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Title: Fighting in the classroom

Fighting in the classroom is one of the main issues that happen throughout all schools in Papua New
Guinea mostly by the older children’s. It actually mean by fighting among two or more students in the
classroom or outside the classroom which they are not agree with what is not right from their seeing.
Example, if a student stole his friend food during class time and his friend caught him. He will start
causing fight in the classroom interrupting the lesson. One of the primary school in West New Britain
Province called Arumigi, which two students almost died for food fighting in the classroom during
lunch time while teacher is went out for lunch. So, fighting in schools can be serious which can lead
to death and minor which teacher can deal with.

Fighting in the classroom is one of the main issues that almost broke out in every school in Papua
New Guinea. It is the major concern that schools should be aware of, otherwise it can be crucial in
children’s learning and also can affect their lives. Fighting in the school area is the main responsibility
for the teacher to eventuate the issue. If the issue cannot be solve by a teacher then the teacher can do
unnecessary behavioral management to engage and strategize a child to follow a right path.
The effects of the issue can be minor and major. The minor effects of fighting can affect student for;
having a low learning self-esteem, escaping from classes, poor communication, and incomplete
activities and so on. The major effect of the problem can be drawn student out of the school and never
attend classes, which is can also give problem back to their parents.

Some of the underlying causes of the issue are stated below; that can cause inconvenience among
students, which is the student will never have a good comfortable learning environment as well as can
cause affection between their classroom mates and the teacher as well. Sometimes can cause a serious
health problem and may lead to death among the students if the problem went serious.

There are some ways that we can impose the issue and eliminates the bad behaviors which teacher
itself can set some of the strategies in order to minimize bad behaviors and influence students to do
the right thing and follow the right path. Here are the strategies that we should imply with; Provide
Immediate but Subtle Corrections, which means when issues arise in the classroom, they should be
addressed immediately. However, stopping the entire class to make is counterintuitive to the purpose
of establishing a set of rules-it pulls students away from the lessons and interrupts their focus.

Whenever possible, teachers should choose non-verbal cues to indicate a demonstrated behavior is out
of bounds. These kinds of subtle cues drawing additional attention to the disruptive student. If the
attention is what the student is seeking, leaning down to speak directly to them in a low voice
effectively signals that class is not the appropriate time for such actions. If the behavior continues,
direct intervention should be done privately. This lessens the impact on others and minimizes
embarrassment to the student in question.

Use Non-verbal Cues to refocus students, verbal cues can create unwanted attention and disrupt lesson
flow. Non- verbal cues, on the other hand, can be effective in clarifying to students their behavior is
unacceptable, without breaking the classroom rhythm. Cues such as pointing to the lesson in front of a
student or simply standing next to a group that is speaking out of turn can refocus them on the task at
hand without drawing undue attention to the behavior or appearing to promote it in any way.

Student behavior management strategies don’t necessarily mean ruling a classroom with an iron fist.
Instead, classroom level behavior management should provide a set of expectations and allow for
appropriate corrections within the context of the learning environment. In addition, building positive
relationships and improving communication with families and students outside of the classroom can

help drive positive behaviors while on campus. The added benefit of a well-managed classroom is that
it makes it easier to spot students who are in need of greater support and get the ball rolling on
acquiring those interventions for them in a timely manner.

To conclude, fighting in the classroom is one of the major concerns that not only teachers, but
everyone should be aware of the issue so we can work together to eliminate the problem and our
children can learn in a conducive environment. Despite all the problems and situations, encourage
good behavior in schools so that we can have a better child in the future.


 World issue book

 www.png schools

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