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How to run the task?

Step 1: Go to google colab

Link is here :

On that page click New NoteBook

You will get A bank interface like this:

Step 02: In-side the folder that I have sent you will find three files
1: .docx file

2: .ipynb file

3: .arff files

Upload the file which has .arff extension on your google drive.

Step 03: Now go to .ipynb file and copy the code of it and paste it here in google colab and click run
button it will connect your google drive

Click on connect to google drive where you have uploaded the dataset .arff file:
Step 04: Now click on the folder icon in google colab interface you will see drive

Inside the Drive folder you find my drive folder go it and search for the file you uploaded previously and
click on the three dots and copy the path of the file:
Now come inside the code and paste the copied file path instead of this selected path

Now all set run code cells one by one and see the results:
Note: you must paste the code in cell as they are written in the .ipynb file do not disturb the order of the
cells and run one by one cells then you will not get any error.

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