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Chapter 37: True Colours

Thief in Service – LittleFallenPrincess

As soon as I heard footsteps heading down, I looked over to Naomi, who was still bound in
the crib.


She was crying when she looked over at me.

“I’m sorry Paige. I didn’t want to come here... I just... Tony said...”

“Shh. It’s okay. I understand. And I’m sorry for getting you caught up in all this.”

“It’s not your fault! Ignore whatever Christian has been telling you, it’s not your fault. Tony
was pissed after your... whatever she is... kicked his thug’s butts. He threatened us all.
Christian has been complaining ever since.” Mimi’s voice quivered as tears continued falling
down her cheek.

“When did he threaten you?” I asked.

“Not long after the incident here apparently. Christian has been waiting for a while though,
planning to break in. But your... sorry, I have to ask, what is she anyway?”

“Who? Alex? She’s my girlfriend.”

Mimi’s face lit up, as if the current situation wasn’t even an issue anymore.

“OH PAIGE! I know it’s not the time, but I’m so happy for you!”

“Thanks Mi.” I smiled at her.

“Anyway, your girlfriend hasn’t been out of the building in weeks. When Christian noticed
she left today, he put his plan into motion and stormed the place. I wish I could have told
you... but...”

“But if you were caught, Tony would have had your head. Or worse.”

“Exactly. Please forgive me! I’m so sorry! I don’t care if you’re into all this weird stuff! And...
you do look kinda cute... just... please don’t hate me!”

“Mimi... I could never hate you. You’re my best friend. I love you!”

I wasn’t lying. I couldn’t hate her. I’m pretty damn sure it’s impossible to hate her. She’s just
too nice. Hating her would be akin to kicking a puppy...
“I love you too! So...” She dragged it out, obviously trying to lead to something else.


“So... what are we going to do? I’m stuck in this crib, you’re stuck in there. Gotta say
though... these nappies are quite comfortable...”

I blushed a bit, I never thought my best friend would be talking about how comfortable the
nappy she is wearing is.

“I don’t know. I can’t overpower Christian or Emily, both are much stronger than me. Jack...
maybe, but even then, there’s no point.”

“What’s in her vault?” Mimi asked.

“No idea. She never told me about any vault. I knew the first floor was storage for all her
collections, but I never saw a vault. Anyway, I think our best bet is to wait and see what

“When is your girlfriend returning?”

“Don’t know. She’s at a business meeting, I don’t know when it finishes, she only told me
she’d be back tonight.”

“So no rescue, no way out... we’re screwed, Paige.” Mimi’s face dropped.

“Just wait. I’ll think of something.” I replied.


Looking at the pink clock on the wall, the one with little babyish cartoons on it, an hour had
passed and by now I really needed to pee... again.

And by the way Naomi was squirming, she wasn’t far behind me.

We had spent the past hour talking about Alex. A little about some of the kinks I had...
‘discovered’ whilst with her. A bit about our date on bonfire night. How happy I was. And
from her expression, I could see Naomi was really happy for me, she couldn’t stop smiling.

But just as I was telling her about how I broke in that final time to give Alex the note, the
nursery door opened and in walked Christian.

“Right, so that’s everything downstairs ready to ship. The vault should be open in no time.
Time for you two... although...” He grinned.

“Although what? You little fuck!” I shouted at him.

“I’ve warned you time and time again, that mouth on you is going to get you in trouble. So
why don’t I show you just how. I’ve had enough of you, Paige.” Christian stormed over to
me, undoing the restraints and removing the tray.

I tried struggling free, I tried getting away from him... but he was too strong. Picking me up,
he fireman-carried me out of the nursery, closing the door behind him.

“WHERE ARE YOU TAKING HER?” Naomi yelled from the crib.

Christian ignored her and walked across the hallway, into the dungeon, with me still over his

“You want to be a brat? You want to talk back to me all the time? You want to make me
look bad in front of everyone?”

Settling me down on the floor, he quickly pushed me over the spanking bench before I could
try to run. Tying me to the bench by my legs and wrists, he paced around a bit before
deciding what to do. My maid uniform tore a bit as he pulled it up, exposing my nappy. It
must have caught on one of his rings or something.

“You are so fucking pathetic. Look at you, wearing a nappy, acting like a fucking maid. You
degenerate piece of shit.”

I had never heard him talk like this before.

“FUCK Y...” I shouted.

Before I could finish that sentence, he shoved a ball gag in my mouth and wrapped it around
the back of my head, tying it quickly.

“You want all this shit? You want to be spanked and babied and humiliated? Freak! I’ll give
you what you want!”

I couldn’t believe this was the Christian I thought I knew. Turns out he was a lot worse than I
thought. I thought he was just a dick, but now I see that he’s much worse.

“What to use... what to use...”

I looked back to see him scanning the selection of spanking implements hanging on the wall.

“This one has lots of little tassles... that would hurt. A paddle? I’m sure a hit from me would
have you limping for a week. How about... oh yes. This one. This will teach you a lesson.”

Pulling a cane off the wall, he walked back over.

Before I could brace myself for the impact, he whipped the back of my thighs with no
And oh my god, it hurt. I wasn’t expecting it, my body didn’t have time to react. At least for
the following smacks, I was able to brace myself, not that it did much good, it still hurt more
than anything I had ever endured with Alex. More than anything I had ever endured.

We had tried paddles, bare hands, even the flogger. But never the cane. She had told me
we’d need to work up to that, and now... now I understood why.

I cried out into the gag, but it muffled most of it.

“How does that feel? You little freak. I bet you’re wet at this. Not that you’d tell... that
nappy is soaked.”

He whipped the back of my nappy, and thankfully the padding absorbed most of the impact,
so I barely felt anything.

But he must have seen how little an effect it had on me, because he grabbed the back of my
nappy and pulled it down, exposing my bare butt.

I braced for impact.

However... it was futile. There was no bracing for a hit like this.

The crack in the air was followed by a banshee wail as I cried into the gag, pain coursing
through me.

And again.

And again.

He got to about five hits, and then stopped all of a sudden.

“Yeah? What is it?” he said.

I tried looking back to see who he was talking to, but I hadn’t heard anyone come up the
stairs or enter the room.

‘Must be on comms...’ I thought to myself.

“Fine. I’ll be down in a minute.”

Christian walked around the spanking bench and bent down to look me in the eyes.

“You’re lucky. We found the vault and Jack’s nearly got it open. I’ll be back soon...”

Dropping the cane on the floor, Christian walked off, leaving me tied to the bench, tears still
running down my cheeks.
‘What. The actual. Fuck.’ I thought as the pain started to subside, albeit not much.

I couldn’t move, I couldn’t talk, my bare arse was on display for anyone who walked in... I
was completely helpless.

I had no idea how to get out of this situation, the only thing I could think of was to wait until
Alex returned. No doubt she’d be back in time to save me... and after seeing what she could
do to those massive guys who work for Tony... Emily and Christian would be nothing to her.

I’d need to rescue Mimi too, she’s probably scared half to death inside that crib, and she’s
no doubt had to use the nappy by now.

All I could do for now though... was wait. There was no way off this spanking bench, no way
I’d be able to get free or do anything...

But then that got me thinking... ‘What about the vault? What was so priceless that Alex
needed to lock it away like that? And another thing... where is this vault?’

Thoughts kept swirling around my head, anxiety was building up, making me feel worse and
worse every passing minute. I couldn’t hear anything from here, other than the occasional
crying from Naomi from the nursery.

But then I spotted it. My hope. My ticket out of here. My escape.

My eyes had examined every inch of the limited view I had, but just underneath the dresser
by the door... I could see something I thought I had lost a long time ago.

It must have fell out of my pocket that first time I broke in here, when she knocked me out
by the nursery, and it must have slid under there.

My tools.

It was just a few simple picks and tension wrenches, but I knew without a doubt that I could
get myself free from these restraints with them. I thought my stuff was lost to me on the
multiple attempts to steal the statue from Alex, and by the time I ended up moving in... I
had given up that life and completely forgotten about everything, including the things Alex
had taken from me on each attempt. But this simple set of tools must have been thrown
free as I was knocked out that first time.

Now all I had to do... was get to them.

I thought long and hard about how I was going to do this. I could try and tip the spanking
bench over. No doubt I could do it, with enough momentum... but it’s going to hurt. So I
looked around for other options. Problem was... I couldn’t see any. Maybe if the cane was
closer, I could have used that somehow, but the cane was on the opposite side of me.
There was no way of getting to my tools unless I toppled this bench.

For ten minutes or so, I tried psyching myself up to do it, but I couldn’t. I knew how much it
was going to hurt, and that’s not even taking into account the fact that it would make a
decent amount of noise, no doubt. It may not give me the time needed to pick the locks on
these restraints. Especially as I’d have to somehow find a way to pick them one handed. At
an angle.

The more and more I thought about the potential problems, the more and more I backed
away from the idea.

‘Maybe Alex will save me. She’ll arrive just in time, save me, kick their arses, job done. I
won’t need to risk breaking my arms just to get some silly tools...’

Another five minutes passed.

‘The crew downstairs must be in the vault by now... surely. They’re probably filling their bags
with whatever valuables they can get their hands on in there.’

By this point, I had resigned myself to waiting for Alex to rescue me. If she didn’t... well I
didn’t want to think about that outcome, so I focused on the only outcome I could handle,
her saving me.

But as I took a deep breath...

Panic set in instantly.

My breathing sped up.

My body began to shake.

I knew that smell.

I know what followed it.


Flashbacks back to the car accident when I was a kid flooded my mind. Watching from the
side of the road as the car burst into flames, my parents inside, dead already from the
The burning smell permanently etched in my brain for the rest of my life.

I snapped back to the present, tears rolling down my cheeks once more.

I needed to act. I needed to get free.

Pushing past the fear, I rocked side to side whilst still tied to the bench, causing it to rock
with me, gently.

As the momentum built up, the bench’s legs started lifting off the ground.

I had one chance. If I rocked the wrong way... I’d be screwed.

So I focused, rocking side to side, gently balancing the thing so it didn’t fall over until I was
ready for it to do so.



“NOW!” I screamed through the gag, pushing all my weight to one side, causing the bench
to topple over to its side. I slammed against the floor, and just as I predicted, I was pretty
sure my arm was broken. Or at least dislocated.

I was in an unbelievable amount of pain, my hand was shaking, and my breathing hastened.

But I was on my side, on the floor. And within reaching distance... were my tools.

Using what little freedom of movement I had with my feet, I grabbed my little pouch of tools
and swung them up, sliding them across the floor to my hand, where I grabbed them.

‘Now the hard part...’

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