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May 13th, 2020

Channelling David Icke.

└ Tags: antisemitism, David Icke, moses

Discussion (29)¬

tinkling think says:

May 13, 2020 at 1:36 pm

[Author, panel two has a superfluous “and”just before”is


Of course it isn’t “the Jews” who are The New Worlds

Order. It is the hybrid lizard-human, Atlantean Priest Kings from Lemuria
directing the entire cosmos from their Martian-Lunar bases at the core of
the Earth in the tunnels under Tibet at the Hole in The Pole.

Everyone knows that!

[Also, apologies for the duplicate post a few days back. It was the fault of
the Zetans. They transfigured my “at” into a double quote. It was
obviously part of a hidden, secret, coded message to their fellow

Author says:
May 13, 2020 at 1:40 pm

Thanks for the proof-read, tt. Fixed it now.

tinkling think says:

May 13, 2020 at 1:42 pm

The major clue is in Joe’s story. The poor, cuckolded

Jew was the fall-guy, the patsy, the lower-echelon minion
taking the blame for the Alien-Human Hybrid. That is
how it always works. They secretly run the world
through an organised cabal of Zetan-Ophiuchan Illuminati and the poor
jewish folk get blamed.

tinkling think says:

May 13, 2020 at 1:46 pm

Author, that was quick. uhhmm, you couldn’t insert a “”

after the “They” in my second bit of arrant nonsense
could you?

The lizard-hybrids stole the one I sent. Probably more coded, secret,
hidden, stenographic messages to their Jovian Homebase at Sirius.

Mr Yan says:
May 13, 2020 at 1:51 pm

Or the Labour party in the UK…

Trevor H says:
May 13, 2020 at 1:52 pm


The link in the email takes you to /scheme

I had to copy the text, not use the link

Jesus F Iscariot says:

May 13, 2020 at 1:55 pm

Now world domination is the agenda of Trumpian

Take this bleach and drink, for this is my blood.
Exterminate the atheists and Wuhanites.
May “whatever” have mercy on us all.

Richard Harris says:

May 13, 2020 at 2:39 pm

I’m sorry, but what is the connection with Icke? I don’t

know much about him, other than hearing that he’s

Alastair says:
May 13, 2020 at 2:43 pm

@Richard Harris
David Icke:

Laripu says:
May 13, 2020 at 4:10 pm

More icky Icke:

The more important thing is how this shït is received. When dim people
already have a notion of Jews as Christ-killers, then Jews as bubonic
plague well-poisoners and COVID-19 pandemic creators becomes less
far-fetched to them.

People who make their living by spreading stupid conspiracy theory

books know this and profit from it.

When I was a child, 10 or so, I was occasionally beaten up for killing

Christ. I definitely fought back, gave as good as I got, but it was always
hard to come home and tell my parents that I’d broken my glasses …
again. They were ex WWII refugees, with little money. Definitely not

Laripu says:
May 13, 2020 at 4:12 pm

And it’s international!

Alaric says:
May 13, 2020 at 5:28 pm

Don’t be fooled by TinklingThing guys. The real enemy is

the Peoples Front Of Judea.

Ophelia Benson says:

May 13, 2020 at 6:38 pm

And Soros!

Thanny says:
May 13, 2020 at 6:57 pm

Mo is a Semite, so calling him anti-semitic doesn’t make

a lot of sense.

Author says:
May 13, 2020 at 7:39 pm

Thanny, I was going to drop the antisemitism theme next

week, but I might do one more just to make fun of this

jb says:
May 13, 2020 at 8:40 pm

There is no reason a Semite (whether Arab or Jew) can’t

be antisemitic. Just like there is no reason a white
person can’t be anti-white, or a black person can’t be
anti-black. Nothing stops a person from irrationally
hating a group that they belong to. (Or rationally hating it for that matter.
Hmm…, let’s just say hating it for any reason, good or bad).

samhuff96 says:
May 14, 2020 at 1:06 am

RE: Lripu According to the Gospels, it was the Italians

who killed Jesus. It was (according to the story) Roman
soldiers who nailed him. They may have been German
mercenaries, which is where some folks believe he got
those baby blues and blond hair, but everybody nose that just a canard.
(Why a duck?)

That’s why the seat of the Church is in Rome.

Someone says:
May 14, 2020 at 12:21 pm

The many denominations of Christianity could be seen

as prime example of believers hating their own religion,
so much so that they choose the “truth” they like. And
view the other variants with either open disdain or
passive aggression.
It’s easier for zealots to find a scapegoat and stick to a baseless opinion
than apply more open and intelligent thought.

tinkling think says:

May 14, 2020 at 1:39 pm

Samhuff96, “canard” is French for “duck”. They use it to

mean a hoax, lie or other misleading statement. They do
this because they are French and don’t know any better.
“Canard” has passed into English the same way
seventy-seven million other words did, English stole it.

The French use all sorts of strange terms for all sorts of things. They call
friends and relatives “ma petite chou”, which translates as “my little
female cabbage”.

I blame the Reptiloid Lemurian-Atlantean Priest-Kings for this. They

didn’t teach English to the French so the French had to make up their
own tongue. This may have been connected to them being Japhetites
and thus excluded from the Great Orion-Reticulan Hegemony.

Just as a historical back-story, I had duck-in-plum-sauce a few days ago.

It was very nice. Very tasty. Easy to make, too.

tinkling think says:

May 14, 2020 at 1:39 pm

Author, thank you. You’re nice. Funny, too, but definitely


Son of Glenner says:

May 14, 2020 at 3:44 pm

Why is tinkling think sucking up to Author so blatantly? I

smell a conspiracy of some kind!

M27Holts says:
May 15, 2020 at 7:21 am

Nah…the reptilian shape changing Lords of the Knights

Templar are mere is the Jaffa cake
munchkins lord of mcvities and supreme universal
buscuit who is to blame…

jb says:
May 15, 2020 at 2:16 pm

I was unfamiliar with David Icke until I ran into a big thick
book of his (this one, I think) in the house of someone
who seemed to be a sensible person, but whose
daughter (who I did not have the pleasure of meeting)
was a huge fan. So I picked it up with an open mind.

It was truly astonishing! You might think that it would be hard to top
shape-shifting reptilian overlords in terms of creative lunacy, but the book
was like that all the way through, one jaw-droppingly insane and totally
unsupported assertion after another. For example, the sun is obviously
not powered by nuclear fusion, like the scientists say. No, any fool can
look at it and see that it is absorbing “universal electricity” from the
cosmos and reemiting it as light! And then two pages later it was on to
something else. In addition, the book was full of illustrations that had
clearly been ripped off from from unrelated sources on the internet
somewhere and recaptioned, and a huge number of bizarre memes.
Hundreds and hundreds of pages of this! I have to acknowledge that it
was an impressive performance — I certainly would never be able to
match it. Yet he churns out a book like this every other year or so!
(Interestingly though, he doesn’t seem to sell that many, at least not
through Amazon).

Anyway, if you want to feel the crazy for yourself, click on “Look inside”
on the Amazon page I linked to. I highly recommend it!

jb says:
May 15, 2020 at 2:20 pm

Oops, I linked to the wrong book. This one has the “Look
inside” link. (I miss the edit plug-in — any chance of
getting it back?)

M27Holts says:
May 18, 2020 at 6:19 pm

The reviewers were mostly american and all clearly

gullible fook wits…Icke is a charlatan guru like all the
creators of batshit religions….humanity is fooked…

Chuck says:
May 19, 2020 at 9:36 pm

I can’t really recommend reading anything by David Icke.

While mental illness can’t be transmitted from one
person to another, exposure to this level of it will have
some effect on your psyche. And, if you already have a
predisposition to mental illness, reading Icke would be like bouncing up
and down on a weakened board in the hull of a lifeboat in the middle of
the ocean.

ego says:
May 20, 2020 at 1:08 am


“While mental illness can’t be transmitted from one

person to another…” speaking only for myself (and not a
mental health professional or anything adjacent) i would suggest that
religion is precisely a communicable psychosis.

shifting shamelessly from snark to holier-than-thou might i ask the

Community to be a little more focused with their disparagement? whole
strata of mental illness sufferers receive more abuse from their fellow
man than they inflict.

postdoggerel says:
May 20, 2020 at 9:04 am

Ego, I disagree. Insanity is hereditary. You get it from

your kids.

a.h.f. says:
May 20, 2020 at 3:49 pm

Muhammad was poisoned by a Jewish woman from an

allied clan. According to tradition later Muhammad
blamed her for making him sick before he died.


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