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IELTS Writing Task 1:


No Phases Example

01 illustrates The graph/table/chart/Diagram illustrates

02 statistics on The graph illustrates statistics on

03 measure Units are measured in

04 Two table The tables on the right and on the left compare


No Phases Example

01 increase/decrease Increased/Decreased over the period given, There was an


02 As compared to As compared to male students

03 A high/low number A high number of female students

04 The majority of The majority of people

05 while/ whereas While others do this

06 The Proportion of The proportion of the men women

07 Higher / Lower than It was higher than that

08 Highest/Lowest The lowest proportion can be seen



No Phases Example

01 According to According to the table/graph

02 Turning to Turning to the remaining figures

03 Moving on to Moving on to the other four columns

04 In contrast In contrast, the second row

05 Compared to Compared to the 1st year, 2nd year do better

06 As compared to 1st year do this as compared to 2nd year

07 Likely, Similarly/Unlikely Similarly, the 2nd year trend do

08 A high of/ A low of Reach a high of 82%/ a low of 21%

09 At the beginning of the At the beginning of the times, the population was

10 At the end of the period The population was 20% at the end of the period given.

11 Between… and… Between 1995 and 1998, there is a change in

12 At the same time At the same time, the population rises

13 about/ approximately/ around/ more or less/ roughly

14 (just) under/ (just) below/ nearly/ almost/ (slightly) lower than/ (a little) less than

15 above/ (just) over/ (slightly) more than

16 very nearly/ a tiny bit under/ virtually

17 to be precise to be precise 28%

18 (more or less/ almost/ nearly/ virtually/ practically) identical/ the same

19 not (nearly/ quite) as Population has increased as much as 20%

high as…/ as much
as…/ as great as

20 (approximately) half/ a third/ a quarter/ a fifth/ a 20% of the subject, (around) two thirds/
three quarters, one and half times/ twice/ three times/ …. times

21 The biggest/ main difference between… and… is…/ A major difference is

22 (more or less/ more than) double/ triple/ quadruple

23 (approximately/ almost/ more than) halve

24 increase/grow/go up/climb up : decrease/decline/drop/fall/go down/climb down

25 remain (more or less) stable/ stay (approximately) the same/ not change much
IELTS Writing Task 2:


No Phases Example

01 Apparently/It is Apparently, write the fact

undeniable that

02 emphasizes/deems Some people emphasizes/others deems

03 Whereas Whereas other deems that

04 However/Therefore However, I think

05 Due to Due to 1st reason and 2nd reason

06 whether This is a question about whether ‘fast food’ or ‘junk food’

should be taxed at a higher rate than normal food.

Body Paragraph

No Phases Example

01 Initially Initially, the major key factor behind supporting it…

02 To clarify/In other words To clarify, explain more.

03 As a result/In In consequence, the air is more polluting.


04 In contrast/on the other In contrast, the world is in danger


05 For example/For For example, BBC news has reported in 2017 that

06 Finally/Eventually Finally, This is the reason behind I support it

07 Which, Where, What, Who, While, Not only but also, including, e.g., Unless/Until, Leads
to, Instead of, Despite/In Spite of

08 , …….. , Air pollution, which is mostly caused by motor vehicles, can

cause health problems.

09 Provided Provided People be careful, the environment can be saved.

10 Unless, Yet Yet to be solved.

Opinion/Solution Paragraph

No Phases Example

01 In my Opinion, I In my opinion, I can save the envi……

believe, I think

02 The solely solution The solely solution might be ….


No Phases Example

01 In conclusion/To In conclusion, though it is that…

conclude/To sum up

02 Though/Although/Even Though it has many advantages, that outweigh the

though disadvantages.

03 Thus Thus, It is proved that …

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