Speech Function

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Muhammad Khairi S (21034055)

PBI 06
Tr 3

Speech Function

Speech function refers to the purpose or role that language serves in communication. It
includes various functions such as expressing thoughts, conveying information, giving
commands, asking questions, and maintaining social relationships. Understanding speech
functions helps analyze how language is used in different contexts and situations.
In discourse analysis, speech functions are examined to understand how language functions
within a larger conversation or text. This involves identifying the intentions behind
utterances, such as whether they are meant to inform, persuade, express emotions, seek
clarification, or perform other communicative roles. Analyzing speech functions helps
uncover the underlying dynamics and purposes of communication within a given discourse.
The function of speech function in discourse analysis is to provide a framework for
understanding how language operates within a conversation or text. By identifying the
various speech functions present, analysts can discern the intentions and purposes behind
utterances, which helps in interpreting the overall meaning and dynamics of the discourse.
Essentially, it aids in dissecting and comprehending the communicative strategies employed
by speakers or writers within a given context.
An example of a speech function in discourse analysis could be identifying a statement made
by one participant in a conversation to inform another participant about a specific topic. For
instance, if one person says, “The meeting starts at 10:00 AM tomorrow,” the speech function
of this statement is to convey information regarding the time of the meeting to the other
participant. This illustrates how language is used to fulfill a communicative purpose within
the discourse.

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