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Advisory Report

Submitted by:

Group No. 21

Banshika Bijay 2022PGP260

Krishna Sugla 2022PGP218
Kirti Tripathi 2022PGP026
Mustansir Malak 2022PGP278
Sandeep Kumar 2022PGP043
Shivani Srivastava 2022PGP291
Sonali Kumar 2022PGP295
Vandana Lakra 2022PGP119
Organization Overview

The company QuickGhy is based in the lively city of Guwahati, Assam. QuickGhy's main goal is to
give blue-collar workers more power by making it easy for them to get into new markets and learn
new skills. The company is dedicated to providing a wide range of maintenance services, including
getting rid of pests, deep cleaning, regular cleaning, polishing marble and tiles, interior design,
building, installation, repair, remodeling, and home services.

Critical to the functioning of QuickGhy is the objective of narrowing the skills divide that is pervasive
in Guwahati and the North East as a whole. In addition to connecting competent employees with
clients, the organization endeavors to achieve this by providing ongoing training opportunities.
QuickGhy endeavors to serve as an impetus for constructive transformation in the circumstances of
the blue-collar labor force within the area.

QuickGhy aspires to establish a vibrant ecosystem in which proficient personnel effortlessly navigate
a platform that facilitates connections with clients and offers continuous training prospects. With a
focus on the North East, the organization endeavors to significantly influence the lives of the blue-
collar labor force for the better.

QuickGhy is guided by the following set of beliefs:

 Empowerment: Providing blue-collar labourers with opportunities for skill development and
market entry constitutes empowerment.
 Quality Service: By utilising a network of skilled professionals, guarantee the deliverance of
superior home services.
 Community Integration: Promoting collaboration and reciprocal development by actively
engaging the local community in its value chain.
 Innovation: Embracing innovation as a means to remain competitive and adapt to shifting
market dynamics.

Product & Services

In addition to residential services, QuickGhy provides an extensive selection of services, including
pest control, deep cleaning, routine cleaning, marble and tile polishing, interior design, construction,
installation, repair, and remodeling. Customers can easily schedule appointments through QuickGhy's
online platform, which provides convenient access to these services.
Target Market
QuickGhy's primary target demographic comprises residents of Guwahati, as evidenced by the fact
that they have already helped more than 5000 customers. The organisation endeavours to cater to the
distinct requirements of the local community while concurrently expanding its market footprint.

Competitive Landscape
QuickGhy encounters competition on the local market from platforms such as Urban Clap.
Conversely, QuickGhy sets itself apart by placing an exceptional emphasis on the empowerment and
skill enhancement of the indigenous labour force.

Key Strengths
 QuickGhy has effectively incorporated the local community into its value chain, wherein
more than 500 service partners contribute significantly to the provision of services.
 Skill Development Programmes: QuickGhy proactively mitigates the skills deficit by offering
training programmes to its service partners, thereby making a significant contribution to the
holistic enhancement of the workforce.
 QuickGhy is distinguished by its extensive selection of services, which grants clients access
to a multitude of home-related solutions via a unified platform.

Key Weaknesses
 Restricted Market Accessibility: At present, QuickGhy's activities are confined to the
Guwahati region, thereby constraining its geographical scope.
 Operational Efficiency: The management of day-to-day operations, such as coordinating with
service partners, scheduling appointments, and maintaining consistent service quality, may
present certain challenges.
 Market Adaptability: In order to remain competitive in Guwahati, QuickGhy must remain
attuned to shifting market dynamics and modify its services to satisfy evolving customer
Executive Summary
To comprehensively assess the market presence and growth prospects of QuickGhy, we surveyed a
sample of sixteen homeowners residing in Lachit Nagar, Guwahati. The perspectives of the
respondents, which included Kishan Lal Aggarwal, Uttam Saha, and others, regarding their levels of
contentment with contemporary home maintenance procedures, were extremely insightful.
Unbelievably, more than fifty percent of respondents were dissatisfied with their current services,
indicating that QuickGhy could potentially fill a void in the market.
In addition, a substantial proportion of respondents (56%) expressed interest in implementing a
unified solution that addresses all of their home service requirements. This highlights the need for a
more comprehensive and integrated approach to residential services. The challenges and pain points
that have been identified in existing home maintenance practices provide vital insights into areas
where QuickGhy has the potential to achieve substantial improvements. It is worth mentioning that
trust and reliability (43.8%) and convenience (50%), respectively, emerged as the predominant factors
influencing householders' decisions to utilize a one-stop solution.
Notwithstanding this apparent market need, a disconcerting 93% of participants acknowledged their
lack of familiarity with QuickGhy, thereby suggesting a possible deficiency in brand recognition.
Additionally, the survey findings indicated a favorable inclination (43 percent) among participants to
investigate novel platforms such as QuickGhy, which signifies an openness to inventive resolutions.
Furthermore, the 37% of respondents who are interested in the integration of home maintenance
duties and grocery services indicate a possible convergence of consumer demands; this presents
QuickGhy with an opportunity to provide a more comprehensive service.
Additionally, demographic data unveiled that a significant proportion of householders (43%) who
utilize these services are between the ages of 35 and 44. Demographic information is of the utmost
importance to develop targeted and effective solutions and to tailor services to specific user groups.
During our evaluation of QuickGhy's local competition, we identified Urban Company as a significant
player in the on-demand home services market in Guwahati. From 2022 to 2029, the industry is
anticipated to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.0%; therefore, QuickGhy has a
profitable opportunity to expand.
Based on the interdependence of responses across different sections, our analysis indicates that
QuickGhy may have access to a market opportunity. Suggestions for expanding the clientele
encompass the formulation of an all-encompassing marketing strategy, the establishment of a resilient
online presence, the diversification of service offerings, and the investigation of potential partnerships
with other enterprises in Guwahati.
The present prevalence of on-demand services is supported by interview remarks from local merchant
Anup Das, who employs Urban Company for electrical repairs. Moreover, the results of a survey
directed at proprietors of shops, hostels, hotels, and PGs revealed a wide range of service utilization
preferences, emphasizing the necessity for QuickGhy to customize its products to suit distinct market
In summary, QuickGhy, despite its strong base of customers and devoted reputation, could potentially
gain advantages by rectifying its existing deficiencies and strategically leveraging the prospects
uncovered in our exhaustive evaluation. The proposed approaches have the following objectives:
augment brand exposure, broaden the range of services provided, and establish QuickGhy as a leader
in the fiercely competitive on-demand home services industry in Guwahati.
Key problems identified and problem analysis
1. Skills training for service partners

QuickGhy faces a notable challenge as its service partners lack essential soft skills, leading to
customer complaints related to communication. The importance of effective communication
in customer interactions cannot be understated, and addressing this issue is critical to
enhancing overall customer satisfaction. Competitor models with successful soft skills
training programs indicate the potential for improvement in this area. The current training
modules, however, fall short in effectively equipping service partners with the necessary soft

To overcome this challenge, QuickGhy must implement a comprehensive soft skills training
program tailored to the specific needs of its service partners. This program should include the
integration of customer feedback, ensuring that the training modules directly address the
communication issues raised by customers. Success metrics for this initiative should focus on
improvements in customer satisfaction scores and a noticeable reduction in communication-
related complaints. By prioritizing the enhancement of soft skills among service partners,
QuickGhy can elevate the quality of customer interactions and, in turn, strengthen its position
in the market.

2. Optimizing QuickGhy's Online Presence

QuickGhy, a Guwahati-based maintenance service provider, is currently facing a significant

challenge in optimizing its online visibility and digital presence. The company's website
experiences subpar traffic and conversion rates, hindering its potential for growth. Analysis of
competitor strategies reveals a gap in QuickGhy's digital marketing approach. Additionally,
the company's SEO ranking and keyword performance are below par, impacting its visibility
on search engine results pages. To thrive in the market and bridge the gap between the skills
of blue-collar workers and market demands, QuickGhy urgently needs to develop and
implement a robust digital marketing and SEO strategy that enhances online visibility,
increases website traffic, and improves conversion rates.

To tackle QuickGhy's online visibility issues, a multi-faceted approach is crucial. Firstly, the
company should formulate a comprehensive digital marketing plan, allocating a specific
budget for various online channels such as social media, search engine advertising, and
content marketing. This plan should be tailored to the unique needs of QuickGhy, targeting
the relevant audience and promoting its maintenance services effectively. Simultaneously, a
robust SEO strategy needs to be developed, emphasizing both content and technical
optimizations. This involves creating high-quality, relevant content that aligns with
QuickGhy's services and user intent, while also addressing technical aspects like website
structure, meta tags, and mobile optimization. Success metrics should be clearly defined, with
a focus on increasing website traffic, improving conversion rates, and achieving higher
rankings on search engines. Regular monitoring and adjustments based on key performance
indicators will be essential to ensure the sustained success of QuickGhy's digital marketing
and SEO initiatives.

3. Seamless Onboarding of Service Partners

QuickGhy faces a significant challenge in the onboarding of new service partners, with the
current process being cumbersome and time-consuming. The average onboarding time is
extended, and common challenges persist in the current onboarding system. Competitor
benchmarks indicate that there is room for improvement in onboarding efficiency, and partner
feedback highlights issues with the current onboarding process.

To address these challenges, QuickGhy must implement solutions to simplify and expedite the
onboarding process for new service partners. A streamlined onboarding process with clear and
well-defined steps should be established, ensuring that partners can easily navigate and
complete the necessary requirements. Technology solutions, such as the integration of
efficient data collection tools and systems, are essential to automate processes and reduce
manual efforts.
Success metrics for this initiative should include a reduction in onboarding time, measured
from initiation to completion, and positive feedback from service partners regarding the
improved onboarding experience. By enhancing the onboarding process, QuickGhy can
attract and retain service partners more effectively, contributing to the overall success and
growth of the business.

4. Maximising ASSAM Skill Development Program

QuickGhy is confronted with the challenge of an underutilized ASSAM Skill Development
Program, impacting its potential to enhance the capabilities of service partners effectively.
Participation rates in the program are below the desired levels, signaling the need for
optimization to fully harness its benefits. Skill enhancement metrics of participating partners
indicate areas for improvement, suggesting that the current program may not entirely align
with the specific needs of service partners. Furthermore, partner feedback highlights concerns
and dissatisfaction with the current program structure.

To overcome these challenges and maximize the impact of the ASSAM Skill Development
Program, QuickGhy needs to take strategic actions. Firstly, there should be an emphasis on
improved communication and promotion of the ASSAM program to boost awareness and
participation among service partners. Additionally, incorporating partner feedback, the
development of additional training modules tailored to specific needs is essential. Success
metrics should focus on increased participation rates and quantifiable skill improvements
among service partners. By addressing these areas, QuickGhy can transform the ASSAM
Skill Development Program into a valuable resource, ensuring it aligns seamlessly with
partner requirements and contributes significantly to their professional growth and success.

5. Expansion into Online Grocery Store

QuickGhy aims to expand its business by entering the online grocery store domain, presenting
a significant opportunity but also posing challenges that need attention. The current shopping
experience on QuickGhy's mobile app, though functional, is facing customer pain points that
require optimization. Customer feedback indicates specific areas of improvement, and
aligning the online grocery shopping process with industry trends is crucial to providing a
convenient and competitive experience. To address these challenges and ensure the success of
the expansion, QuickGhy must implement a set of strategic solutions.

The required solutions involve making user interface and experience improvements on the
mobile app, creating a seamless and intuitive process for customers. Additionally, the
integration of technology solutions, such as advanced search features, personalized
recommendations, and a smooth checkout process, is essential for enhancing the overall user
experience. Success metrics for this initiative should focus on increased customer satisfaction,
measured through feedback and reviews, as well as a reduction in cart abandonment rates,
indicating improved user engagement and conversion rates. By optimizing the online grocery
shopping process, QuickGhy can position itself as a reliable and user-friendly platform,
capturing a significant share in the online grocery market.
Specific Tasks are given by QuickGhy and their Analysis
Specific Tasks are given by QuickGhy and their Analysis:
•Problems in attracting good pool of candidates for work-
Challenge: Limited Visibility and Talent Competition Solution: The organisation can interact with
local colleges and universities proactively by developing structured internship programmes. Through
this strategic connection, the company can generate a pipeline of prospective employees by using
local talent pools. Programmes for internships that are coordinated with pertinent courses guarantee
that applicants possess the requisite abilities.

Feedback and Assessment:

Challenge: Uncertain job descriptions and a lack of trust in remote work
Solution: Setting up a strong system for evaluation and feedback during internships enables the
business to keep track of applicants' progress. In addition to giving interns helpful criticism,
evaluation transparency acts as a data-driven method for determining whether to offer full-time
opportunities. By presenting concrete outcomes and contributions, it allays doubts regarding the
validity and efficacy of distant work.

Transparency in Communication:
Problem: Vague Job Descriptions
Solution: It's important to communicate the internship's responsibilities and expectations in clear
terms. This openness guarantees that interns comprehend their duties, obligations, and the abilities
they will acquire during the programme. The organisation increases the possibility of successful
cooperation by cultivating a friendly and honest relationship with interns by setting reasonable
expectations. This aids in controlling expectations about the dynamics of remote work as well.

•An excessive number of cancellations occur after the service partner arrives at work, and
occasionally, clients act rudely towards service partners.
Enforcing a Stronger Cancellation Policy:
Problem: Excessive Last-Minute Cancellations
Solution: Implementing a more robust cancellation policy addresses the issue of last-minute
cancellations. By requiring clients to provide adequate notice and incorporating pre-service reminders
and confirmations, the company can minimize the occurrence of cancellations. Additionally,
introducing a non-refundable consultation charge creates a financial commitment, discouraging clients
from canceling abruptly. This policy not only protects the interests of service partners but also ensures
a more efficient use of their time.

Real-Time Feedback System:

Problem: Rudeness or Issues Arising During Service
Solution: Introducing a real-time feedback system empowers service providers to communicate issues
immediately. This proactive approach allows for quick intervention in cases where clients exhibit
inappropriate behavior. Service providers can provide instant feedback, enabling the company to
address client behavior promptly and take corrective measures. This not only improves the overall
experience for service partners but also helps in maintaining a respectful and professional service

Customer Rating System:

Problem: Rudeness or Disrespectful Client Behavior
Solution: Introducing a customer rating system allows service partners to grade clients based on their
actions. This system provides valuable insights into client behavior and helps identify problematic
clients. By utilizing feedback from service partners, the company can pinpoint specific issues and take
appropriate actions, such as counseling clients or, in extreme cases, restricting their access to services.
This not only encourages respectful behavior from clients but also fosters a sense of accountability
within the user community.

Marketing strategies by Quickghy

Quickghy is currently marketing through Instagram and have a website to take orders. They also take
orders through whatsapp and calls.
•In-depth explanations of services:
Suggestion: Give thorough and in-depth explanations of every service that is provided on the site.
Just describe each service in detail, including the extent of the task, the time frame, and any unique
characteristics. This assists clients in making well-informed choices regarding the services they wish
to reserve.
•Appealing Price Display:
Suggestion: Think about changing the pricing plan and presenting prices in a more eye-catching way.
Explanation: Briefly and customer-friendlyly state the benefits of each service. Emphasise any special
offers, bundles, or savings. To accommodate varying budgets, think about implementing a tiered price
•Include Actual Pictures:
It is advised that you include genuine, excellent photographs of your facilities, service partners, and
Justification: Genuine images help clients feel more confident and provide a clear picture of what to
expect. Display before-and-after pictures to illustrate the calibre of your work, if you have any.
•Client References and Evaluations:
It is advised to highlight gratifying client endorsements and reviews.
Justification: Trust is cultivated by authentic accounts from contented clients. Place client
endorsements front and centre on the website and invite clients to submit evaluations after using your
•Commissions Based Model:
Benefit: By paying local retailers commissions, you encourage them to take part.
Reason: By providing a commission-based business model, local retailers are incentivized to
aggressively recommend customers to QuickGhy. As a result, a mutually advantageous alliance is
formed, with the interests of both sides aligned.
•Making Use of the Current Customer Base:
Benefit: Cross-promotional use of local stores' client base.
Justification: QuickGhy can leverage the current clientele of nearby retailers to facilitate cross-
promotion. Joint marketing campaigns, unique promotions, or loyalty schemes can accomplish this.
Analysis of the Operations of Quickghy

QuickGhy's production strategy aligns customer demand with available service providers in
Guwahati. The company employs a technology-enabled platform, allowing Guwahati customers to
browse and book services effortlessly. Simultaneously, service providers in Guwahati can efficiently
manage their schedules and receive notifications for new bookings.


1. Technology-driven platform: QuickGhy simplifies the booking and service delivery process,
enhancing efficiency and convenience for both Guwahati customers and service providers.
2. Skilled service providers: QuickGhy ensures the quality of its Guwahati service providers
through a stringent screening process, guaranteeing qualifications, experience, and
background checks.
3. Standardised service quality: QuickGhy follows standardised service protocols and quality
control measures, ensuring consistent service delivery across its Guwahati network.

1. Reliance on third-party service providers: QuickGhy's dependence on third-party providers

introduces variability in service quality and customer satisfaction.
2. Limited control over service delivery: QuickGhy needs to address service delivery issues
promptly and effectively due to limited direct control.
3. Potential scalability constraints: The company's growth within Guwahati may be limited by
its ability to maintain service quality and provider satisfaction.
Supply Chain:

QuickGhy's supply chain revolves around managing its service provider network in Guwahati. The
company recruits, screens, trains, and onboards service providers in Guwahati, ensuring they meet the
company's quality and professionalism standards.


1. Rigorous screening process: QuickGhy's thorough screening process maintains a high-

quality pool of service providers in Guwahati, minimising the risk of subpar service delivery.
2. Comprehensive training programs: QuickGhy provides extensive training programs to its
Guwahati service providers, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge for
consistent service delivery.
3. Performance-based incentives: QuickGhy motivates its service providers in Guwahati
through a performance-based incentive system, maintaining high service quality standards.

1. Dependence on external training providers: QuickGhy's reliance on external training

providers may limit its ability to customise training programs for specific service categories
or regional needs.
2. Potential for provider attrition: Retaining service providers in Guwahati poses challenges
due to the competitive nature of the gig economy.
3. Scalability concerns: Expanding the service provider network within Guwahati may
introduce logistical challenges in maintaining consistent quality.

QuickGhy's logistics operations focus on coordinating service providers' movements to customer

locations in Guwahati. The company uses its technology platform to optimise scheduling and route
planning, ensuring timely and efficient service delivery.


1. Technology-enabled scheduling: QuickGhy's platform optimises service provider schedules

in Guwahati, minimising idle time and maximising efficiency.
2. Real-time tracking: Customers in Guwahati can track their service providers' real-time
location, enhancing transparency and trust.
3. Flexible scheduling options: Customers in Guwahati can choose from flexible scheduling
options, catering to their convenience and availability.

1. Dependency on third-party logistics providers: QuickGhy's reliance on third-party logistics

providers for last-mile delivery in Guwahati may introduce delays or disruptions.
2. Limited control over transportation infrastructure: QuickGhy has limited control over
transportation infrastructure in Guwahati, impacting the efficiency of service delivery,
especially in congested or remote areas.
3. Scalability challenges: As QuickGhy expands its service offerings and geographic reach
within Guwahati, it may face challenges in managing and optimising its logistics operations
Recommendations for Improvement:

1. Invest in in-house training and development: Develop comprehensive in-house training

programs to enhance the skills, knowledge, and professionalism of service providers, ensuring
consistent service quality across the Guwahati network.
2. Strengthen provider retention strategies: Implement initiatives to improve service provider
satisfaction and retention in Guwahati, including enhanced compensation packages, benefits,
and recognition programs.
3. Explore alternative logistics solutions: Consider partnerships with local third-party logistics
providers or in-house fleet management to gain greater control over last-mile delivery in
Guwahati and optimise efficiency.
4. Leverage data-driven insights: Utilize customer feedback, service provider performance
data, and operational metrics specific to Guwahati to identify areas for improvement and
optimise production, supply chain, and logistics processes.
5. Continuously innovate and adapt: Stay abreast of Guwahati's emerging technologies and
industry trends to identify opportunities for innovation and adapt to changing consumer
demands and market dynamics in the local context.
Analysis of QuickGhy's HR Strategy
Assessment of Recruitment, Onboarding, Training, and Development Programs


QuickGhy's recruitment strategy is currently led by its two co-founders, responsible for hiring
telecallers and onboarding service partners. The recruitment process involves identifying and
attracting suitable candidates for these specific roles.


1. Direct involvement of co-founders: The co-founders actively participate in the recruitment

process, ensuring a personalised and comprehensive selection of candidates.
2. Focused hiring for specific roles: The recruitment strategy targets telecallers and service
partners, aligning with QuickGhy's service-oriented business model.

1. Potential scalability limitations: Depending solely on co-founders for hiring may present
challenges as QuickGhy expands. Establishing a scalable and efficient recruitment process is
2. Diversity in hiring: Relying on co-founders may inadvertently restrict workforce diversity.
Implementing structured hiring practices can help address this concern.

QuickGhy's onboarding process integrates telecallers and service partners into the company. A
seamless onboarding experience is essential for new hires to adapt quickly to their roles and
contribute effectively.


1. Personalised onboarding: With the involvement of co-founders, onboarding is likely to be

tailored, ensuring individual attention and support for new hires.
2. Focus on service partners: Tailoring onboarding for service partners indicates an
understanding of their unique requirements and expectations.

1. Scalability challenges: Maintaining a personalised onboarding experience may become

challenging as QuickGhy grows. Exploring scalable onboarding solutions is recommended.
2. Formalisation of the onboarding process: Depending on the current formality of the
onboarding process, there may be room for improvement in creating standardised procedures.
Training and Development Programs:

QuickGhy's approach to training and development is crucial to ensuring telecallers and service
partners acquire the necessary skills and knowledge for success in their roles.


1. Hands-on training by co-founders: Co-founder involvement in training suggests a hands-on

approach, potentially leading to a more immersive learning experience.
2. Service-specific training: Tailoring training programs for service partners demonstrates a
commitment to ensuring they possess the skills required for QuickGhy's service delivery

1. Dependency on co-founders: While co-founder involvement is beneficial, dependence on

them for all training may limit scalability. QuickGhy should explore scalable training
2. Formalising training programs: Establishing formalised training programs with clear
learning objectives and assessments could enhance the effectiveness and consistency of
Recommendations for Improvement:

1. Establish scalable recruitment practices: Develop structured recruitment processes that can
scale with the company's growth, possibly involving introducing HR professionals or
dedicated recruitment personnel.
2. Promote diversity in hiring: Implement strategies, such as blind hiring practices and
targeted outreach efforts, to ensure diversity in the workforce.
3. Standardise onboarding procedures: Create a formalised onboarding process with
standardised procedures and resources to ensure consistency and efficiency as the company
4. Explore e-learning platforms: Consider integrating e-learning or online training modules to
complement hands-on training, providing a scalable solution for ongoing learning and
5. Delegate training responsibilities: While co-founder involvement is valuable, consider
delegating specific training responsibilities to specialised trainers or HR professionals to
facilitate scalability.
6. Implement performance assessments: Establish regular performance assessments for both
telecallers and service partners to track skill development and identify areas for improvement.
Analysis of Services & Pricing
The way QuickGhy makes money is by connecting customers with different home services using a
website. Some of the most important parts of QuickGhy's business plan are:

 Products and Services: QuickGhy provides many different home services, such as pest
control, deep cleaning, regular cleaning, polishing marble and tiles, interior design,
construction and installation, repair and remodelling, as well as home services and
 Online Platform: QuickGhy's services can be accessed through its online platform, which
could be a website or a mobile app. This platform is like a market where people can look at
the services that are offered, see how much they cost, and make appointments.
 Appointment Scheduling: Customers mostly deal with the online platform, where they can
make appointments for the services they need. This makes it easier for customers to plan and
handle their home service needs.
 Pricing Model: Each type of service has its own pricing model used by QuickGhy. Prices may
change depending on things like the length of the service, how hard the job is, or a unique
quote for services like interior design. The range of prices gives customers the freedom to
choose the right price for them. Pricing of services ranged from 100-1200 and average
pricing for each service was around 400 rupees.
Identification of USPs and Differentiating Factors
1. Localised Expertise:
 Strategy: Develop a deep understanding of the local market, tailoring services to
meet the unique needs and preferences of the community.
 Leverage: Utilize local expertise to offer specialised services that resonate with the
target audience, setting QuickGhy apart from competitors.
2. Cultural Relevance and Sensitivity:
 Strategy: Embrace and incorporate local culture into the brand image, marketing, and
service offerings.
 Leverage: Cultivate a cultural connection to establish an emotional bond with
customers, creating a unique and relatable brand identity.
3. Community Engagement:
 Strategy: To enhance brand visibility and foster partnerships with local businesses,
community organisations, and influencers.
 Leverage: Engage with the community to build trust, loyalty, and positive word-of-
mouth, positioning QuickGhy as an integral part of the local fabric.
4. Exclusive Local Services:
 Strategy: Identify and introduce services unique to the local market, addressing
specific needs not met by competitors.
 Leverage: Promote these exclusive offerings to attract a niche market segment,
establishing QuickGhy as the preferred choice for specialised local services.
5. Responsive Customer Support:
 Strategy: Invest in a responsive and accessible customer support system, ensuring
quick issue resolution.
 Leverage: Provide superior customer service to enhance the overall customer
experience, differentiating QuickGhy from competitors and building positive brand
6. Tailored Loyalty Programs:
 Strategy: Develop loyalty programs customised to the preferences and behaviours of
the local customer base.
 Leverage: Encourage repeat business by offering personalised incentives, discounts,
or exclusive rewards, creating a competitive advantage in customer retention.
7. Transparent Pricing and Value Proposition:
 Strategy: Implement transparent pricing structures that align with local market
expectations, avoiding hidden fees.
 Leverage: Position QuickGhy as a trustworthy and cost-effective option,
emphasising the clear value proposition and affordability to attract price-conscious
8. Local Workforce Empowerment:
 Strategy: Invest in training programs for local service providers, empowering them
with skills that cater to local demands.
 Leverage: Showcase the expertise and professionalism of the local workforce,
instilling confidence in customers and highlighting QuickGhy's commitment to
supporting the local community.
9. Tech Innovation for Local Convenience:
 Strategy: Continuously innovate in technology to enhance the convenience of local
 Leverage: Implement tech solutions that improve the overall customer experience,
such as advanced scheduling features, real-time tracking, and personalised
recommendations, showcasing QuickGhy's commitment to innovation.
Avenues for Funding
QuickGhy can leverage various avenues to raise funding, each with its own pros and cons. Here's a
comprehensive analysis of potential funding options, along with recommendations for how to

1. Government Schemes and Skill Development Programs:


 Access to subsidised funding: Government schemes often provide financial support for start-
ups in specific sectors, such as skill development. This can be a valuable source of non-
dilutive funding.
 Alignment with social impact goals: QuickGhy's focus on skill development aligns well
with the objectives of government initiatives, making it a strong candidate for funding.
 Networking opportunities: Participating in government programs can provide access to
valuable connections with government officials, industry experts, and potential investors.

 Eligibility criteria: Government schemes often have specific eligibility criteria, such as
location, target beneficiaries, and business model. QuickGhy needs to ensure it meets these
requirements to qualify for funding.
 Application process: Applying for government grants can be time-consuming and
competitive. QuickGhy should allocate sufficient resources to prepare a robust application.
 Limited control over funding utilisation: Government funding may restrict how the money
can be used, limiting QuickGhy's flexibility.

 Thorough research: Conduct thorough research to identify relevant government schemes

and skill development programs that align with QuickGhy's business objectives and target
 Tailored applications: Tailor each application to the specific requirements of the funding
program, highlighting QuickGhy's strengths and contributions to skill development.
 Networking efforts: Actively participate in industry events and conferences organised by
government agencies to build connections and increase visibility.
2. Angel Investors:


 Access to early-stage capital: Angel investors fund early-stage start-ups with high growth
potential. QuickGhy can secure funding to expand its operations and reach.
 Mentorship and guidance: Angel investors often have extensive business experience and
can provide valuable mentorship and guidance to QuickGhy's founders.
 Strategic connections: Angel investors may have connections within the industry, which can
open doors for new partnerships and opportunities.

 Dilutive funding: Angel investors typically take equity in exchange for their investment,
which can dilute the ownership stake of QuickGhy's founders.
 Stringent evaluation: Angel investors carefully evaluate potential investments, and
QuickGhy needs to demonstrate a robust business model, market potential, and management
 Negotiation process: Negotiating investment terms with angel investors can be complex and
require professional guidance.

 Targeted approach: Identify angel investors with experience in QuickGhy's industry or a

track record of successful early-stage investments.
 Compelling pitch: Prepare a compelling pitch deck articulating QuickGhy's business model,
traction, and financial projections.
 Legal and financial expertise: Engage legal and financial professionals to assist in
negotiations and ensure fair terms of investment.

3. Venture Capital (VC) Firms:


 Substantial funding: VC firms invest larger amounts of capital, enabling QuickGhy to pursue
ambitious growth strategies and expand its market reach.
 Industry expertise: VC firms have deep industry knowledge and can provide valuable insights
and guidance to QuickGhy's management team.
 Network access: VC firms have extensive networks within the industry, which can open doors
to new customers, partners, and talent.

 Significant dilution: VC investments typically involve significant equity dilution, giving the
VC firm substantial control over QuickGhy's decision-making.
 Demanding expectations: VC firms have high expectations for returns and may pressure
QuickGhy to achieve aggressive growth targets.
 Stringent selection process: VC firms have a rigorous selection process, and QuickGhy
needs to demonstrate exceptional market potential, strong leadership, and a well-defined exit

 Target fit: Identify VC firms that focus on QuickGhy's industry stage and have a history of
successful investments in similar companies.
 Impeccable track record: Showcase a strong track record of growth, innovation, and
customer acquisition to demonstrate QuickGhy's investment potential.
 Experienced advisors: Seek advice from experienced entrepreneurs and investors who have
successfully navigated the VC fundraising process.
4. Crowdfunding:


 Democratised funding: Crowdfunding allows QuickGhy to raise capital from a wide pool of
individual investors, democratising fundraising.
 Early customer engagement: Crowdfunding can generate early customer interest and
validation for QuickGhy's product or service.
 Marketing and PR benefits: A successful crowdfunding campaign can generate positive
media attention and enhance QuickGhy's brand visibility:

 Time commitment: Crowdfunding campaigns require significant time and effort to plan,
execute, and manage effectively.
 Potential for failure: Not all crowdfunding campaigns are successful, and there is a risk that
QuickGhy may not reach its funding goal, which could damage its reputation and investor
 Limited control over investors: With crowdfunding, QuickGhy may have to give up equity
to many individual investors, which could dilute ownership and complicate decision-making.
Recommendations for Crowdfunding:

 Clear campaign goals: Clearly define QuickGhy's funding goals and how the funds will be
used to ensure transparency and attract potential backers.
 Compelling rewards: Offer attractive rewards that align with QuickGhy's target audience
and are commensurate with the funding amount.
Enterprise Community Involvement Scope
Active participation within the community is a fundamental aspect for any enterprise, not only
fulfilling social responsibility but also cultivating positive relationships and building a strong brand
reputation. In the case of QuickGhy, operating within a specific geographic area, the significance of
community involvement is pronounced. Here's an examination of its existing and potential

Current Involvement:

QuickGhy presently engages with the community through local partnerships, sponsorships, and
participation in events related to its services in Guwahati. Interaction with the community is fostered
through customer feedback, addressing concerns, and the potential implementation of localized
promotional activities.
Potential Expansion:

Exploration of opportunities to expand local partnerships with community organizations, educational

institutions, or skill development programs. Initiation of community-driven projects or events to
specifically address the unique needs or challenges within the Guwahati community. Collaboration
with local businesses to establish a network beneficial for both QuickGhy and the community.
Enhancing Community Involvement during Growth:

As QuickGhy undergoes expansion, strategic measures can be implemented to fortify community

involvement, thereby solidifying connections with the local community and maximizing positive

Community-Centric Initiatives:

Development and execution of initiatives targeted at addressing particular community needs, such as
organizing skill development workshops, community clean-up drives, or educational programs.
Localized Marketing Campaigns:

Customization of marketing campaigns to reflect an understanding of local culture, values, and

preferences, creating a sense of relatability and connection with the community. Partnerships with
Local Organizations:

Formation of partnerships with local NGOs, community groups, or educational institutions to actively
contribute to community development projects or sponsor local events. Community Feedback
Establishment of dedicated channels for community feedback and suggestions, ensuring that the
community feels acknowledged and valued in decision-making processes. Employee Volunteer

Encouragement and facilitation of employee participation in volunteer programs or community

service, showcasing the company's dedication to community well-being.


Establishment of a Community Engagement Team:

Formation of a specialized team within QuickGhy responsible for community engagement,

relationship building, and identification of opportunities for involvement.
Regular Community Forums:

Organization of regular forums or town hall meetings to openly communicate with the community,
share updates, and gather input on potential community initiatives.
Skill Development Partnerships:

Strengthening of partnerships with local skill development organizations, providing opportunities for
community members to enhance their skills and employability.
Sustainable Practices:

Implementation of sustainable business practices and environmental initiatives, aligning with

community values and demonstrating a commitment to local well-being.
Localized CSR Programs:

Development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs tailored to address specific

community challenges, contributing to long-term social and economic sustainability.

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