
technology and high-speed internet. This could mean government programs offering subsidies
for internet access and devices, along with collaborations with telecommunications companies
to extend coverage to underserved regions.
2. Balanced Use of Technology: (sử dụng công nghệ cân bằng)
Let's make sure we strike a balance with how we use technology in education. It should
enhance traditional teaching methods rather than replacing them entirely. To achieve this, we
need to offer teachers opportunities for professional development so they can seamlessly
integrate technology into their lessons in ways that truly benefit students.
3. Policy and Regulation: (chính sách và qui định)
Let's support rules and laws that make sure everyone has equal access to technology in
schools and keep students safe online. This means backing net neutrality, privacy rules, and
funding for technology in schools. These steps help make sure every student can use
technology safely and fairly.

Those are some ways to minimize technology risks in the fields of business, healthcare,
education, and together we will learn a few more measures to reduce technology risks in some
other fields due to DT presented.

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