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Language vs discourse differences
Language and discourse are closely related but distinct concepts. Here are the key
differences between the two:
1. Definition: Language refers to the system of communication that uses words,
symbols, and grammar to convey meaning. It encompasses the vocabulary, syntax, and
grammar rules of a particular linguistic system. On the other hand, discourse
refers to the way language is used in specific contexts to convey meaning, express
opinions, and engage in communication.

2. Scope: Language is a broader concept that encompasses all forms of

communication, including spoken, written, and signed languages. It is a system of
rules and structures that enable communication. Discourse, on the other hand,
focuses on the actual use of language in specific situations or contexts.

3. Structure: Language has a systematic structure that includes phonetics (sounds),

phonology (sound patterns), morphology (word formation), syntax (sentence
structure), and semantics (meaning). Discourse, however, refers to the organization
and structure of language in specific contexts, such as conversations, speeches, or
written texts.

4. Context: Language can be used in various contexts, such as formal or informal

settings, academic or professional environments, or social interactions. Discourse,
on the other hand, is shaped by the specific context in which it occurs. It takes
into account factors such as the participants, their roles, the topic, and the
purpose of communication.

5. Function: Language serves as a tool for communication and expression of thoughts

and ideas. It enables individuals to convey meaning and understand each other.
Discourse, on the other hand, focuses on the specific functions and purposes of
communication within a given context. It involves the use of language to achieve
specific goals, such as persuading, informing, or entertaining.

In summary, language refers to the system of communication, while discourse refers

to the actual use of language in specific contexts. Language provides the tools and
structures for communication, while discourse focuses on how language is used to
convey meaning and achieve specific communicative goals within a given context.

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